X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

I am the same ml on the 26th I am 37 weeks and operation evict Amy will be stepping up to the max. I have my ball up to which oh laughed at and going to get my raspberry leaf tea today. Cause I really want to her to come on her own without a possible induction.

Hopefully she will be like her mummy and want to be early (wishful thinking) xx
Same here dolly... I'm so impatient I really don't want him to be late!! Nobody in my family has ever gone over so I'm hoping that's the same for me! Everyone on my mums side has been anywhere from 1-15 weeks premature!! But I don't want him here before 37 weeks or I can't have the birth I want!! X
Most of my family where 1/2.5 weeks early except my last nephew who was 3 days late. But I think my doctor doesn't think I will hold her past 38 weeks due to her size.

Fx our babas don't keep us waiting xx
It's so exciting! Today... I feel like a whale!! I think he's expanded over the past week!! X


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Hey ladies just back from my 35 week scan. Baby has turned head down woo hoo!!! It has a better sense of direction than its dad lol! So over the moon, weighing roughly 5lb 7oz and has big round chubby cheeks like its dad!

Not engaged or anything yet but at least he is head down :) so, so chuffed :)
Fab news Bubbles!!! Now baby needs to stay put!

Great news Bubbles, good weight for baby too.

Can't believe its July already, crazy to think some August babies could arrive in the next few weeks eeekkkkk!!!

Michelle x
Thanks ladies. I'm on a wee high :) sitting in a very overcast garden starting into a bit of work. Thankfully there is a bit of a breeze.

I go on maternity leave tomorrow, but think I will be working unofficially until Tuesday, I can work from home so not to bad! Also going to see the tall ships in Belfast on Friday with hubby for a wee day out. So all very positive today :)
Just had our 32 week scan, baby is 4.4lbs and has hair :) baby is still breech but has moved. It did have its head on my right but now it's head is on my left.
Lollie, it is lovely to see them again isn't it. Don't worry about breech, there is still plenty of time to turn. On my scan today baby has turned to head down but that doesn't mean he will stay like that until birth, they can turn right up until 38 weeks.
Thanks Bubbles. The sonographer said its still very early so could still turn but I'm not too worried :)
Brilliant news Bubbles, fab weight.

So happy it's July. 16 days til Henry begins his journey into the world!!!! xx
Aw really glad you had a good scan Lolie. As you said, plenty of time to turn xx
Lulu, that's amazing. I can't believe you will meet your wee man in just over two weeks, it is so exciting :)
I know, how crazy is it? Yesterday my consultant was feeling my tummy and said he's a fab size. Head down and back to me, chuffed about that. Only bad news is that I may be going down the section route, she said to bare it in mind. They're going to induce me with the pessary and see if I can do it naturally but she said I'm tiny, have no hips, big baby... I guess we will just have to wait and see xx
What an afternoon here! Mw was good but sort of not so good too.

He's head up still and is measuring 35 weeks, he's done a massive leap on the chart. She's sort of worried, sort of not, she wants to see me in 2 weeks instead of 3 and if he has done another growh leap and/or is head up, she's referring me to the hospital to discuss a section. I think I'm going to have to come to terms wih the fact that, whilst he might still play ball, there is a fair possibility I won't get the birth I wanted. I don't mind at all, I just want him here safely but it just means making plans so that things will be manageable afterwards - childcare for Riley, extra help for us, etc.

It's just a waiting game now, roll on the 15th!

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Fingers crossed for you Kumber that baby turns for you! My midwife has me on the 95th centile but the scan has me just a smidge over the 50th which is quite a difference! :)
I was measuring around the 75th ish and have shot up over that this week. She said if he does another leap she'll refer me for his growth. I'm finding it frustrating not knowing what's going on, I hate all the 'ifs' and 'maybes'. I've stuck a piccy on of my chart.



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Wow that is quite a leap! Would have been easier for you if she referred you straight away so you'd know what was going on.

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