***December 2019 Mummies***

Congratulations she’s adorable.

sorry I’ve not been on again I’ve been reading just not writing. Theo was admitted back into scbu on Tuesday night. He has an umbilical flare (infection) he’s on two lots of antibiotics every 6 hours. I’m here with Oscar but the kids aren’t allowed to visit so I’m not seeing them which is heartbreaking. We’ll be out Sunday night at the earliest x

Hope he gets better soon x
Had midwife appointment today, shes given me appointment for Membrane sweep for tuesday 10th thats in 4 days time, but she checked the babys head and his head isnt engaged altho its head down, so shes told me to walk and bounce on the birthing ball and try and get his head engaged for Tuesday, if on Tuesday head isnt engaged she cant do the MS and will book me in again on Friday, then again next week if his head isnt engaged by next week then she will get me and early induction :shock:

Been bouncing on the birthing ball for an hour, and painted the living room today
Lol hopefully his head gets engaged soon
More bouncing and DIY 2mrw :)
Feels like am the only person in the world wide awake right now LOL cant sleep at all :( been up since 2am :yawn:
Just keep bouncing then @Baby Ali and get him engaged :-)

I’ve been fortunate so far that I’ve been able to sleep but wake up around 7ish so that’s fine. Hope you managed to get some more sleep.

I’m seeing the midwife on Monday so I’ll know if my baby is engaged although it doesn’t matter with my section booked in. I do feel like the bump is dropping though x
Just keep bouncing then @Baby Ali and get him engaged :)

I’ve been fortunate so far that I’ve been able to sleep but wake up around 7ish so that’s fine. Hope you managed to get some more sleep.

I’m seeing the midwife on Monday so I’ll know if my baby is engaged although it doesn’t matter with my section booked in. I do feel like the bump is dropping though x

Bounced on it today and did cooking etc had a hot bath,
With 1st pregnancies babys head goes into the pelvis earlier b4 the due date and from 36 weeks for some women
And the more kids u have the babys head dsnt engage till b4 labour and last week of due date so
Dnt no wat will happen with me fingers crossed :???:
Am 37 weeks today and feel absolutely exhausted and no energy at all :nap:

I got my bedside crib delivered yesterday
And my brother gifted the baby closer to nature anti colic bottles starter kit :)


I got everything now
All ready and waiting to be set up once living room is done then can set everything up
How exciting @Baby Ali not long until baby will be here !

@Sjf0709 hope the mw goes well on Monday.

we should be home tomorrow night. Then I can get Christmas ready x
Aww glad to hear you should be coming home tonight @Elfs Mummy hopefully this is your last trip into hospital!

@Baby Ali im feeling exhausted too today. This next week I don’t have much planned to do which is a relief as all I want to do is stay in the house snuggled up on my couch with a fluffy blanket, my cats and watching Christmas films haha
Due date tomrorow and no signs at all except abit of lower back ache getting so frustrated !
Due date tomrorow and no signs at all except abit of lower back ache getting so frustrated !
Aww exciting! At least you know your little one will be here in the next 2 weeks at the latest. Have you been bouncing on that ball to try to help things along? X
Aww glad to hear you should be coming home tonight @Elfs Mummy hopefully this is your last trip into hospital!

@Baby Ali im feeling exhausted too today. This next week I don’t have much planned to do which is a relief as all I want to do is stay in the house snuggled up on my couch with a fluffy blanket, my cats and watching Christmas films haha

Sounds good, my living room still not done lol
Tuesday is 2 days away have no idea if the babies head is engaged or not

My sons Christmas play at school on Tuesday 2pm got to go and watch him as hes been practicing his little heart out lol
Due date tomrorow and no signs at all except abit of lower back ache getting so frustrated !

Exercise on birthing ball hun
Little bounces and hip movements which i have been doing for the past 2 days :)
Feeling the babys kicks below belly button does that mean his head is engaged :think:
Walked for an hour today
Bounced on the ball and aall the exercises
Hope it isnt going to waste lol
Left leg is still painful :(
Feeling the babys kicks below belly button does that mean his head is engaged :think:
Walked for an hour today
Bounced on the ball and aall the exercises
Hope it isnt going to waste lol
Left leg is still painful :(
I’m sure you’re doing fine and it isn’t going to go to waste :-)
How many left to have the baby in this group?

Thinking only 3 ladies have given birth so far :)
Aww exciting! At least you know your little one will be here in the next 2 weeks at the latest. Have you been bouncing on that ball to try to help things along? X
Yes I have, tried everything really but I think she will just come when she’s ready ! Hopefully tonight I’ve been saying this every night for the past week lol x

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