**February Babies 2012**

Thanks Nic - that's what I'm hoping! I agree about baby furniture - other than a cotbed and moses basket, we've used a bookcase that was previously in the study for baby books, toys etc and have an adult chest of drawers as well, I don't see how those things make a huge difference whether they're for a baby or not if you already have the furniture.

I had my MW appointment today, which wasn't brilliant in all honesty. I had a student in there who I taught only last year but wasn't given the option to not have her there so felt pretty awkward, and my MW wrote my birthing plan for me. So apparently I'm in the MW led unit, with gas and air, birthing pool (I'm not that bothered at all) and delivering the placenta naturally - all of this is complete news to me! I figure things may not go to a birth plan on the day anyway and I can always tell them I've changed my mind so I don't really care all that much - was just odd to be told what I was doing by her! On the plus side though - baby is now 2/5 engaged! Not much but definitely the right direction! Go Cub!
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Loving the tree stickers! I think I will have to take some photos and post them :)

verity, you're already engaged? They didn't mention anything to me on Friday so I assume I'm not yet haha.
I love the owls in the trees - looks fab......might have to have a search for some jungle style animals for baby nursery....
That's rubbish that you were pretty much told how it's going to be - but like you say, loads can change on the day, so the plan really is just a rough guide. But, if you're not happy with it, I think you can still change it right up to the day you give birth. I'm not looking forward to doing mine at my next appointment... Don't really know what I want yet to be honest!!

2/5 engaged!! Woohoo.... So LO knows which way the exit is!! Definitely good news! I had a consultant appointment last week and was apparently 3/5 engaged... So be interesting to see what I am next week at the midwife appointment!
Yes decided just to make a decision yesterday and ordered them Nic! Otherwise i would be umming and ahhing for ages lol.

I am not saying which colours as that will give away the sex lol!

I'm looking forward to my mw appt next week as when i went at end of dec she said was 4/5 engaged. So hoping bubs has stayed in place and beginning to engage properly. x
Yes decided just to make a decision yesterday and ordered them Nic! Otherwise i would be umming and ahhing for ages lol.

I am not saying which colours as that will give away the sex lol! x

I see...!! Must be really hard keeping it a secret...! I'd never manage to not let it slip! X
It was hard initially - basically we didnt want to know but we had alot of problems in the beginning. With baby having exomphalos and possible chromosonal disorders - and when results came back the midwife called me and told me your having a healthy daughter / son!! I was like ARGH no lol.

But now i have nightmares that i have got the wrong sex and ill end up with the opposite to what i have shopped for lol. x
Awww... Glad results came back ok and that all is good with LO. There is always a slight chance that they predict the wrong gender anyway... *gulp* really hope we got ours right as EVERYTHING is pink!! Heeheehee!! I 'm sure your LO will be what you are expecting - and if not, so long as he / she is healthy, that's the important thing! :)
With Josh i got told i was having a girl! Then had a growth scan at 34 weeks and was told he was a boy.

Found out again this time (though only me and OH know) i feel a bit more confident, but i don't wanna run out and buy loads of blue cause i don't trust them cause of last time!

Washed all of bump's clothes today, its in racks in my bedroom drying smells lovely! probably because i used double fabric softener to make it really soft, i forgot how small it is, can fit 2 sleepsuits side my side on my slim maiden with room to spare! xx
With Josh i got told i was having a girl! Then had a growth scan at 34 weeks and was told he was boy! xx

noooooo.... Don't tell me that!!! My husband will go mad if he has to paint the room back blue again!! And as for all the pink clothes I've bought... Arghh!! Xx
lol sorry!! at my 20 week scan, the sonnographer said 'i think its a girl' and hardly checked, OH never beleived her, and i only bought a couple of things in pink because i couldn't bring myself to buy pink, i really wanted a boy aswell! when the said boy at the next scan OH shouted i knew he was a boy!!

This time as soon as i found out both me and OH said we think its another boy. but she looked better on the scan though, was checking all the way through, and even took a picture of his willy for me. but she said she checked about 4 times, so hope shes right!

I'm sure you are having a girl, i just have a boy with a little willy :p xx
Haha...!! Fingers crossed they got it right! We had to have a private scan cos they won't tell you on the nhs in our trust. The sonographer did sound quite certain it was a girl. But I will keep having doubts until I actually see her!
I'd be more trustworthy of a private scan, cause you've paid them to find out!!

Not long till are babies will be here, scary how many January babies have been born already!

1 month today till due date!
1 Week and 3 days till i'm classed as full term! x
Haha...!! Fingers crossed they got it right! We had to have a private scan cos they won't tell you on the nhs in our trust. The sonographer did sound quite certain it was a girl. But I will keep having doubts until I actually see her!

We had to have a private scan too as the NHS here won't tell you either. But like butterfly said, they're a lot more trustworthy at the private scans as that's what you've specifically paid them to do. If they got a clear bum shot I'm sure they're right, with cub there was absolutely no missing his dingaling - so if your LO didn't have one I'm sure it won't surprise you after birth! Lol
Haha god could you imagine that though!! Because i do think you get into a mind set so if they hand you baby and say its a boy when expecting a girl would be mega shocked lol.

I am sure all will be fine though. Mine was all done on chromosone testing so they know exactly what it is due to the x & y's etc lol.

I hope the next few weeks whizz by - is that wrong of me to wish the time away? Struggling so much with SPD and carpel tunnel I just can't wait to have baby now x
Haha...!! Fingers crossed they got it right! We had to have a private scan cos they won't tell you on the nhs in our trust. The sonographer did sound quite certain it was a girl. But I will keep having doubts until I actually see her!

We had to have a private scan too as the NHS here won't tell you either. But like butterfly said, they're a lot more trustworthy at the private scans as that's what you've specifically paid them to do. If they got a clear bum shot I'm sure they're right, with cub there was absolutely no missing his dingaling - so if your LO didn't have one I'm sure it won't surprise you after birth! Lol

Yes I suppose you're right! :). There was definitely no dingaling on our little lady - unless she's a late developer! Xx
Not at all hon - I never thought I would look forward to labour like everyone said you do at the end, but I have also reached that stage where I have pains with my ribs, nothing fits and getting out of bed for the millionth time to pee in the middle of the night is an absolute mission! I really am hoping this last part really flies and I can see why women get really frustrated when their LOs are overdue!
Definitely want to get to the now... Feeling like I've been pregnant forever!! Xx
Haha...!! Fingers crossed they got it right! We had to have a private scan cos they won't tell you on the nhs in our trust. The sonographer did sound quite certain it was a girl. But I will keep having doubts until I actually see her!

We had to have a private scan too as the NHS here won't tell you either. But like butterfly said, they're a lot more trustworthy at the private scans as that's what you've specifically paid them to do. If they got a clear bum shot I'm sure they're right, with cub there was absolutely no missing his dingaling - so if your LO didn't have one I'm sure it won't surprise you after birth! Lol

Yes I suppose you're right! :). There was definitely no dingaling on our little lady - unless she's a late developer! Xx

Lol - that genuinely made me laugh out loud!

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