**February Babies 2012**

Yeah its 10 movements in one day. Could be all at once or split during the day. I've not had any movements yet today - starting to worry now!! Think ive felt a couple of squirms but that's it. Not like my Pip! Gonna wait n see if he moves when I eat my dinner later tonight as that usually sets him off. If not I'll be callin the midwife tomorrow morning!
I'm dreadful panicing if I havnt felt anything, im sure pips just sleeping xx
hi, im due feb 24th, team pink, Evie Grace :))
Hey im due feb 27 team blue
his name will be Mason Robert Ortiz
Our nursary is nearly done just need to finish putting the border up and a matress and bedding for the cot. Is anyone buying a cot bumper? Mum says we should get one but others says it can be a cause of cot death also how many blankets are you all buying, no one ever seems to give me a proper answer xxx

We've bought a cot bumper, but I know I will be constantly checking it is tied properly, co I'll be scared it'll fall off on top of LO. You can only use them until baby is able to pull themselves up apparently, so not sure how long it wil actually be in use for! As for blankets, I am totally confused!! Really don't know!! To start with we'll have her in a Moses basket, so I'll probably get a couple of blankets and see how cold it is at the time. Really not got much of a clue about al the bedding!
Bedding wise ladies i tend to go on what a room thermometer says (theyre only cheap)

Generally one cellular blanket folded over seems to do the trick along with bubs vest/babygrow/scratch mitts,

So much to think about its scary!

Hope that helps xx
Thanks jojo our nursary is coldest room in the House IV already got 3 blankets ( I liked the cute designs so think il leave it at that for the moment my baby monitor has a thermometer built in do might set that up later and see what its comeing out at, nic36 I didn't realise u could only use them til they could pull themselves up and I also have a Moses basket to use first so don't think im going to bother with one, its so irritating how one min u have to have a certain item then a week later they tell you you don't need it or even worse it poses a risk to the baby x
Your welcome hunni, tbh i never used cot bumpers with our girls til they were over a yr old (that was probably the "rules" at that time!)

But whatever you wanna do i say do it! To be fair I dont think cot bumpers are a risk to newborns as they cant move themselves around the cot! xx
I dont think im gonna bother with cot bumpers. mostly cos im paranoid about the sids thing in DH's family - although there's actually no uk studies which show a connection - and the us one seems to be quite a low number - i just think i'd rather deal with bumps and bruises. But each to their own. like jojo said - go with ur instincts.

I'm gonna get an airwrap bumper. It stops arms n legs gettin stuck between railings and it's breathable so won't cause any problems for Pip.
Whatd an airway bumper??? Has pip started kicking again? Xx

This is an airwrap bumper. They do 2 sided and 4 sided ones.

He has had a couple of little kicks, no where near as much as normal tho. Definatley. It had my 10 movements yet tho. Gonna see what he is like this evening, may even get my Doppler out and see if I can hear him kicking. He may be kicking the placenta which is why I can't feel it. If he don't kick and I can't hear him kicking I will call the midwife first thing tomorrow morning. He is a little bugger already!!
I swear they do it deliberately just to make us worry, im sure itl be fine mayb call your midwife just to put your mind at rest if buba has been quite I struggle to sleep incase she moves and I miss it x
This thread makes me giggle. I was debating the cot bumpers too. I think I won't bother now as LO will be in moses basket and then when I move her to the cot I'll see if it looks like I need them as by that time I might have to remove them anyway as she is pulling herself up. They do look cute though.

I seem to have been a bit thirstier than normal as well but I think that is because so much water is coming out as pee or discharge :shock:TMI
Lol @ mustard!!

Got the Doppler out to see if I could hear him moving. Heard 2 swishes in 10 mins which is unlike him. DH knows I'm worried so I'm gonna wait until I've eaten and give him an hour or so then we r gonna call the hospital. DH said midwife said to call labour ward if I have any concerns so gonna do that if he hasn't had a dinny fit by half 8/9ish.

Bloody men eh!
Oh yeah men are a right pain lol. Hope everythings ok let us know how u get on, he's doing it to make you worry preparing you for motherhood xx
Well Pip now has hiccups so I think he is fine! This is the worst day I have had so far worrying about him!! Usually get movements in the morning then not a lot until evening but these r the first proper movements I've had apart from squirming.

Think he is ok now - belly is jumping as I type :D
Yey that's Brill I was getting worried for you, oh dear how hormonal am I, so glad he's ok :-D xx
Thanks Hun xx

Just had dinner n I e had a few kicks so I've relaxed a bit now. I know when he is here and asleep I'm gonna keep prodding him to make sure he is still breathing!

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