X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Hun, I am absolutely brain dead I can't even begin to explain, losing my mind. I'm in hospital now and I'm trying to explain, I know it's only 4 days but how do you expect me to go through labour when I haven't had even had an hours sleep, it isn't realistic xx
Big hugs girls!!
Kumber hopefully all is ok! Is it Thurs this week for the growth scan?
Natalie, get the feet up and rest!
Sugar, all sounds very promising! Although my house is upside down atm I hope I start to feel a change soon!
Lulu, hope you're ok! How is the hospital going? You've been fantastic! I honestly wouldn't have been able to cope! It's awful because you really need you're sleep to get through labour and the days that follow. They're bad enough without being sleep deprived for such a long time beforehand! Massive hugs chick xx
I know, which is what's making me even more anxious!! I just want him out!!!! xx
Ah lulu you're doing so well and the end is so close!! :) it's hard but try and stay positive ! You're doing fabulous and you will think you're exhausted but you will find some energy from nowhere during labour! Very excited for you!
Aw kumber hope appt goes ok! :)
Aw no get those feet up and rest now natalie.:)
My contractions have picked up tonight, I don't feel right at all. Nothing regular so not too worried. Just massively umcondortable and tired, but going to keep eye on things it's not time for me yet! Xx
Yeah ill try. Hoping all goes well on Friday if they say I need induced early I will be shiting a brick lol xx
Blimey, what a lots been going on with you guys ladies!

Natalie - rest and relax - congrats on starting mat leave, hope your all ok xx
Kumber - big hugs, wait for scan you never know baby might be average in there by scan and your growth might just have been mostly earlier in pregnancy, 23 lbs is a really good amount to have put on xx good luck for scan x

Lulu- eeek sat morning for induction - fab, wonder if yourll have him sat or sunday, both good dates 19th and 20th
Its soul destroying being stuck in hosp before birth, ive done it the last two times and your getting no sleep. As soon as your induced , ask for epidural and then get some sleep to pick you up for labour, a section sorts out the problem but it's not the answer hun xx

Slow down and rest a little more sugar!! Ive been having a surge of energy for my nesting, mad clearing out!!

Michelle - yayyy the 19 th aug is a great date for a baby - how exciting
I'm currently sat in the bath!! :/ hmmm. I've not felt well for a few days, nausea and period pains, lack of appetite, sharp shooting pains... And then tonight the tightenings have really picked up with a constant dull ache in my bum!! I sort of remember this being the build up before actual labour kicked in, but can't remember if it was several weeks earlier or right before! I've been resting a lot of today because I had zero energy anyway. I'm sure it's just because it's baby number 4, things just get more noticeable earlier..

Lulu hope you manage some rest . It's so awful in hospital, and hard to get some sleep. What jj mum said is good advice, then you may get some rest during labour to preserve for pushing! so excited for your labour to start! :) think you're going to be first ... Unless someone goes in the next few days but I doubt it! We're all on our way though, yay, can't wait :)
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Wow! What a difference a day makes!
Lulu how are you getting on? Are you still at the hospital?
Did the bath ease your pains sugar? Sounds like you could be an early bird too!!
It will be so strange if we all go over due now lol!!

We can do this!! X
Wow! What a difference a day makes!
Lulu how are you getting on? Are you still at the hospital?
Did the bath ease your pains sugar? Sounds like you could be an early bird too!!
It will be so strange if we all go over due now lol!!

We can do this!! X
Oh god! Ive been sleeping on the armchair in the little boys room/nursery to be ! As my 1 year old is a pickle at night, and then I get more sleep. 530am i woke and stupidly just stretched my legs... Super double cramp in both calfs- had to stand up to get rid of them. Once id stupidly stood up there was no sitting down again without a pee or id wet myself!! Grrr had to sneek out over the creeky floor/door gate etc - so the youngest is up now!! We use to get up this time every day but he's been doing much better, so Im refusing to get up now and go downstairs, so he's playing on his bed and im back on armchair as sentry trying not to wake other son! Checkout his cross face in the pic! Ha ha

Sugar hope the bath sorted it, your right each child makes you more sensitive to all these things I think, lets hope it's just that and not early slow labour x

I think the race is on between Lulu and Natalie Reid for first aug baby, hopefully Natalie's bp etc will settle x


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Morning ladies, seems like some of you are having it rough :(

I can see mine staying put well after eviction date because I've no signs. But it's giving me plenty of chances to decorate still so I can't complain.

Hope you all have a nice day xx
Good advice JJ, thank you. I was just losing my mind last night. I practically fell into a coma last night, was exhausted, I was demanding a section like a crazy woman and obviously they wouldn't give me one lol. I must have looked literally insane.

Got prescribed temazepam but unsure whether I should take that :/ Can I make it 3 days with nothing??? Will I lose my mind??? I want to say I can do it xx
Lulu, no need to be a hero, youve done enougth. If hosp has prescribed it then its safe for pregnancy and your oc etc then go for it. Three days is three days and you dont want to look back on this as an awful experiance. Take it and try to relax, you never know it might be just what you need x
Yeah but it's a tranquilliser, what am I, a horse haha! They only had 10mg of it at the hospital and she said I'd overdose if they gave me that, so supposed to go back and get 5mg.

God this puts me off having any more kids xx
Me and my partner have been trying to conceive for just over a year. This month I've just realised im 10 days late for my period. For the past year since stop taking the pill my periods have been consistent.
2 weeks ago my breasts started to hurt and had belly cramps, just thought I was coming onTo my period, For the past 4 days I've felt very tired and very sick.
I've done a pregnancy test every morning since Saturday and they've all came back negative.
This is my first time (hopefully) being pregnant. My body feels like it's going through so many changes my emotions are flying around all over the place but were finding it heartbreaking keep seeing a negative result.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thankyou 😘
Thanks for all the hugs girls, things have been a bit rough lately. Hopefully things are on the up!

Just thought I would pop in and say hi! I've had a lot of anxiety during this pregnancy so tend to keep myself to myself, hope no-one thinks I'm being rude but it's a bit easier that way. I've got a consultant appointment tomorrow as I've been in for monitoring 4 times for concerns over movement. It honestly worries me so much and I'm sad to say I'll be glad when this pregnancy is over and baby is here safe and sound. It really is one day at a time mentally. I'm hoping the consultant will give me a date for induction but we'll see.

I see that a couple of August ladies will be having their babies soon and wanted to wish them good luck. Lulu I think you've done amazingly well to cope so long and I would take whatever they offer you. Natalie I hope your bp has come down. I hope everyone else is coping ok. Looking forward to pics of August babies very soon xxx
I don't think anyone thinks you're rude hun, it's lovely tohear from you when we do :) sorry to hear you've been having a worrying time lately, fx you'll get an induction date soon!

19th July is a great day for a birthday Lulu or anyone else who looks like their babies may show early ;) haha.
Browneyedgirl I feel the same - I keep reading ever so often but I'm at work still so find it hard to keep up with the conversations!
Michelle glad you got your section date that's great news! And Lulu I hope everything is going ok with you... Not long now!
Hope everyone else is doing well!
I finish work next week on the 24th.... So excited!!!!
Looking forward to hearing about everyone's birth stories soon!! Really not long left now xxxx
Just had a little trawl through this thread and trying to catch up – I don’t use this thread too often as it moves too fast for me to keep up. I can’t believe we are now all in the last few weeks! Whilst for ages I feel like it’s been dragging it now suddenly doesn’t seem that long at all since our 12 week scans – after that I chilled out completed for a few months and now that I’m in the last few weeks my panic/paranoia has started to kick in again worrying about reduced movements and needing to buy the right things and getting the house sorted and finishing up with work – it still feels so mad and surreal to think I’ll be full term in 12 days!!! I finish work 2 weeks today but I’m using bits of annual leave so only working 3 or 4 day weeks which is lovely!

Lovely hearing everyone’s stories and hope that the ladies who are having a bit of a tough time are holding up ok – won’t be too long before this is all seems a distant memory and we have a whole new set of worries to contend with J


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