X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

MT, how long are the pains lasting for and what's the spacing between them? Have you tried paracetamol, a lie down, having a drink of water to make sure it's not braxton hicks?

Mystic teen I had that during the week. Lasted nearly 24 hours but has since went. I put it down to either Brixton hicks or round ligament pain or stretching. If you are worried though give your midwife a call x
I have trieed walking, relaxing, shower, been drinking but nothing seems to change them. I am gonna go in in a bit. I am not in the uk atm got my flight next week.. In this country you cant call your dr... So I am just gonna go in and see.
They are somewhat irregular lasting between 30 seconds and 1 minute and from 2 to 3 minutes apart. Painful, but not agony or anything...
she has only moved twice too within the past 3 - 4 hours which is a worry bc she moves loads usually...
I'd say braxton hicks hun. They were really intense once and I got really worked up but, obviously, everything was fine. I had the same worries with him not moving yesterday and when I went into hospital and they put me on the monitor, he was asleep and just didn't want to wake up. Back to his normal self again today. Let us know how you get on sweetie xx
Agree with Lulu, labour pains literally take your breath away, you can't talk during them or anything. Having said that, some women handle that better and find they aren't as painful as they expected. Sorry, not being particularly helpful! Very much hoping you can be seen hun and that everything is ok! Will be watching for an update!

Mystic teen sorry never saw your earlier post! Sounds like braxton hicks but if you're worried about baby not moving I would definitely go in and be checked over. Hope all is ok x x
Just catching up on all today's posts. Mystic teen hope you can get some reassurance on babies movements. Let us know how you get on.

That's me all organised for our babies arrival. Built up our baby rocker for the baby to sleep in during their day. It is the 3-1 napper from tiny love. Love it. It will be perfect for baby sleeping in their living room. Also got some new pj's and dressing gown from primark today and finished packing my hospital bag so I am all set now. Just waiting on her arrival!!!!

Michelle X
I did my bag today too Michelle. Just need to do the Primark trip to get some pj's and knickers then I'm pretty much sorted xx
I have physio on Wednesday for my back but defo need to get 1 of those balls to sit on xxx
Lulu speaking of knickers I know your best to take loads but is that as in comfy granny pants or just any? Lol x
Granny pants! No point wesring anything else imo, the first few days you're needing to change your pad every couple of hours and ordinary knickers don't hold the maternity pads very well.

Were you planning on bringing loads of thongs Natalie ;) I'm loving my granny knickers at the moment. Not very flattering on the ass though xx
I love granny pants, they are there best thing ever. So comfortable but yes they certainly don't look sexy

Michelle x
Just back from hospital, they were legit contractions. I am 1cm dilated and on projesterone injections and strict bed rest. I am so glad I went in. I think we all should follow our gut and it is always better to go in and get sent home then stay home and risk something being wrong. Hope she stays in now.
iknow i am o cared i wont be able to fly home ext week but glad bubba seems to be okay
Oh my god mystic teen. You were so right with your instincts. Well done for listening to them. I really hope baba stays out and you make your flight ok. Did they tell you to do anything? You have me worried now!!
they said not mch they can do apart from the projesterone injections and for me to stay off my feet. So just hoping for the best now. thank you hunny
Omg can't believe that!! Just shows that everyone's contractions are sooo different! My very first ones with my first were barely noticeable to be honest, I was 2cm and hadn't realised. I don't know what the procedure is now, will you be on bed rest until baby arrives? Will you be able to fly to the uk at all? Oh its scary, but don't worry (obviously you will) if baby came now, they would have a high chance of being absolutely fine. Get your feet up x x

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