X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

hope ml is doing okay :(((

these august babies have been soooo naughty recently!!! At least we are all nearly there :)

I feel like I shouldnt even consider moaning after reading how much some of you are struggling... Still waiting for my bloody hospital appointment. Looks like my mum will be missing it as she is going abroad on Friday for two weeks and I will be stuck home babysitting my 7 siblings ages 17 to 5 so not gonna be the easiest thing ever with my backpain and really awful pain almost literally in my vagina that i can barely walk :/ but glad they still at school!
Omg MT, 7 siblings?!?!?! Wow, massive respect to your mom, I'm struggling with one plus bump!!

I know! After one pregnancy I feel like I am soooo done with this having kids business hahaha. She is a saint though bless her.
Hope everything is ok ML!! Not long left for us all now xxxx
Well I had my baby shower over the weekend! All went well, had a good giggle and some lovely gifts! Hope ml600 is doing ok! Glad the tightenings have settled kumber! These babies are just getting us prepared I am sure! :) wow mysticteen 7 siblings, that's fab! I'd love a massive family. People make remarks now with me pregnant with number 4, and it's quite upsetting sometimes. I don't see having 4 kids as being a major issue? And my boys play so well together wouldn't have it any other way! Trampoline sounds fun jd, I have a 10ft one too in my back garden, I've had my ball out though, need to start sitting on it every night. I would advise that to anyone, even if its just for comfort it's amazing! But it could help baby get down ready in the coming weeks! Especially first time mums. Hope everyone's enjoying the sunshine,
I love it , except for nothing fits or even looks nice :/ but not long now! X x
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Hi everyone,
Not been on in ages as I've had a really uneventful pregnancy (I know thats s good thing and I'm very lucky).
ML fingers crossed everything is ok for you.

Has anyone's baby engaged yet? Had my 34 week appointment today and she said baby is engaged, I'm secretly hoping this means it will come on time, but I don't think it really means much.
Oh wow that's a positive sign:). I'd advise to get on your ball! Baby is heading in the right direction, it can still take weeks for labour to start though. But least things are looking good! You could be a July mummy :) I see the midwife and the consultant next week, having bloods done again, and check my uterus measurement because have been behind, hope I've grown abit more!! Or baby will be squashed! and then the usual checks. Can't believe were only a few weeks off our babies starting to arrive now x x
Oh, wtt in your notes she would have wrote 'ENG' then a number, like 1/5 or something like that. Did she say how much of baby's head could be felt? If this is your first then it's a positive sign, as im sure when I had my second his head started to engage arojnd 36 weeks and I had him at 41 weeks! :/ but that's because she said with subsequent pregnancies baby's head can still move and bob in and out.. I'm sure that's the right way around, someone correct me if not! :) xx
Ohhh sugar thanks for the advice, just checked my notes and it says 2/5, just googled it and found that means it's not fully engaged. Guess I'll see at my next appointment in 2 weeks if it has gone further down.

Fingers crossed that you've had some growth at your next appointment!
Really behind on this thread ladies, hope your all ok?

Ml600 hope you didn't have apendix issues , let us all know how your getting on xx
WTT im with you. I'm only 31 weeks and babys been transverse up until now but at my midwife appointment yesterday she said she's head down and engaged 4/5, i know 4/5 is only a tiny bit engaged but she's engaged none the less. The midwife didn't seem worried. Is this a sign i could go early? X
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I don't think baby's head engaging is a sign of much other than baby heading in the right direction! Also some midwives write it differently - Which Ive always found baffling and annoying ! - some write how much head they can feel, and some write how much head is engaged. It's always best to ask! But we're all going to be symptom watching over these weeks and anticipating our babies arrivals ! ! :) so exciting. Oh, did either of you feel like you've got more pressure down there now? And that there is some relief under boobs now too? Xx
Thanks sugar, I'm not really feeling any pressure and still getting quite breathless at times so I don't think she's moved down very far yet. Hoping that comes soon as I don't enjoy the breathlessness! X
Hello! Thank you for the well wishes! Had a very chaotic few days. After 2 scans, 3 blood tests and 2 urine tests, they are none the wiser. My blood and Iain suggests I have appendicitis, but they couldn't see my appendix on a scan due to baby being in the way. They discussed exploratory surgery but thankfully decided against it. I now home with some strong antibiotics and pain killers. Fx it clears up whatever is!!

On a lighter note, all the doctors and midwives commented on how low baby is, and he's fully engaged! I hope everyone else's baby's are behaving? When is everyone going on maternity leave? X
Aw ML, I hope you are feeling better. At least you are home safe and sound in your own bed now.

Guys I am going to ask a stupid question, but how do the midwives tell if the baby is engaged? Is it from having a feel of your tummy or is it internal? Also when do they start poking inside you? I'm dreading that bit lol x
Fx crossed for u ml that the pain killers and antibiotics help x

My dad is a joke at the mo well my oh works for him and he has just phoned to ask if I could go and lift my oh from a job and take him to another job, and took a huff cause I have antenatal this afternoon. I ain't off to run round after my dad and oh grrr the sooner my oh starts his new job the better. Like I got up and took him to a job when I had been up 4 times in the night. Sorry for the rant xx
Such a bad nights sleep, not that I got any sleep! My stomach is so heavy and it felt like bursting last night - I had to lie propped up all night. Luckily I'm already on mat leave so can nap during the day.

We have our 32 week scan tomorrow so looking forward to seeing our baby again!
Aw ML, I hope you are feeling better. At least you are home safe and sound in your own bed now.

Guys I am going to ask a stupid question, but how do the midwives tell if the baby is engaged? Is it from having a feel of your tummy or is it internal? Also when do they start poking inside you? I'm dreading that bit lol x

They feel your tummy, and can feel the baby's head, and if it's 'free' or engaged. And if its engaged then will write in the notes something like 1/5 , depending on the midwife and the stage you're at. You must ask though if they do write that in notes, I had midwives writing dofferent things in my last pregnancy! One would put what she could 'feel', and another would put how much babys head is engaged. The internal I think youre on about is either a sweep, which will be if your midwife thinks you need a kick start to labour or if you go over due. Or they will examine you to determine how far dilated you are in labour. Hope that helps! X x
Glad you're home ml600 , hopefully things settle?! Was anything said about babys head being fully engaged?? Aw dolly that's rubbish, they should know you wouldn't be able to just drop things and go giving lifts. :/ enjoy antenatal! I am the same when it comes to sleeping! I always wake up with horrible stitch like pains and can't move through it! and up an down to the loo aswel, which is on the floor below me so I've got stairs to do!! :( I sleep with 4 pillows and my V pillow! Enjoy 32 weeks scan! It's amazing seeing them that big on the screen :) Xx
Thanks Sugar, not loving the sound of internals but at least I have a few weeks to go before I have to worry about them now :)

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