Aw lovely! Yes hopefully you’ll have gone into labour before then @Baby Ali
I had a growth scan yesterday too (36+5 for me). Baby was measuring at 6lb 14oz which is to the high end of the range but sonographer said it was fine so I don’t need a referral or review by anyone else. I’ve just been sent back to my midwife who I will see on 9th December. Predicted birth weight of around 8lb by the time he/she is could even see the baby’s chubby cheeks on the ultrasound and cute little button nose
Thats good
I dnt no why they saying my baby is abit small coz on the internet it says at week 35 babies weigh 5lbs 12Oz
Oh well wat ever will be, will be

Am not fussed as all my other babies were 8lbs-8lbs 40z
I wud rather push out a smaller size easier lol