***December 2019 Mummies***

Aw lovely! Yes hopefully you’ll have gone into labour before then @Baby Ali

I had a growth scan yesterday too (36+5 for me). Baby was measuring at 6lb 14oz which is to the high end of the range but sonographer said it was fine so I don’t need a referral or review by anyone else. I’ve just been sent back to my midwife who I will see on 9th December. Predicted birth weight of around 8lb by the time he/she is born. :) you could even see the baby’s chubby cheeks on the ultrasound and cute little button nose <3

Thats good
I dnt no why they saying my baby is abit small coz on the internet it says at week 35 babies weigh 5lbs 12Oz
Oh well wat ever will be, will be :)
Am not fussed as all my other babies were 8lbs-8lbs 40z
I wud rather push out a smaller size easier lol
5 lbs 11oz at 35 weeks is 25th centile so fine :) that’s Theo’s birth weight.
I hope you get to meet your babies soon December isn’t far away. I’m still in shock that mine are here.
We were admitted back to hospital yesterday because of their jaundice hopefully we’ll get to go home tonight but who knows x
5 lbs 11oz at 35 weeks is 25th centile so fine :) that’s Theo’s birth weight.
I hope you get to meet your babies soon December isn’t far away. I’m still in shock that mine are here.
We were admitted back to hospital yesterday because of their jaundice hopefully we’ll get to go home tonight but who knows x
Aw hope they’re discharged soon for you but at least you’re in the right place :-)
5 lbs 11oz at 35 weeks is 25th centile so fine :) that’s Theo’s birth weight.
I hope you get to meet your babies soon December isn’t far away. I’m still in shock that mine are here.
We were admitted back to hospital yesterday because of their jaundice hopefully we’ll get to go home tonight but who knows x

Hope they get better soon x
One of my husbands cousin had a baby 2 weeks over due and weighs 6lbs
So am like :shock: my babies fine right now the weight is normal for my weeks

Enjoy ur babies x
Am exhausted right now :shock:
Feel soooo exhausted and out of breath all the time, going up the stairs and doing chores in the house is geting hard now

Stopped doing school runs for the past week find it difficult to walk and sciatica left leg is still there till i give birth and thats the reason why i cant walk :(
Cant even go shopping or anything :(

These few weeks in the house is going to be long lolzzz

Husband has started decorating Living room which makes me happy and occupied watching him lolzzzlolzzzlolz
I asked my 7 year old daughter if she wanted to help me pack my maternity bag today and her response was “you got a month left why u want to pack now”:???:

Really???? Madam!
Heres a question for anyone who has tried it or is thinking?

I was thinking of taking primrose oil capsule to help with labour basically to help efface the cervix and help with dilating, it dsnt work straight away some people start taking it from 36-37 weeks i read posts on how it helped some people with not tearing aswell

Anyone else??
Sorry @Baby Ali not heard of using it but I’ve not really looked into it considering I’m having a section x
37 weeks tomorrow, pineapple consumed for snack :p Back into hospital at 1 today to get my 2nd steroid injection. Maximum 10 days til baby's here xx

How are you??????

You havnt been on here just thinking have you had ur baby??
It’s gone a bit quiet in here hasn’t it @Baby Ali haha. Wonder if everyone’s had their babies and we are the only ones still waiting but like you said... it’s DECEMBER TOMORROW! :-)
It’s gone a bit quiet in here hasn’t it @Baby Ali haha. Wonder if everyone’s had their babies and we are the only ones still waiting but like you said... it’s DECEMBER TOMORROW! :)

Lolz yeah very quiet here think everyone had their baby am the last one To give birth lol

Ordered the bedside crib today from mothercare didnt no they take forever to deliver estimated delivery 13th-20th December Hopefully comes early :shock:

Ordered the tommy tippee starter set with colic relief bottles, u get everything with it.

Packed babies bag and my maternity bag aswell now :)
Had 2 days of mild period pains 2 days ago so thought get everything done incase of early labour

Waiting game now from 2mrw :)
Keep forgetting to buy primrose oil capsules, will be taking them just to see if it does help efface the cervix and helps with not tearing :)
I’m due next Monday (9th) , all ready just waiting for a baby! Can’t beleive how much these last few weeks drag it’s definitely been the hardest time for me. Really had enough now just want her here and to feel myself again!
Can’t wait to see al your beautiful babies arriving. I’m quiet as we ended up with a five day stay and 36 hours on scbu so I’m exhausted was up all night in scbu last night following their feeding plan so we could get home today. Just had a bath now going to head to bed. The boys are beautiful and we are now almost back at birthweight, they like it to be back by day 10 and we’re day 19 so they’re taking their time !
Aww @Elfs Mummy i don’t expect you to be posting much because you’ve definitely got more than your hands full! Glad you’re all back home now <3 xx
I’m due next Monday (9th) , all ready just waiting for a baby! Can’t beleive how much these last few weeks drag it’s definitely been the hardest time for me. Really had enough now just want her here and to feel myself again!
I hear you! These last few weeks do seem to be dragging but I’m sure our babies will soon be here and the waiting will be a distant memory haha

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