X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

WTT there's a big going around here atm, don't know if that has any significance. I have heard people feeling nauseous and I was sick as soon as I gave birth to my wee man!
Welcome back Loulabelle! We're team yellow but ours doesn't have a name either, told hubby we'll give them a number haha!!! Xx
First time mum and team yellow. 3 weeks till I could meet my baby and it's all becoming real and scary lol xx
WTT I have been being sick at night for a week but once I am sick I feel so much better. My sister had this with her first baby and he was a week early. I hope it's a positive sign for labour or baby has changed position. Xx
Thank you kumber and Tmum ^_^

Apart from tiredness (I was often working 50+ hours) I really have had very little to gripe about. I like to remember how lucky I am and stay greatful. My little boy caused 20 week scan issues with his unwillingness to move into a visible position (Very much like his dad - found a comfy spot and refused to move!), but he has remained head down sideways all this time.
I am starting to struggle with work so I am so relieved I have only 7 days left. Not sure if anyone has or ever has suffered the same but by the end of the day, the walk to to station is agony. Feels like period pain but in the muscles at the bottom of the uterus? Strange. Sat in a chair all day ends up a bit achy with the upwards pressure on my ribcage and of course my wriggly baby's jiggling is now actually quite painful :S
The only thing I have to moan about, really is it looks like the tenants in our house will still be here when baby arrives, which, when trying to maintain an orderly household is becoming a little stressful. No baby room as a result so the poor thing will be in the spare room to begin with. Not a problem as it is bigger but it won't be personalised for him.

Ugh, sorry, listen to me moan - it's almost time to celebrate! And many here must be so close and excited! :D I'm so made up for you all. How is everyone doing???

x x x
Getting there. Got scan and review tommorow at hospital for my BP was sent by midwife on tuesday to daycare. Everything went fine BP came down and baby seemed fine. Midwife did say my bump was neat but maybe baby position so not worrying myself too much about tommorow unless they say I need to get induced then it will be all panick lol x
Hi everyone!!!

Final hurdle! Eeeek hope everyone's ok, a lot of u have it so rough, hope symptoms ease off and last month becomes more comfortable!

So exciting that babies are arriving so soon! 2 sleeps lulu! Can't wait for your update.

Has anyone had any baby on their way signs today?

I've had nothing! Little miss still breech and back to back, 36 week appt this morning and static growth ( 32cm fundal) soooo off for a scan at 8;40 and drs appt. Get to see her again! Very lucky. She feels big to me , I just think she's squished.

Hope everyone has nice plans for the weekend x or gets rest! It's tiring cooking bambinos! X
Loulabelle, I do not envy you doing 50+ hours a week! Hope the next 7 days flies for you and you get to put your feet up. Boooooo for the tenants bumping baby into spare room! Not ideal, will they be there for much longer after baby is here? If it's any consolation, ds's bedroom is still a sh*t heap as we have no storage and no physical space to put storage, so his room is piled full of unpacked boxes and bags from when we moved last November! We still have another 5ish months to get it sorted, he's unlikely to be out of a cot before Christmas.

Natalie, glad all is ok with BP. Fx baby is just tucked up and snuggled away and is a perfectly good size.

Jess, eurgh breech is the worst! Get moving baby!

Had my growth scan today, he is 7lb already :shock: :shock: she predicted he'll be about 8lb 15 at 40 weeks. Help! He has finally gone head down, he was definitely head up on Tuesday and yesterday afternoon I felt so unwell and he was thrashing about so I think that was him turning. Not engaged yet but I don't care, I'm so relieved he's gone the right way round cus it means a water birth is a possibility. It's just a waiting game now, although he's been told to stay put until after the 28th cus I have a haircut booked!

Wow kumber, that's an amazing weight! I always find that scans slightly over estimate the weight though so may be a little smaller for you. Hooray for head down though, must have been uncomfortable with him turning so late, but at least you're a step closer to a pool birth!
48 hours lulu!! That's so crazy! I hope you and OH so end sone nice time together while you can, just wear some mittens :)
Hello again loulabelle! Glad you're doing well and will be able to rest soon!

I'm much the same... Sleeping fairly well but still always tired. Looking forward to my scan on Wednesday! Has anyone noticed their CM has increased? The last couple of days I've had looooaaaads!! It's all normal looking so not concerned, just a bit gross and damp lol x
Thanks ml, very much hoping they have overestimated! We'll find out in the next 6 weeks tops anyhoo!

Yep, massive increase in CM here too. It's such a beautiful part of pregnancy isn't it!

Oh it really is!! My poor knickers �� x
I have the same ml600...damn I hate it, I feel so gross all the time!
Kumber I understand totally. My spare room has turned into a baby dumping ground! With no room to slot stoarge into its becoming a bit manic, haha. Just seen the size of the box of baby clothes my sister-in-law is sending over from Norway (we are profiting from a large number of baby boys on my side of the family!) Omg....I died a little inside :p
Just caught my second wind at work thankfully, because I think I was almost nose on the desk.
God, is it awful that the only thoughts that go through my head are daydreams of flopping on the sofa or lolloping in bed? :p OH is working late tonight, and I've already started planning to sit in the bath with a pizza!

x x x
Just because I'm a bit of a worrier - has anyone else measured 4cm behind at around 36 weeks, previous pregnancies etc??

Just seen from notes I haven't grown ( bump wise ) for one month. Prior to that always behind 2-3 cm but always increased by at least 1cm each appt , last two not tho xx
Aww Kumber I was just coming on to see how your appointment went today! I'm so pleased he's a great weight and head down, fantastic!!!
Decided to start getting things together for the hospital bag today! Tyler got a bit bored after the teddy went in but got a wee bit done thankfully! Felt awful this morning but thankfully found a little energy from somewhere!
Lulu I can't wait for your labor thread!! Really hope it all goes smoothly for you. Not long at all now :)

I kinda didn't want to say anything as I am sure that will make everything stop but I am having period cramps that are getting stronger and tightenings and loosenings just started. Really hope this means something is going to happen. Not exactly sure if it is early labor though and if I should tell anyone or what I should do...
I have this MT, been going on for nearly 2 weeks, was contracting really strong, every 5 minutes but then everything calmed down and cervix was closed. Worth ringing triage or your midwife and ask their advice. I feel your pain hun, keep us updated xx
Ahhhh love hearing some of these early symptoms and experiences - so exciting! I'm off work today so have met some friends for tea and cake and then met my cousin and auntie for lunch - trying to see people whilat I can still engage in normal conversation :) also been shopping for hospital bag essentials so going to get everything washed and packed tomorrow ready to go!

Yay kumber glad baba has flipped to head down - what a relief :)

So glad baba turned for you kumber

Well I have workmen here and talk about stressing just wish they would f off I can feel my blood pressure rising and one is afraid of the dog plus the dog can sense it and keeps barking grrr is this day nearly over please :cry: they are only doing certain jobs cause the major work can't be do with me in the house I wish they would just be straight with me. Xx
How exciting MT!!! Please keep us posted! Sounds like something could be starting , esp if u are further along, hope all is ok!!

Kumber fab news re baby turning! I'm jealous, do u feel less uncomfortable now?

I'm looking forward to seeing how my naughty baby is sat tomoz, midwife said today bum in pelvis , back to back legs crossed , so not frank x
Jess I'm very similar! At 29 weeks I measured 30, at 31 weeks I measured 30 and at 34 weeks I measured 31. Seeing midwife on Monday and got a scam anyway on Wednesday so will check on growth. It's weird because I feel bigger, but obviously I'm not. I also haven't put on any weight since 29 weeks x
MT sounds very exciting! Although I'm not ready house wise I would love to go early!
Sorted my kitchen this afternoon and plan to sort living room this evening and tackle a load of ironing! More of the bedroom will be done tomorrow. I was hoping to get hubby to do the garden at the weekend but thankfully for him the weather is meant to be wick haha!!
Dolly sounds wild! Are you still in the same house or where they able to get you something else?
Be my, sounds like you had a lovely wee day!! Xx

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