**September Babies 2011**

WAHOOO BRING IT ON!!! I'm soo ready now!

Congratulations Jo and good luck to all September lovelies :) I can't believe we're all going to be mummies very soon yay xxx

Sent from my nearly buggared iPhone!!
Well my original due date was 3rd September but got put back to 31st August at 12 week scan. I did start to have contractions on 30th August after my sweep but they stopped at 2am. So now I am deffo a September mummy!! I did gatecrash before as I always had it in my mind I was gonna be a September mummy so here I am! I have got midwife coming to my house today at 3pm to give me my 2nd sweep so hope it all kicks off again. The reason I am getting sweeps now is because consultant advised to as I am measuring big.

Just want to wish all the September mummies all the very best of luck...... Just think now when people ask when you are due you can say "this month" woo hoo
Tracey, my husband was begging me to hold on until Sept, apparently kids are better off being born in Sept so can't ne that bad esp if your original due date was 3rd. Good luck with the sweep, I bet you can't wait to meet your lo. Who is doing your labour watch?
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Ooh good luck Tracey, a 2nd sweep should hopefully set you off!!!
I had a mw apt today, baby is still measuring good, I got weighed and I've only put on baby weight miraculously! and baby is 4/5ths engaged, although she can't tell if its his head or bum that's engaged so I have to go for a presentation scan next wed, although I'm almost 100% sure he's head down so I'm not worried. All in all its a good start to Sept for me!!!
I'm 3/5 engaged 2cm dilated. Emerald Rose doing my labour watch.... Come on midwife do your magic!
Went to mw appointment today, he is 3/5 engaged, measuring 41,5 cm so still over and I have leukocytes so sample sent off for testing. Just feel generally run down. Come on, get out of there
Congtratulations Jo.1, thats great news, another little boy to add to the list!!!

Tracey M good luck, hope everything is moving forward for you!!

Can't belive it's Sept :dance:
Sorry if I'm double posting in August and September thread I dont know where I belong ha ha.

I got my 2nd sweep today at 5pm when midwife visited me at home. I am now 2-3 cms dilated and she gave me a good sweep. Membrane intact and now they leave me alone till maybe Wednesday next week. They did say Tuesday but that's Joshua's birthday so I said I would not do a sweep that day. Got leucocytes in urine sample but she said that may be from sweep on Tuesday - maybe a wee infection.... Baby 3/5 engaged. Progress even if its slow....

I'm getting period-like cramps just like Tuesday and maybe they will again develop into contractions through the night but knowing my luck will fizzle out again. Back is seriously killing me I have hot water bottle on it now. Eyes are closing I'm so tired so better do what body tells me and go get some kip.

Night night all and if I'm lucky my post in morning will be me off to hospital (I wish) Hubby on nightshift tonight eek - 2 hours drive to hospital and only if he can get cover (he's a firefighter). Maybe weekend would be more practical eh?
Still here......nothing......oh well, better get on and do some work then....
Can i join you ladies in here? I had an EDD of 27th of August, but my LO has clearly decided that she wants to be the oldest in her class rather than the youngest. Either that, or she's taken an instant dislike to her cousin (she kicks him when i hold him, but never when anyone else touches the bump, she always stops moving!) and doesn't want to be in the same class as him (he's 5 weeks old) :lol:
well im definatly going to have another september baby, my sons birthday is the 27th (aswell as my brother) and they will induce me on the 26th if i go over. My kids might end up with the same birthdays. weird!! i would of liked to fit her into august but she obviously isent cooked enough. i know how annoying it is to wait another year to get your child into school lol x
I'm not bothered what school year she is in, although it would have been nice if she could go with her cousin - my sister lives down the road so theres a chance they could go to the same school
My son's birthday is Tuesday - maybe this one wants to share with his/her brother!!
Hi Nik, welcome to Sept!

Tracey M how are you getting on?
Hi ladies, it's my due date today wooooo!! No sign of baby though! Saw midwife this morning she said he is on the right side and im 3/5 engaged, shes coming round on monday to do a sweep if no progress by then! Really hope i go into labour naturally, don't want to be induced! Does anyone else have really swolen ankles and feet, mine are awful, so glad its summer and can wear flip flops as i dont think i could get shoes on!
Tracey, Kate, Nik Hopefully its not too longer for you all now, I'm guessing we'll have some labour watches this weekend!!!
Knopk I know how you feel I think these last few weeks we are destined to feel rubbish and run down :( I spent today trying to pampering myself so I'd feel better and be ready for things starting (y'know tidy things up a bit, as I've let everything get a bit overgrown as I can't get past the bump!!!!!!) I know I'm destined to go into labour with unshaved legs etc despite my efforts anyway!! I'm upping my rl tea tomorrow as well!!!!
Another day, another day without a baby - come on!!!! What's going on?? I've now had 2 sweeps, one on Tuesday, one on Thursday and nothing! I'm having the worst backache though - woke up 6am for a pee and the pain in my back would not let me get back to sleep. Baby is very active today - maybe trying to find an escape route??

Hope everyone ok today - I'll keep you posted if anything happens over weekend (wishful thinking)
Fingers crossed for you hon!!!! Try some bouncing on a birthball or squatting positions or leaning fwd over something it might help?
I'm hoping mine will be on time, he's 4/5ths already and I started getting leaky boobs for the first time last night, plus had major nesting urges today to get the house in order just incase, so hoping these are all signs he doesn't want to hang in until Oct!!
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How are you all feeling?
Any signs of september babies making an appearance soon?
Seen midwife today, she gave me a sweep, she said i could wait til friday if i wanted but i was prepared for it today so thought i might aswell go for it! Was quite uncomfortable and a bit sore but not too bad! She said my cervix is soft and flexible but closed. I now have slight cramping and a bit uncomfortable down there. Seeing her again on friday and she is going to book an induction. Really hope i go into labour naturally, just want to meet my little one! xx

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