@Baby Ali what type of pains are you having? Maybe phone the midwife? Hope you’re ok xx
I’ve not had any Braxton hicks so far but this is my first baby so I’m guessing it’s normal to have them and also not have them? I’m 36 weeks +2 now.
yes take it easy @Baby Ali
Just take it easy @Baby Ali i was convinced my contractions were braxton hicks luckily I went in for reduced movements really as other wise I’d have gone home and kept labouring away.
How are you and babies???
Well today my hubby wanted to put out Christmas decorations up in case the little one decides to make an early appearance and whilst I felt relatively alright. I’ve enjoyed it but it hasn’t half taken it out of me. He has helped a lot with putting the tree up etc and decorating the top of the tree but it’s still taken me around 6-7 hours to do! My back is absolutely killing methe house looks nice and festive now though ready for S/he to arrive.
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exhausted watched my daughters netball tournament this morning and there was no where to sit so stood for three hours. Pretty sure the toddlers have impetigo so hubby has taken one of them to ooh leaving me with 4/5 kids !!
Ok so this morning I had my midwife appointment and my bump was measuring bigger last time but today it’s shot up even more above the 90th centile so I’m booked in for a growth scan tomorrow at 5.50pm ekkk! Everything else seems fine but I can’t help but worry about it.
Also went for my consultant appointment this afternoon but saw a SHO and... SHE BOOKED ME IN FOR MY SECTION! I feel so relieved and happy. We finally have a date and something to look forward to. Our baby will be born on 17th December 2019. I had previously hoped for 13th December because it is a special date for me but 17th is also special because my birthday is 17th AprilI’ve got my pre-op on 16th and then I need to go in the day after at 7.30am for the section.
The SHO said she wasn’t concerned about the baby’s growth even though I was going for a growth scan so that was reassuring at least. She said the baby looks like (from measurements etc) it weighs around 6lbs already but can gain 1lb per week now so we could end up with a 9lb baby! We will know more tomorrow though. Just so relieved to have my section booked in and if I show any signs of labour beforehand then I need to phone triage urgently so I can have a section still before I progress too far.
ThanksCongrats!! You got wat u wanted
A definite delivery date
I got growth scan tmrw 10:50am and i think they gonna give me a induction date not sure altho i want to go into labour naturally fingers crossed X