**September Babies 2011**

How many of us Sept mummies are left? Seems like loads of us have popped recently :) I'm so hoping I'm next, he's so engaged in my pelvis I can't walk, get in cars, or roll over in bed!!, I'm so uncomfy, Ive been having period pains and other weird sensations and feel on the verge but then nothing happens!!!!!
I'm still here! 11 days over :( same as u can hardly walk today or move lol! Been losing plug since tues...got all excited and then NOTHING!

Being induced tomorrow!!


Sent from my nearly buggared iPhone!!
Just realised I wasnt on the list, oops. How many September mummys left then?
Good luck with the induction tomorrow smith1980 hope you have your Lo soon :)
Thanks hun, hardly slept at all, Sooo excited! Yay!! Xx

Sent from my nearly buggared iPhone!!
Sorry for late update but ive had my baby! Jay Stephen Cross was born on 14th september at 12.50pm, weighing 7lb 13oz. We are both fine, my labour lasted for days and ended in emergency c section. xx
Sorry for late update but ive had my baby! Jay Stephen Cross was born on 14th september at 12.50pm, weighing 7lb 13oz. We are both fine, my labour lasted for days and ended in emergency c section. xx

Congratulations. I've been wondering how you were getting induced on the same day as me. I had a boy on 13th september. Samuel Jenson weighing 9lb 6oz. My labour went well until my placenta became stuck and i ended up in theatre losing 2litres of blood. Didn't really go as planned. Glad its over. I hope you are feeling well after your c section. Congratulations again! Xx
Congratulations September mummys who have popped! I hope all the rest of your babies make their arrival soon x x
Congrats all my fellow Sept mummies who are now mummies, hope I can join you soon its officially 30 mins into my due date, c'mon little man I want to meet you :)
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I am not on the list but I thought I'd let the overdue September Mummies know they're not the only ones, 5 days over and........... nada! x
Happy due date bunnykins :-) hope baby comes soon! Same for you Yorksmummy! Hope it's not long now!!!

Hey all, had my baby girl on 19th, exactly two weeks over...Freya Elizabeth Lambert, 8lbs 15 born by emergency section at 3.02am!

Was very stressful labour but soooo worth it....story to follow shortly!

Hope all you sept mummy's are doing well? Whose left now?

OMG I love it....can't stop baby gazing lol xxx

Sent from my nearly buggared iPhone!!
Am I the last Sept mummy left now?? I knew I'd be last!!!!! don't know why baby isn't coming, I've lost all my plug a week ago, was 1cm dilated on thurs, had 2 sweeps, baby fully engaged for last fortnight, waters are tight and bulging when mw swept them, yet absolutely nothing, not a contraction in sight????? So I'm now definately an Oct mummy, unless he plans on squatting in there until the spring lol!!!
Oh hun, I'm sorry baby isn't here yet!! You just made him too good a home!! I'm sure he will be coming soon! How are you feeling? I bounced loads on my ball before Colby turned up

Well I had a twinge last night then ate a piece of cake, then all twinges stopped so I think baby was like hmm if I stay in here I might get more cake nom nom!!! It's the only explaination I have lol!!!
Been for a long hot walk today and am bouncing like mad on my ball infront of a fan, feel quite chilled out as its just hit me this is defo my last baby free weekend as worst case scenario the induction is booked for Thursday so I guess there is an end in sight even if its not the end I wanted!!!
Keeping my fx for u bunnykins.....bet that I'll go overdue too! Welcome to October mummies anyway xxx

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