X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Thanks everyone!

Jess, my ribs definitely feel better! Keeps sticking his bum out but as long it's his bum and not his head, I'm happy! Just need your bubs to turn!

In terms of bump size, my aunt measured 4 weeks behind at 36 weeks. No rhyme or reason to it, my cousin was and is perfectly fine. She's 6 now and they have no idea why she stopped growing (my cousin that is), she just did! No bump doesn't always mean something's wrong but it doesn't stop you worrying, does it?

MT, that's so exciting! Get a contraction app and time them, if they're a regular length and have regular spacig between them then this could be it! Looking forward to updates!

Still in the same house tmum I am so stressed to the point my family are getting concerned about my blood pressure and swelling cause of it all x
Oh how exciting MT, keep us updated. This could be the start of the Augst babies arrivals.

Not long to wait now Lulu, I bet your counting down the hours now.

So who's going to be next after MT and Lulu???

Michelle x
Just back from midwife, baby is still breech and if it hasn't turned by my next scan in two weeks then I'll be booked in for a csect.
Cause they are a joke kumber and don't care about people's health xx
Sounds like your doing too much just like myself dolly, got my living room and hall being decorated just now also. My feet are half the size since I stopped work. I'm trying to keep relaxed and my blood pressure down. Easier said than done but relax as much as you can with your feet up x
Trying to Natalie I am just grateful that I have finished work cause I could be there plus deal with all this too xx
Tomorrow was meant to be my last day so feel a bit defeated finishing on Tuesday, I've been sat with my feet up almost since Tuesday and the swelling has went down loads, anything to help I'm doing as don't want to end up induced lol if they say that tomorrow I will be panicking big time xxx
Aww Dolly what a complete nightmare! The last few weeks has just flown by but I really thought they'd get you moved before baby arrived!
Natalie, I ended up finishing earlier than I'd planned and I feel a bit defeated, gutting my house to make my time off worthwhile lol but this last week has actually gone quite slowly compared to how I thought it would go and I know on Monday I'll feel like I really should be going in!
Wee man and I put on Pete's Dragon and fell asleep on the sofa lol! Now I'll probably not be able to get to sleep when hubby gets home from football haha! Xx
Morning ladies, happy Friday!!!!

I finish work today woohooo!!!! 12.30 is officially the start of my maternity. I so can't wait.
Woke up every hour last night due to torrential rain, needing a pee and lots of backache and cramps. Feels like my lady bits are being stretched. Still looking bits of mucus plug.

Michelle X
Aww Michelle have a fab last half day! So exciting!!!
I had period pain like cramps last night, very strange as I haven't had them in months lol!
Going to try and get a bit more done round the house today and with the weather being so wick I might take the wee man to the cinema!
Lulu have a lovely last day pre baby! Xx
Just realised I'm36 weeks today! I'm so excited! It's getting a bit real now! Cant believe baby will be here in the next 4-6 weeks eeekkkk!!!! :yay:
Michelle, I'm with you on the lady parts stretching, very strange. Yay for last day!!!

Thanks Tmum, I plan on doing nothing but eating and sleeping.

Just 1 more sleep!!! I hope he actually arrives tomorrow, but I doubt it xx
Oh lulu, you must be so excited and relieved!! Even if he doesn't arrive tomorrow, at least you know he's in his way!! Sleeping and eating is a great plan! Reserve your energy for the weekend!
Tmum enjoy your last day!! Only 3 hours to go!
Any news on MT? I wonder if she's progressed or if it's fizzled out!

We are over halfway through July, babies must start making an appearance soon!! Xx
I've been at the hospital all night due to reduced movements. Had to stay on the trace for four hours as they weren't happy that baby's heart rate kept dipping below the baseline.

Id had normal movements in the morning but none in the afternoon or evening. My MW had said to ring the hospital if the movements weren't normal - so I did, and I was advised to come in - this was at 9:30pm.

As soon as the trace went on baby kicked up a storm and its movements went crazy which is normal. The registrar then popped in as I have GD and asked what made me feel concerned. I explained that movement was very quiet compared to normal and her response was "has baby moved 10 times today?" I said yes as baby usually moves 10 times in an hour! She then basically said I had no need to come in! So which advice do I take??

She then said I couldn't go home as baby was moving too much and I had to sit on the trace till 3am. Knackered now! Have to go in for a scan today as she wants to now check baby's growth. I'm so glad baby is okay but she made me feel like I had over reacted.
Lollie glad to hear everything is ok. Ignore that woman I always think if you aren't sure/happy it's not worth the risk and is better to get checked out then left!!
Not to scare everyone but a colleague at work told me a friend she had didn't realise her waters had brioken/wasn't sure if it was her waters so left it, she got an infection and sadly the baby didn't make it.'so it's always worth getting any thing no matter how small it is checked over.
Anyway glad baby is fine and hopefully you can catch up on your sleep!

Lulu so excited for you!! Lots of pictures please when he's here :D xxxx
Oh no jenbob, that's so sad!! That poor lady! I always think of the worst case scenario and figure that no amount of 'time wasting' is worth ruling my baby's safety. Lollie I'm So glad everything is ok, I agree that you should always go in if you're unsure x
Lolie, the 10 times a day is really outdated advice and I'm quite concerned a registrar said that. Have a look at Count the Kicks, they're working with professionals to change the advice. Baby should be sticking to his/her own patterns of movement, however many times in an episode or however many episodes baby has. Really annoyed for you, the registrar was well out of order!

Michelle, yay for last day! Enjoy your work-free afternoon!

Tmum, happy 36 weeks to us! We'll be fully cooked next week! I wonder who's gonna pop first?

I know it's horrible - :( and I don't want to scare people, but i use it to remind myself if I'm not sure it's better to get checked as if it is bad it can be treated/prevented sooner!

Michele have a lovely last day!! This time next week that will be meeee! :D so happy i decided to finish a week earlier.
Feet are starting to swell a little and I'm just tired and fed up at work.

I'm so so excited to start seeing everyone's babies arriving! I finished my NCT course last week,' literally 3 days after we had finished, one of the woman gave birth ... 3 weeks early!! She was bang on 37 weeks and literally finished work 4 days before too. It's crazy to think that's going to be is soon!!! Xxx
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