***December 2019 Mummies***

Mothercare is closing down keep an eye out for sales in the stores, am gonna go to mothercare store beginning of December to do my shopping for the baby hopefully they will have sale or something :shock:
Mothercare is closing down keep an eye out for sales in the stores, am gonna go to mothercare store beginning of December to do my shopping for the baby hopefully they will have sale or something :shock:
I’d go now because I doubt there’ll be anything left or if your local store will even be open. I’ve heard there’s 20% of most things in store. Same with mamas and papas going under, guess they’ll have a sale now too!
Back pain is doing me in, it's not lower back pain like usually is, mid back, only on the left. My urine has been checked so not kidneys. Midwife advised cocodomol but it's barely taken the edge off. Hot water bottle at bed time! xx
I’ve got back pain but it’s lower down for me. Did your MW say what it could be with it being mid back? Hope it’s feeling better with a bottle and bed haha
I’d go now because I doubt there’ll be anything left or if your local store will even be open. I’ve heard there’s 20% of most things in store. Same with mamas and papas going under, guess they’ll have a sale now too!

Oh okay, didnt know they got 20% off
Doesnt say when they will close
Will have to check it out x
Mothercare are closing in February however they’re not ordering any more stock. I wouldn’t buy anything big from them x
Mothercare are closing in February however they’re not ordering any more stock. I wouldn’t buy anything big from them x

I need one of them next to the bed crib and they do them and a car seat/pram expensive one which am hoping will be on sale and i can get it cheap
If its closing in feb am thinking they will do xmas sale so hopefully get it cheap from them
As this is my last baby and everything will be donated after his use i dnt want to pay full price lolzz altho the mamaroo was full price :shock:
Have u all got ur maternity bags ready???
I think il get mine and babys ready second week of December as am the last one here to have the baby lol
My bag is almost packed need to put a few more things in but I’m not in a rush x
Have u all got ur maternity bags ready???
I think il get mine and babys ready second week of December as am the last one here to have the baby lol
My bag has been almost packed for 2 weeks. Just need to put some last minute essentials in, including food and drink haha. I’ve not washed the items in the bag though but it’s ready to go if needs be. Once my Mat leave starts I’m going to wash the stuff I’m going to be using first and that I’m taking to the hospital with me.
I’ve got my consultant appointment tomorrow about my elective c-section. Kinda nervous about it and apprehensive. Hope it’s going to be ok. I’ve collated all of my research and wrote down my reasons why I want a section just in case I get baby brain and forget when I’m in there. Ekk! Wish me luck x
I’ve got my consultant appointment tomorrow about my elective c-section. Kinda nervous about it and apprehensive. Hope it’s going to be ok. I’ve collated all of my research and wrote down my reasons why I want a section just in case I get baby brain and forget when I’m in there. Ekk! Wish me luck x

Goodluck xx
Hope everything goes well x
Good luck today @Sjf0709 !
I’m not sure what I need just waiting to see what I need once they’re here thank goodness for prime :)
OMG @Elfs Mummy just realised that you can officially say now... YOU’RE HAVING YOUR BABIES NEXT WEEK! How exciting :D
I hate it wen ppl look at you and say “you must be fed up” well no! Am not fed up! Just exhausted and in aches and pains :shock:

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