X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Goodness Lollie! Glad baby is ok. Not impressed with the advice from the reg though! I hate that some make you feel you've overreacted!
Jenbob, that's so sad but def makes you think that anything, even something you feel may be insignificant is important to get checked. I'm terrible for putting things off feeling I'm thinking too much!
Lol yes Kumber, happy 36 weeks to you too! I haven't had any 'signs' but last night I had period pain cramps and this morning I had a bit of a clear out, sorry tmi!
Doubt it's anything but it's quite exciting lol! Xx
Thanks ladies. I know we did the right thing going in but she has just annoyed me. Saying I needn't have come in as I'd had movement that morning, and then not letting me go home as baby was moving too much!

Happy 36 weeks to some of you :)
Is everyone else getting increased bowel movements sorry tmi. I am going 3/4 times a day now. Between that and peeing constantly it feels like I am always in the loo.
Still getting backache, cramps, tightening, lots of cm and bits of mucus plug. It's all so exciting, keep thinking maybe I am going to go before our section date but I know this is probably just my body practising.

So exciting that this weekend could see the 1st August baby arrival!!!

Michelle X
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I go about 4/5 times a day too Michelle. Sounds like you're getting ready, but then again what would I know being a ftm. It's all very exciting though xx
I didn't want to mention earlier as thought it was nothing.... Last night I had terrible lower back ache. It's now moved to my hips to the point it's hard to walk. I've now just been sick twice and feel like I'm going to throw up again... Is this anything? X
I know I keep saying this but time, time, time! Get those contraction apps on the go ladies!

Oh that does sound promising ML600. Like Kumber said get a contraction app and monitor things. Oh this is all so exciting X

Michelle X
This September mummy is very excited for you all! Can't wait to see some babies arriving! X
I'm going to the toilet loads more now!! At least 2-3 times a day. Is it normal to go like this even though there's a few weeks left then? I thought it would be more the week before??
Ml600 ooooo interesting stuff!! Hope it's something rather than you just being ill/sick xxxx
Lol it's not coming and going... It's a constant intense ache... Not felt it like this before. I remember them saying in my antenatal class that as the cervix effaces the pain moves from back, to hips, to the front as it moves round and then starts dialating which is when contractions start.

I just think the nausea and vowel movements are odd as I don't feel unwell like you do with a bug, the thought of food doesn't turn my stomach... Just a bit queasy, similar to morning sickness x
Will yous keep your bloody legs closed, I've been waiting 2 weeks!! Hahaa I'm only messing, I can't wait to see some babies!!! xx
Hahaha Lulu too funny!!
See how you get on ml600 and maybe call midwife for advice if things don't settle snd you're not sure??
Hope it's a sign for you though!
I'm excited to see who's going to be first!! Xxx
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Lulu I will keep my legs closed! I don't want him here yet! He's still cooking! I'm just going to try and carry on with my day, take it easy. But you know the radiating ache you get in your back/hips the day your period starts... Feels like an intense version of that! X
Girls, I've just thought, has anyone seen or heard from KatR? She's been posting but haven't seen her on our thread for ages! Hope she's ok!

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I never get pain in my hips when I'm coming on my period, my pains are all in my back and when I was contracting every couple of minutes and everyone thought he was coming, it was just all in my back xx
Ml600 how far are you? 36 weeks?
I had this the other night actually... Only lasted for about 5-10 mins though but it felt like when my period was starting. I've not been sick but felt a little queasy throughout week too.. I put it down to baby engaging as at MW appointment last week he was only 4/5 engaged. Is baby engaged for you?
Could be totally diff but maybe it's just normal and your body preparing/him going down perhaps? Xxx
Yeah I'm 36, he's been engaged since 33... Been 2 hours now and not getting better or worse. I guess time will tell. If just like to know so I can mentally prepare lol. Everyone in my family has given birth between 35-38 weeks so maybe I'll follow suit lol x
Oh yeah not heard anything from KatR or Mystic teen she was having pains last night wasn't she? ?

Michelle X
The race is on between me and MT I think! Her legs better be crossed hahaha xx
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Hello all,
Sorry I didn't comment much on this thread lately but I am reading religiously and I love to see everyone getting excited about moving forward. To be honest I feel a little left out as I am the last one on the list so weeks behind some of you and feel like I have ages to go until I get signs and stuff. It's not jealousy talking I'm just not experiencing any of the stuff you guys do yet. :) I am really looking forward to seeing some birth announcements though. :)

Kumber, thank you for asking about me. xx

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