X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Hey well I am back from my antenatal and little miss is 5lb 10ozs today:shock: but the doc is happy with her. She is head down and has the most gorgeous chubby cheeks lol. I am back in 3 weeks and a plan will be put in place for delivery as they may decide to bring her early at 38/39 weeks the first step will be a sweep at 38 weeks that's if I haven't went in to Labour before that which they think is possible xx
Hope the antibiotics and painkillers work ml!

I am not coping in this heat, been running around all morning, only just home and about ready to collapse! How are you all coping in it?

Thank ladies. The pain has eased so I think the tablets are kicking in. Was nice to see Noah on the scan though... He's so big now!!
Dolly - 5lb 10oz already?! Blimey!! I was born at 35 weeks and weighed 5lb 8oz. Exciting that you'll get your princess sooner though!
Kumber - I'm not coping either! I just made myself a smoothie with strawberries, raspberries and ice cream to try and cool off! I made my bunnies their own smoothie too!!
Sugar - no they didn't really say anything about him being engaged. Just kept saying I must be uncomfortable with how low he is xxx
Haha!! They love it! Frozen fruit, spinach and carrot!! Keeps them cool and hydrated! Spoilt little munchkins x
I wish I was this healthy but no, I'm gonna eat my body weight in Fabs and tomorrow I'm gonna buy 50 tubs of ice cream and have a bath in it all.

Mine wasn't that healthy!! And I also enjoyed a large bar or dairy milk afterwards!! I just want to eat constantly at the moment x
I keep eating nobbly bobbly's, twisters, Mr freezes and just lots of ice!! :) I've had a maxi dress on today, just like a black vest top type one from primark and originally I didn't like it as it showed love handles and doesn't go to my ankles due to bump, but today it's been a god send! And now I don't even care what I look like I'll be wearing it , and the other one I got in a different colour , all the time haha! :) it's super hot isn't it! Dolly that's a fab weight, I came on my due date and was 5lb 13oz :) we were all tiny dots though. Ml600 I wasn't sure if they'd have said something, with babys head being fully engaged, not sure if that means he can't bob out now, so he's in prime position the big event!! :) x
Talking of ice cream just bought a huge tub of mackies raspberry ripple ice cream for after my dinner, if it's not that it's the irn bru ice lollies xx
This heat is just insane, being heavily pregnant in summer really isn't a good combination is it

Michelle x
Omg feet swelling is insane!! Also, I've found I've had to wrap a cold wet towel around my feet whilst having them propped up on a footstool, every night. They're just too hot, and swollen now with this heat. They're burning up every night regardless of the heat though, anyone else's!? I haven't even gone to bed yet, been sat on my ball, next to a large standing fan!! :) oooo us pregnant ladies do suffer when it's warm! I am due the same time as my last pregnancy so I remember it well! X
Morning ladies how are we all this morning?

I am going to commit murder I could of slept last night if it hadn't of been for OHs snoring I swear it was absolutely awful. He keeps it up and he is on the sofa for the foreseeable future

Oh a brighter note how exciting is it that some of the August babies could arrive this month eek xx
Morning dolly! Awful night last night here too, soooooo hot. I was up 6 times between 10:30 and 2am, some stomach acid went up behind my mouth and nose and literally started suffocating me! I couldn't take a breath for about a minute, it was absolutely terrifying. Thank god I was ok, sitting up drained it back down pretty quickly and I was fine afterwards but I was so scared to lie back down again! Never want another night like that.

Got the mw this afternoon for 33 week appointment, fx we go through my birth plan. Lost a wee bit more plug this morning :shock:

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Oh kumber that sounds so scary I don't blame you for not being able to lie back down.

Fx that you get to go through your birth plan with the mw xx
How many mummies are still to go on maternity? There can't be many now!

Morning ladies, and happy July!! I can't believe we are due NEXT MONTH!! How did this happen? I'm sure I've only just got my bfp! I turn 37 weeks on my birthday this month so after that, it's operation 'get Noah out'! Our babies are nearly here!! X
I finish for maternity 4 weeks today :) will be 37.5 weeks when I finish so hope baba isn't too early - after whinging about how much it's dragging it's suddenly flying!! And now it's july which means...NEXT MONTH...and for some THIS MONTH! yikes!!

Well I'm on my holidays before maternity kicks in. I've been keeping myself busy in the garden and I still have plenty to do in the house. I decided to take a hedge down yesterday on my own. My husband went mad because I have used both of our brown recycles bins for garden waste.
So whilst he isent here today I've bought and built a garden shredder to get rid of the rest, he doesn't know.
I've realised having to much time on my hands is dangerous lol cx

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