**February Babies 2012**

Definitely want to get to the now... Feeling like I've been pregnant forever!! Xx

Yeah that is exactly how i feel at moment. Can't wait!! Fingers crossed we are not all left hanging after due date!! x
Thought id bump this up!!!

Morning ladies, how we all doing today?

Im having another crappy day think ive already had my energy burst for the day, at 4am!!

On the plus side ive only got 35 days left to go xx
Yay to all of us being due soon but know how you feel about energy! So exhausted now but just not sleeping! Hopefully this is preparation for when LO comes along! Lol
I've felt like a zombie most of the week. Been unable to sleep for a number of reasons.
1. Pip squirming
2. Pip having hiccups for 30 mins a time
3. Being unable to get comfy thanks to spd
4. Car miaowing outside the bedroom door
5. DH turning over in his sleep to steal my pillow and my side of the bed

All in all, not great! I don't think I've ever been this tired. So tempted to phone in sick and sleep, but now I'm up and showered there is no point. Can't sleep once I'm up properly.

Roll on mid-March when Pip is here and I can get comfy in bed and hopefully sleep!
I have phoned in sick today! Been awake since 2am with baby wriggling & hips aching, then felt hungry so got up for a banana, went back to bed & OH has snored like a bear ever since! Laid awake stressing about how I'm going to survive 2 more weeks of work! But for today I'm hibernating under the duvet!
I have phoned in sick today! Been awake since 2am with baby wriggling & hips aching, then felt hungry so got up for a banana, went back to bed & OH has snored like a bear ever since! Laid awake stressing about how I'm going to survive 2 more weeks of work! But for today I'm hibernating under the duvet!

Dont blame you hunni stay there and enjoy it i would xxx
It's definitely getting tougher to get much sleep isn't it?! I'm getting a lot of hip pain :( luckily I dont have to struggle through a day at work, so am trying to get a bit of a rest in the afternoon for half an hour here and there.
I got kicked that hard I now have a bruise on my tummy!! Couldn't believe it!!

I'm struggling with sleep too and the slightest thing wakes me! Driving me mad lol
I have phoned in sick today! Been awake since 2am with baby wriggling & hips aching, then felt hungry so got up for a banana, went back to bed & OH has snored like a bear ever since! Laid awake stressing about how I'm going to survive 2 more weeks of work! But for today I'm hibernating under the duvet!

I've got two more weeks left as well and I'm really struggling! Think I might have a word with my boss see if I can cut my hours a bit just so I can get a bit of rest in the afternoons so the OH doesnt keep me awake! :wall2:

Roll on two weeks when every day can be a duvet day!:nap: :) x
Wow you girls who are still working are doing amazing! I am so impressed, there's just no way I'd have the strength to go in!

That is one impressive kick Louise!!!!! lol

Has anyone else had any dragging pains at the tops of their thighs on the inside? Just started getting these the last few days and not sure if they're something at this stage or because cub has started to engage.
I've been struggling on the sleep front too, but struggling to get comfortable, luckily I don't have to wake for work anymore :)
I have so much I want/need to do before LO's arrival but I've been told on several occasions now I need to take it easy :s
Hope you ladies are all ok, not long now! x
Me too - sleep is a massive struggle these days.

Verity i have these pains at the top of my inner thighs and thought it was associated with my pubic bone pain but not entirely sure. I have my usual chiro appt tomorrow as well as a physio which is referral from MW due to my SPD and carpel tunnel so will ask them what the inner thigh pain is and what can do x
It is sooo hard still working I tend to have a mini break down once a day saying I cant go own because I'm so uncomfortable (just happened now! lol) my cover starts on Monday so I have to spend the next two weeks trianing her otherwise I think I would have given in by now!

I've had cramps/pins and needles in my legs for the last 3/4 weeks and now there pretty much dead all the time (not sure if this is like you or not) but midwife said it's just because baby is pushing down and maybe trapping a nerve or something- such fun!

Has anyone else had belly ache/cramps? I have since Sat when to the hospital on Monday and I wasnt having contractions so they sent me home but i'm still feeling the cramps and my belly really hurts so much so I dont want to even touch it x
Boo Carly!!
I'm shattered and hardly done anything today. Counted all of bambino's clothes what we have so far, definately don't think we are needing much else but will still more than likely buy! x
I have officially done nothing today lol. Just watching JK re runs - how sad!!

Quick question - what do you girls plan nightie wise to wear for giving birth? I am just thinking about packing my hospital bag. But not sure what to pack for giving birth and after to breast feed. x
HanSam; I keep changing my mind on what to pack into mine, finally sorted a few things out for LO's bag today but thats only because couldn't fit much else into the wardrobe, I really need to sort my bags out but just don't know what to put in! xx
Yeah i am the same. I had a shirt style nightie that was massive on my and i thought ill get that and few wash bits together etc. When tried it on it didnt go anywhere near fitting over bump lol. So now i don't know what to pack for after let alone for birth itself.

Just been looking at the thread from Olive about bag so going to start with that i think :)

Might pop to Matalan in a mo and see what they got in there x

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