X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Morning ladies!
Hope everyone's doing well!

Natalie I had swollen hands and feet last week. BP was grand though thankfully.
I kept my feet up in the evening's after work and have tried to not cross my legs. I think it was the heat with me last week as now it's a bit cooler I've had no issues!
Hope it passes for you too! x
Hi ladies hope you are all well. Had a very lazy weekend but not sleeping great at all these days. Wrecked today and no motivation to do any work lol! Apart from that, nothing strange with me.

Determined to pack my hospital bag tonight, have been meaning to do it but still waiting on hubby to collect and put up the nursery furniture.

Anyone doing anything nice this week? X
Morning ladies.

Poor ml, I hope Noah stays put a little longer. Our August babies really are naughty. Sending her lots of love.

Lovely day here in London! I'm going to have a nice cool shower and take a stroll to Primark, I went 2 weeks ago and there was nothing but crap there so if its the same I'm going to pop to asda for some nighties xx
Had quite a chilled out weekend too. My feet do swell up a lot, mainly when it's hot or I've been on my feet. I've found myself sitting with my feet up at night and no energy to do much, really want to be doing things too so it's so frustrating! Anyone feeling like their baby is literally going to fall out!? I know I do carry on the low side, but he just feels really heavy! And oddly enough still really high as im getting reflux and indigestion too! Least when he 'drops' I will have some relief the top end! 31 week Midwife appt tomorrow. Then the consultant in 3 weeks. So will see when my next midwife one is possibly 36 weeks that sounds scary!! :/ a girl I know had her baby girl last week, 6 weeks early she was due end of July! Baby was 5lb 14oz so a good weight! Xx
I know Lulu, hope he stays put ! our babies are very naughty! Maybe this means we'll all have straight forward labours!:) xx
Don't jinx it's sugar!!!! Haha I bloody hope so xx
Haha sorry! :/ none of mine have been straight forward so I'm hoping for 4th time lucky! :) just thought, that girl I knew who's baby came early, that would be like you in 2 weeks Lulu? Nice to think what your baby could weigh and that he'd be ok! She never needed to stay In special care or anything. So that's really good. Obviously better a few weeks longer, for your induction at 37 weeks , it's good that were all almost at a point now where if our babies did arrive, they would need minimum support :) X x
Fingers crossed he doesn't come any sooner, I want him to stay in as long as possible, but at least I know he'd be ok even if he came now. No indications that he'll be arriving sooner than 37 which is good. More bloods tomorrow so if my bile acids are still low I will be over the moon xx
Fingers crossed for your results Lulu! My last day at work is July 17th, it's mad that you'll have your baby around then! :) x x
I'll be bombarding you all with pictures haha.

Oh girls, attention please. Amazing recommendation from one of my friends for our hospital bags. Andrex washlets!!! She said they were a life saver after labour as hospital toilet paper is really scratchy. There are cheaper alternatives but the Andrex ones are on offer in tesco at the moment. 3 packs for £3 xx
Grrr so angry with myself, I brought my isofix base a while ago but decided while I was at my mums this afternoon that I would fit it and see how it all works only to find out I got the wrong base for the seat I have got and it's too late to return it! The travel system I got is a silver cross 3d system so I ordered the 3d isofix base but no the seat is actually a ventura seat so different despite the fact it was a set that came together, could cry that's £120 wasted! Xx
Can you not sell it on as new and sell it for like £10-20 less than the shops to make most of your money back? Or ask to exchange it if you bought it in a shop? I'm sure you have a few months to exchange items.

I will try to sell it on, the stupid thing is they don't sell the base I need even though they sell the travel system, going to see what i can do even if I can get vouchers or something in exchange. Xx
Lulu thank you for this! Such a good tip! Will definitely be packing nice toilet roll in my bag just incase hospital is horrible!! Thanks Hun xxxx
Your welcome hun. I thought it was such a good tip, it really wouldn't have crossed my mind at all xx
No me either! And the idea of using that horrible type of toilet paper after birth just makes me shudder lol. I would have thought they would provide decentish toilet paper considering but I'm not risking it! Lol. Xxxx
Ghe toilet paper at my hospital seemed ok! You may find anything will irritate down there! :/ those Andrex wipes sound fab though, and great on offer. I'm really struggling to eat, anyone else? I just feel so nauseous and full xx
I seem to be always eating! I've got GD so have to be sensible but I think I could eat all day long if I was allowed!

Hope all is well with ml600!
I always seem to be eating too! Sorry sugar lol. Feel lucky I've been so good up to now. It's just tiredness I have. I could eat and eat and eat at the mo!i hope ml600 is ok too! Not seen any posts for a little while now xxx
Im with you sugar, a little bit worried about my lack of intake! Feel quite nauseous most of the time have literally no appetite and if I do want something I can only eat a little bit before feeling ridiculously stuffed and nauseous again :( I have been sick every day since about 10 weeks though all set off by a silly amount of acid/ reflux. Xx

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