X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

MT I've had the GTT and for me it was awful but bareable! It's a sugary syrup drink which is bad enough and then I had to drink a huge cup of water (I can't stand water!). If you're okay with water it probably isn't that bad:) I then had to wait at the hospital for two hours and they took my blood again to test the glucose levels.
Hello everyone! Haven't been on this weekend as been on my spa break! Was truly amazing and if recommend a pre natal massage to anyone!!!
MT for my glucose test I had lucozade so I can't tell you, but results should be back fairly quickly, maybe s couple of days?

Lulu I'm so excited for you! Only a few days of torture left! Have you thought of any other names?

I think I'm much the same as everyone else... Pelvic pressure intensifying, back ache, I think the worst bit is needing to pee 14696 times a day!! X
Hello everyone! Haven't been on this weekend as been on my spa break! Was truly amazing and if recommend a pre natal massage to anyone!!!
MT for my glucose test I had lucozade so I can't tell you, but results should be back fairly quickly, maybe s couple of days?

Lulu I'm so excited for you! Only a few days of torture left! Have you thought of any other names?

I think I'm much the same as everyone else... Pelvic pressure intensifying, back ache, I think the worst bit is needing to pee 14696 times a day!! X
Lolie - I love the idea of baby bump with you and hubby! Dud your GTT test take a few hours? I'm worried about Riley coming with us to antenatal clinic at the hospital tomorrow and being bored out of his noggin, maybe hubs should stay here with him?

Jess, you're still breech too? These monkeys need to hurry up and turn!

Bubbles and Tmum, hope you've both enjoyed the bank holiday!

MT, it sounds stupidly stressful. How do they not know your due date, surely there must be a rough idea! I really hope yiu get some answers, it's no fun facing the unknown!

ml, I'm glad you had a lovely weekend, bet you feel super duper relaxed now.

Kumber, I had to be at the hospital for 930 and I had my first blood taken at 10. I then had the glucose drink and had to go back into the waiting room for two hours. I then got called back in for another blood test and was allowed to leave after that. I was there for about three hours in total. I took a book to read to pass the time. Your lo would probably prefer staying home :)

Have you got to fast tonight?
Kumber, Yes still breech , and with my bump being 4cm behind she's not budging! I for the first time just feel so uncomfortable and stretched, I don't know how I can cope for 4 weeks!!!

It's the rib pain that's the most agonising. Naughty baby's! I'm 35 weeks now.

I had the glucose tolerance test three days ago, I had bloods taken first thing ( fasted from midnight ) then had to have an orange drink , in a pouch like a Capri sun. I loved the taste orange and very sugary but others said it was too sweet.

U then have to sit in waiting room for 2 hrs resting ( movement can change the test results ) n after 2 hrs they took my bloods again, then free to go!

I got my results 4 hrs later mid afternoon. Negative , never thought I had it but family history only reason they sent me.

Hope that helps anyone going for it??

Ml600 - spa weekend sounds amazing bet u are so relaxed. What did they do on your massage?

Kumber, I guess a 7lb baby can be anywhere between 36 - 40 weeks maybe less if she is a big baby? But I am not really sure if there is any other way to tell once you've reached this point:/

Thanks everyone! Just dreading the two hour wait before you can get your bloods taken again. Plus I will be ravenous and they have Costa right next to the ward I will be in and it will be torture haha.
Jess, my glucose drink was awful. It was in a white polystyrene cup and nothing like lucozade or a Capri sun unfortunately! Just thick and syrupy!
Have you got to fast tonight?

Not that I know of? I'm not even 100% sure I have to have a glucose test tomorrow, they weren't really clear. They said my glucose levels were borderline in 2nd routine bloods but were nice and low with my first set of bloods which is what they go off? Then a mw friend of my mom's said it's normal to have an increase in glucose throughout pg. Then when I went in for those pains last week, there was glucose in my urine which she said can be normal in late pg if I've not had glucose in urine before??? I think my bloods from a week or two ago also came back normal as they said I may get a call from the gestational diabetes mw at the hospital and I didn't hear a peep. I'm thinking I should ring them in the morning now...

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Not sure wether I dare bring up this subject cos it gives me the heebie jeebies just thinking about it, but is anyone doing ..... :S perineal massage ....(nervously awaits response)!

Ha ha I have tried doing this but I think quite unsuccessfully - I have tried twice but it's really awkward and I can't see anything due to bump so I don't think I'm doing it right - I will probably persevere a few more times in case it does help but I know that my current method won't be doing anything!
Ladies this is a VERY awkward TMI. But me and hubby were doing the deed there now (too much time on our hands with bank holiday) and we had to stop as liquid was running down my legs. It wasn't that much but enough to then drip onto floor. I smelt it and it's not urine and it looked clear. I hadn't finished dtd so it's not that. Do you think it could be my waters leaking? I have put on a towel and am now sitting freaking out.

Sorry for the tmi...
Oooohh Bubbles, it could be! Awkward question but what did it smell of?

Smelt of nothing kumber. Seems to have settled. Nothing on pad so maybe it was just hormones lol! I am so freaking out lol. It was not much but far too much to be just dtd. We were also wearing a condom so it's not that either.
You have 2 sets of waters huni,

The forewaters are like a cushion for your baby, located between the baby’s head and the cervix.
The hindwaters are above the head (assuming your baby is head down!), surrounding the baby’s body.

If your waters break and there is only a small gush or trickle, this could be because it’s only the forewaters that have escaped, with the hindwaters still above the baby – the head engaged in the pelvis can block the flow of the hindwaters which will eventually release (you may get little trickles or gushes with each contraction) as labour progresses or as your baby is born. You could also get a hindwater leak, which may even reseal and stop leaking!

Maybe the sex has just caused one set of waters to leak a bit!!

Michelle x
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Thanks Michelle. I'm so sorry girls to complain and worry so much. I know there are ladies on here with real worries. So I am going to calm my knickers (and keep them on lol) wear a pad and see what happens. If it's labour, pains will start or if it is waters more will come?? Is that right? And just sit tight and wait :)
Don't apologise for complaining huni, we are all here to help. Just pop a pad on, rest and see what happens. At this stage in pregnancy anything can happen so it's good to get help and advice from everyone.

Michelle x
Thanks ladies. Going to have a bath then bed and stop freaking myself out. 30 years of age and I'm acting like a child lol
MT my induction day is Friday - seeing my consultant tomorrow, eeek!

Ml - we're liking Luca, we just want to see if it suits him xx
Not sure wether I dare bring up this subject cos it gives me the heebie jeebies just thinking about it, but is anyone doing ..... :S perineal massage ....(nervously awaits response)!

Ha ha I have tried doing this but I think quite unsuccessfully - I have tried twice but it's really awkward and I can't see anything due to bump so I don't think I'm doing it right - I will probably persevere a few more times in case it does help but I know that my current method won't be doing anything!

Hi Becky, I had a go and gave in after 5 seconds, can't reach around my massive boobs and bump lol. The 5 seconds that I managed I thought the baby might explode out of my side I was squishing it that much.
So I did some research and found that actual scientific evidence of improvement is negligible. If anything it reduces chance of tear by only 5% and only in 1st time mums! Also found that women that do it 1-2 times a week has better effect than those doing it 3-5 times a week!!

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