X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Got my bloods back all fine, did say I was a little anaemic which Kim shocked about cause was told my blood is good. Hopefully Friday goes ok too xx
Hey ladies, so much is happening for everyone, how exciting :)

Lulu, not long now, hope you managed to get some sleep

Michelle how exciting about your section date, great news :)

Kumber I hope you get answers soon, try not to worry

JJ fair play to you, I think this pregnancy malarkey is difficult without children, I don't know how all you 2nd time plus mums cope!

Sugar sounds like things could be progressing for you :)

Hope everyone else is doing well!

Woke up with the worst headache, paracetamol is not even touching it. Think it might be because I actually slept last night for 8 hours nearly (in between toilet breaks lol). Any ideas of how to shift it?
Ladies, I've popped over from Sept mummies hope you don't mind. Wanted to see how you are all getting on.

Getting so close for you all now and can't wait to see some labor threads !!

Lulul stay strong babe - you really have been amazing and I can't wait to see what LO looks like x x x
Kumber do u mean me or someone else, I'm not being induced scan and blood pressure checked on Friday xx
Bubbles, drink plenty as that will help your headache. I always find a slow walk helps too in the fresh air... With sunglasses on :)

I have a 34 week appt with my mw tomorrow and a scan two weeks today to check on the fibroids and position of baby. Hopefully we will know more about delivery options then.
Evening ladies.
Had Physio today for my pelvic pain! Tubi grip holding me all together atm lol!
Got a bit more gutting out done this morning and I'll get more done tonight! Working full time and having Tman has really meant my house has been neglected haha!! Hope everyone's had a nice day xx
Keep going everyone your all doing great dispite little niggles and we are all so close now, can't believe our early mums are now classed as full term.

Lovely that some of you have definite dates and can now plan and count down!

I had my 36 week appointment today, everything is perfect baby nice and happy, head down and engaged but she hasn't written anywhere how much though not that i am worried baby still has 4 weeks and i can feel it is quite low. Only thing she did say is that it feels like a little baby which is again fine with me, I am only 5ft and normally size 8-10 so would be worried if baby felt big. Xx
Kimmy, you're 5ft too? Short person high five! Glad was well at appt :)

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Morning ladies, hope you are all well and babies are behaving :) so exciting that some of you will be meeting your little ones very soon!
I feel like baby has dropped lower but am not convinced he is anywhere near head down or engaged, still getting a lot of movement in my sides. Fingers crossed he has moved and we don't need to try turning him.
6 days left in work and my baby 'shower' this weekend (it's actually just a party, I really dislike the American style 'bring us presents' kind of showers!) so lots to be looking forward to.
Struggling a little with sleep, I'm either too hot, too achey or just too plain wide awake, but feel knackered when I do get into bed. So frustrating!
Hope you enjoy your baby shower Showing Promise :)

Sleeping what is that? I'm tired, I just can't get comfy and its to hot. I've got a busy day today meeting friends for lunch, which will be fun.
Think I'm driving my husband insane, he even asked me if I wanted help getting the baby out whilst we was in bed last night lol. I just kissed him and said "yes but NO thanks".

Have a good day ladies xx
Hey 2nd+ time mums, do any of you know if vomitting might be a sign of early labour? I've not been sick once my entire pregnancy then through the night I felt a bit icky and was sick this morning. It's really out of the blue for me and don't know if I should be concerned. X
Morning! I feel really weird this morning!
We went to a new Footgolf new us last night. Hubby and wee man played and I walked round the golf course.
I was tired after but didn't feel too bad, went to bed shortly after getting home and didn't waken during the night. I've woke this morning and I'm completely busted!!! My eyes are so heavy and I feel like I could just close my eyes and sleep grrrrr!!!
WTT - could it be heartburn? If I haven't taken my tablets, the acid makes me throw up. If not, my midwife told me nausea/morning sickness can appear or come back in tri 3. Never heard of it being a sign of labour, but I'm a FTM xx
I don't think it's heartburn, as I don't have that acidy taste, maybe it's just one of those tri 3 things, with more hormones or something. Just been sick again now, I feel a bit better now for being sick again, so maybe it's a stomach bug.

Lulu how you coping? Did you manage to get some sleep after taking the mess they gave you? Not long now!
Could be a bug hun yeah. I hope you feel better soon!

I feel ok yeah, I haven't taken the sleeping tablets. My sleep is really broken and the itching is ridiculous but I just keep thinking 'he will be here this weekend'. Just 2 more sleeps to get through. It's so surreal, I look at my belly and can't believe there's a baby big enough to be born in there. I keep having a reccuring dream that he's born with no head, arms or legs....what the hell!!! xx
2 sleeps that's so exciting!! I suppose the random dreams are triggered by the fact you know he is coming imminently. How bizarre though the thought of him not having a head! Luckily you don't need to worry about that once you wake up!
It is so odd, I've had so many scans, I know he has a head...I can most definitely feel it slamming off my cervix too.

Was really looking forward to this being my last trip to the hospital to monitor my OC, then found out I will have to continue going after he's born :( xx
Hi all,

I'm so sorry, I feel inconsiderate and almost rude to jump back into the forum right at the end.
I've been absent so long that even I can't remember the last time I was on! :( I've just had a hectic job and home situ on top of a major case of baby brain, which is now reaching a peak! I get home these days and crash. Birthdays and social upkeep have been the victims of my jelly brain.

I hope everyone is doing well!So so close to meeting the little ones now! I hope everyone is beginning to ease into ML and getting some well deserved rest. I have 6 days left before mine which are just draaaaaaaaaaging by.

Is anyone (I guess mainly the first time mummies) feeling overwhelmed and completely lost?? Aug 23rd seems to be staring me in the face and I still feel like I have no idea what I am doing!
My poor little chap still has no name :/

x x x
Welcome back Loulabelle, lovely to hear from you again :)

How have you been other than bushed?


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