X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Hope your okay mystic teen xxx and bubba stays in there as long as possible x
Wow MysticTeen. Good for you going with your instincts, you knew something wasn't right. I hope she stays put. Actually a friend of mine experienced the same with her little girl and had those injections. Strict bed rest and she managed to go full term xx
Happy Monday ladies :wave:!
Just getting caught up!
MT hope you're ok hun!!!! Take it easy! Will you be allowed to fly home ok?
Lulu you're back at the hospital today aren't you? Hope it goes well!

Hope everyone else is doing good!

I'm in the office on my own today! I was sent an email on Fri to confirm my leaving date so spoke to hubby over the weekend and I've brought it forward by 2 weeks but I've asked if I feel better by then can I change it back to my original date?! Potentially just over 4 weeks left of work :lol: exciting and scary all at the same time lol!

Over the last few days I have become VERY thirsty! It's mental. Has anyone else had similar?

Tmum I have , really thirsty all the time I can't drink enough and incredibly dizzy!!!

I googled it and all that kept coming back was diabetes , but if it's a common symptom n we both have it just a Tri 3 little niggle!

I find eating ice pops ( like tri 1 I was an Ice monster!!) or ice cubes is easing it at home, n sucking on boiled sweets whilst out .... Xxx
Oh Jess thank goodness! We were on the Stena Line yesterday for a kids pirates and princess party and I went through 3 bottles of water in no time. hubby just looked at me like I was crazed animal lol!!! I don't think I went to the loo that much though.
I find I'm not eating as much as I was ( I have eaten more during this pregnancy than I've ever eaten in my life).
I had a glucose test done at 28 weeks and it came back fine. Can it appear after that (that might sound like a silly question) xx
I think a higher thirst level is normal in tri 3, especially with the warm weather! It's so flipping warm! We've got an industrial fan from my granddad, it was great last year when it was sweltering.

Feeling extremely confused today - sorted out all of squish's teeeny clothes and it appears I only have 4 0-3 month short sleeve vests, 1 romper and 5 long sleeve vests. I can't understand where on earth they've all gone! I will have to get more now, we have a fair few newborn/tiny baby/up to 1 month but they mostly go up to 9lb - given that ds was 8lb 6 and this baby seems to be bigger, I can't imagine he will be in them for long! I am baffled how we managed it with ds, but then he was in 3-6 months by 8 weeks!

Hopefully packing our hospital bags today too, eeeeep!

Thank you Tmum. I called this morning to see if my results were back and they're not there so I have to call back at 1 and see if they're back. Won't know what the next step is until I get these results xx
Aww Kumber, the warm weather is still to reach us. It's dry and that's about the height of it atm!
Would you have stored them somewhere else?
I haven't managed to find the newborn stuff in our roof space yet!
Eeekkkk I can't wait to pack my hospital bag! Going to try and do bits of our room each night this week to get it sorted and then I'll be ready for the hospital bag packing! I'm really looking forward to it but I keep associating it with the time getting closer eeekkkk!!! xx
MT I hope you are ok and baby stays put! Hope they let you fly too, try and relax as much as you can although I'm sure that's impossible!

Our baby gave us a scare today, his movements had really slowed down over the weekend, tried all usual tricks but nothing. Went to hospital and they hooked us up to the monitor for 30 mins where he slowly perked up and they were happy but mw measured me and said he was small.. So we had a scan. Thankfully all totally ok and it was nice to see baby not again but a little worrying for a while.

I know the nhs gets a lot of stick but today reminded me how amazing it is - I called 7.30 and was hooked up to a machine 45 mins later, with a scan sorted not long after. Lovely midwives too. How lucky we are to have this service!
I've had a look in the other bags of clothes but no joy. Nowhere else they could be so I'm absolutely stumped :think: glad I found out now though!

Are you all doing 1 bag between you both or a bag each?

Glad all is ok with your little monkey SP!

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Omg can't believe that!! Just shows that everyone's contractions are sooo different! My very first ones with my first were barely noticeable to be honest, I was 2cm and hadn't realised. I don't know what the procedure is now, will you be on bed rest until baby arrives? Will you be able to fly to the uk at all? Oh its scary, but don't worry (obviously you will) if baby came now, they would have a high chance of being absolutely fine. Get your feet up x x

The dr didn't seem too sure herself. I am to go back in on Sunday, as my flight is on monday to see how things are and hopefully they will let me fly as it is just a 2 hour and a half flight so not too long. I am just going to stay put in bed and try and relax until then.

The contractions are further apart now, thank god and not all are painful so hopefully we will both be just fine and make it until august at least. Thank you everyone for your messages. x
Glad everything is ok SP! Cheeky monkey giving you a scare.

I can't complain about the midwives or doctors at my hospital either, they are absolutely brilliant xx
Hi All, hope you are all well?

MT glad you are feeling better this morning, fingers crossed that the flight is given a green light.

Kumber I am going to take two bags, one for me and one for baba... OH's stuff will go into mine (if I let him lol)

Showingpromise, glad everything is ok, it really is very scary when that happens

Tmum, the past day or two I have noticed I am thirsty, I just thought I wasn't drinking enough.

So currently sitting in work revising for an assessment this afternoon. I have had about 3 hours sleep and my brain feels like mush and the words are not forming correctly into proper sentences (this is when I can even remember the words I want to say)... Any advice on how to get my brain cells back for a half an hour?
Haha Lulu I was thinking granny pants or like the little boxer type for hospital! Ill need to take a look at these maternity pads also.

MT I hope things go ok and baby stays a bit longer xxx
Aww Lulu they are certainly keeping you on your toes!
SP glad everything is ok with baby!!!

Yes Kumber at least you noticed now! Maybe with your little man being in 3-6 months by 8 weeks you maybe didn't use 0-3, or very little!

Bubbles hope your assessment goes well and that something sticks! My brain feels like mush 80% of the time atm, I think I'm just getting used to it haha!!

Just phoned my Doctor's about getting a letter from them to say I'm ok to fly at 32 weeks, the midwife advised getting it. They are going to charge me, is this normal?
They didn't charge me for my letter to fly out of Derry at 32 weeks but it's a different trust so could be different?

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I don't need to go in today, yay! But in again tomorrow as per usual. Hopefully my bile acids are still low, got everything crossed that he'll stay put til 37 weeks.

Natalie, I haven't opened up the pads to see what they're like but I hear they're like nappies haha xx
These are my maternity pads, Little Angels pack of 10 :)



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They're really not as big as I thought xx

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