***December 2019 Mummies***

I'm still here! Just kind of read and run most of the time now.

I'm being monitored for reduced movement but it has been fine this week xx
Finding it hard to walk these few days bump has gone bigger and heavier feels like everything is on my pelvic bone, also get braxton hicks every time i walk and its so uncomfortable, school runs r becoming difficult nowadays :|
dreading the 2 months that r left :-?

Got midwife appointment on Friday shes so useless :shock:
Anyone else have sore ankles and wrists oh and elbow and basically sore joints ? Tonight I’m in so much pain even my shins are sore ! X
Aw @Deb91 you’ve not had much luck have you with aqua or yoga. I’ve heard there’s some good yoga you can do at home from YouTube as an option for you.

Glad you’re ok @teachermummy at least you’re being monitored but if the baby has been fine this week maybe it was just a blip?

Sorry @Elfs Mummy my joints are fortunately ok at the moment... hope it doesn’t last for you like that and is only temporary x
Not feeling too good these days, feel like i have come to the end of pregnancy and finding it hard to do anything :(

These 2 months will be hard for me i can feel it :shock: feel exhausted and tired already
Not feeling too good these days, feel like i have come to the end of pregnancy and finding it hard to do anything :(

These 2 months will be hard for me i can feel it :shock: feel exhausted and tired already
Aw hope you’re ok @Baby Ali rest when you can and I hope these next 2 months fly by for you x
Last day of school today for my kids then a week off, i am looking forward to it, a week of break from school run :)
Been to see the midwife and thank God my midwife was off sick again! I had a lovely Midwife who checked the babys position and listened to the heart beat with the doppler, everything is perfect however his head is down on my pelvic thats why i cant walk and in pain so she has referred me to physio as i have 2 months left and he’s already head down :)
Makes sense why am in so much pain wen i walk and the heavy pressure on my pelvic bone,
Glad you’re getting the support @Baby Ali

had the first of two lots of steroids today my goodness they sting !
They give them just incase they have to deliver early. They sting so much and then make you ache.
Thinking should i wait till first week of December to buy the mamaroo swing or buy it now :?
Am Thinking is it abit early now? I havnt bought anything else apart from few bits and bobs of clothing
I’ve bought almost everything @Baby Ali ive seen so many good offers over the weeks and I just like being organised so I’ve got everything haha

I’m 31 weeks + 2 today and saw the first signs of my milk coming in my nipples haha. Might have to start wearing nursing pads if I start leaking anytime soon. It’s got me excited though seeing little bits of white coming in haha :-)
30 weeks is dragging !
I’ve only got 4 weeks and 4 days left maximum but will see what happens. Will no more on the 4th November.
I’ve not bought much really as with the house move we don’t want to add anything else to pack.
@Sjf0709 start collecting that colostrum I think I’ve got around 30 mils now in the freezer ready.
I’ve bought almost everything @Baby Ali ive seen so many good offers over the weeks and I just like being organised so I’ve got everything haha

I’m 31 weeks + 2 today and saw the first signs of my milk coming in my nipples haha. Might have to start wearing nursing pads if I start leaking anytime soon. It’s got me excited though seeing little bits of white coming in haha :)

Thats great! Ur producing milk :)
No milk for me yet,
My milks always been low thats why i bottle feed, i do both for the first 2 weeks then bottle feed as my supply is very low.
Yes I’m going to start collecting the colostrum as soon as I can and as much as I can because I’m sure it will all help in those early days. It can’t hurt anyway xx

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