X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

I had a class lay night, preparation for parenthood it was called. No didn't need medical notes, most women had their partners there, think there was just one girl who didn't!

They basically stood there and spoke for 3 hours, did a few demos on a doll. I didn't really learn anything I didn't already know.
Just wondering if any of you know the normal protocol when you're measuring behind? I'm about 2 weeks behind, baby is under the 10th centile so I'm having fortnightly scans. I have one scan tomorrow at 31+4 and I have a consultant appointment straight after to talk about growth and how they'd like to proceed. I wasn't meant to see my consultant again after my first appointment unless my mental health deteriorated again but the lack of growth means they want to see me again. I figured that they'll see me tomorrow, if I'm still behind then they'll bring me back at 34 weeks and schedule an induction at the 34 week scan for some point after 37 weeks. I'm not sure how accurate that is, I'll hopefully find out tomorrow and obviously it might be that she's caught up at the scan tomorrow afternoon. I'm just curious whether anybody has had or is experiencing the same thing as the health care assistant at my last scan said that if her growth doesn't catch up then they'll have to look at intervention of some sort but couldn't tell me anymore?
Nice to see you again Charlotte! Hope you're doing ok?

It's not quite the same thing but my aunt was found measuring behind at 36 weeks, she was measuring about 2 or 3 weeks behind as my cousin had just stopped growing. She was induced at 37/38 weeks and my cousin was 5lb 2oz! Totally healthy, just a teeny baby and she's still a teeny 5 year old now! They may consider inducing you as they say babies grow quicker outside tne womb, so maybe the logic would be she'd catch up outside your tum? I don't know.

Hi Charlotte , nice to hear from u and hope your ok!

I'm not sure if the same but I'm measuring behind, my bump is 291/2 and I'm 331/2 weeks I average at 4-5cm behind. I had one scan that put baby on 10th centile ( she was on 5th) on measurements alone but scan showed her perfect so I didn't have any more and that was at 28 weeks. My bump is growing at the same rate always a few cm behind so as long as it's growing they had no concerns for me, I wasn't offered another scan at all....

Hopefully you are the same and it's just fundal that's behind , hope your scan goes ok.

I've just packed baby's hospital bag , I'll do mine another day - just askin for advise if anyone can tell me if it's right...

3 vests
3 sleeper suits
2 outfits ( one summer one normal)
Socks, bib, hat, scratch mittens x2
Muslin squares x 2
Cardigan ( obv only if cold)
Nappys and nappy bags
Water wipes
Baby bath, nappy cream, talcum powder ( mini sizes )
Hand gel

Does that sound right?

All sounds about right! I personally don't like nappy cream, it actually causes nappy rash by stopping the nappy from properly absorbing waste. Never used it on Riley, never had nappy rash and he has my super sensitive skin. Obviously it's personal choice and I would never comment on anyone using it as it's what you're happy with as a momma, it's just that it's sold to use as an absolute necessity which isn't the case for every baby bum :)

Hi Jess, I've packed pretty much the same as you except for the baby bath stuff as a lot of hospitals will only use water for first few washes. Hope your scan goes well Charlotte! Keep us posted.

I feel like baby has moved even lower!! Since last night my pelvis is so uncomfortable, I feel like he will drop out!! X
Hi Jess, I've packed pretty much the same as you except for the baby bath stuff as a lot of hospitals will only use water for first few washes. Hope your scan goes well Charlotte! Keep us posted.

I feel like baby has moved even lower!! Since last night my pelvis is so uncomfortable, I feel like he will drop out!! X
Ahh ok thank you,

They are only very mini sizes so I'll keep the baby bath and cream in but probably won't use them then. I'm clueless!

I also have a little bag of cotton balls , I'm not sure how I feel about water wipes or Huggies newborn ones, I always thought u could only use water and cotton wool...so I've packed both. Wipes will come in handy for me I'm sure if can't use on baby... Haha.

Just need to pack my bag and doing a surprise one for my oh. So will have two small suitcases and a man bag. Is that acceptable??

Don't want to rock up n look like I'm moving in ha x
Good news re baby dropping, getting ready it seems! Eeek! My little ladies still breach and so high up it's horrible pain in my rib, I want her to drop soon, not sure if that happens when upside down tho.... Can't believe it's July! Gosh time flies x
I'm taking water wipes as I figure it's the same as cotton wool and water?? No idea though!! Lol. I'm taking a small suitcase... Cabin bag sized... For me and OH, And baby's changing bag for his stuff. It feels so real now the bags are ready!! I was told on Monday he's engaged and very low... And everyone in my family delivers early so I've just got to wait! Don't want him here too early though! Few more weeks please!! X
Ooft for baby dropping ml, bet you feel like there's a canon ball between your legs! How's the appendix?

Jess, that amount sounds fine :)

I'm packing one big holdall on wheels... Will they allow me in?? Haha!

I've got to wash baby's things and then decide what I need in mine. We still haven't got the car seat or pram!!
Well I've had an eventful morning. After having pains and leaking fluid and then not feeling baby move I have been in hospital since 7.30am.
Was on a trace for 2 hrs. Baby moving fine, heartbeat fine I just never felt any movements was so ever.
Got a scan which showed baby is breach, I am slowly leaky fluid and baby weighs 4lbs 2oz.
Been sent home to rest and monitor things over the weekend. They said if nothing changes I have to cone straight back in.
So worried now. Cheeky little monkey I have for scaring me.

Michelle X
I packed mine and babies yesterday. I am taking a holdall on wheels I have 3 vests and babygrows in 2 different newborn weights so 6 of each nappies, wipes, cotton wool pleats, baby towel, scratch mitts and blanket

For me pjs, toiletries, towel, 2 packs of pads, breast pads, loads of knickers, slippers.

Just need to put in clothes for going home for me and chargers.

Have I forgot anything?
Oh my Michelle!! When I had some leakage they said you can get a small tear which will repair itself, so fx the fluid stops!! Kumber the appendix is much better! Was a little tender until yesterday but feeling much better in myself, thank you! Just in time for my baby shower tomorrow!!! I really feel like he's between my legs lol, especially when I bend. Is that normal?! Lol. Rally got the pregnancy waddle now!! X
Charlotte I hope you are ok and baby catches up on next scan, fingers crossed it's just being a wee monkey and everything is fine.

Michelle that's rubbish, hope baby stays put for another couple of weeks. Go home and put your feet up and fingers and legs crossed that everything is ok.

I have been having animteresting night and morning. Have a really dull back ache that sometimes goes right around my bump (ie wee twinges). There has been a couple of tightenings but no consistency and not that often. Scared me a little to be honest as the Brixton hicks I have had has not been painful. But this all feels like I am on my period. Is it just everything stretching? I've also been to the toilet 4 times, feel a bit sicky and headache on and off. Thanks in advance.
Every time I stand up or move I feel like I am wetting myself. Hopefully things settle down over the weekend.

Michelle X
Ooo everyone seems to be gettin little niggles and pains. It's all so exciting. I mentioned the period pains in my back to the midwife yesterday and she said its just Braxton hicks.

I'm doing another 2 loads of Henry's washing today! I honestly don't know where it's all come from. Getting it all on the line, making the most of this weather xx
Aww, nothing cuter than seeing newborn baby clothes out on the washing line.

Michelle X

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