X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Morning ladies :wave: got a ridiculously productive weekend ahead of me. Sending out invites for Riley's birthday, getting all the newborn washing done and hopefully hospital bag packed, and cleaning everything to within an inch of its life! Riley is off camping this weekend so have been feeling a bit down getting his bag packed. He's had more holidays this year than someone who's retired!

Great news on the scan Jess!

Great to see you back ML, as Lulu said if it works for you then that's great! It'll help the time fly too, I think tri 3 draaaaaags. Brilliant that bump is measuring bang on too! I am constantly in pain but I think this is down to PGP. My hips, arse cheeks and leg muscles frequently experience shooting pains, I can never sit in one position for too long! But it's not forever, at least that's what I keep reminding myself!

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Lulu I bet you can't wait to get back to your dance! And at least you won't be too uncomfortable for much longer with bubba coming early! Silver linings and all that!!
Tmum it is s hard decision as you just don't know how you'll feel as time goes on. But now I'm happy that I can work when I want to and in a less stressful position. Could you not speak to your work about altering your hours, or taking a couple days holiday per week so that you can stay longer?
Kumber I know what you mean! I just have to remind myself that I used to long for this discomfort, and one day I'll miss it! I think I need to get s support pillow for my bed, does anyone have one? Are they worth the money?? Xx
Afternoon ladies, hope you are keeping well? Think I had my first bout of Braxton hicks last night. Had lower back pain, pains in the front of my thighs, pressure in my pelvis and stabbing pains at the bottom of my bump. These lasted about 3 hours on and off but with no consistency. Kind of freaked (just a tiny, tiny bit) as I had been to the toilet loads (no. 2) yesterday. Still have wee stabbing pains at bottom of the bump today but I think this is more stretching than anything.

So that's my wee drama of today... How I love to overthink everything lol...

Kumber that indeed sounds productive... I have been doing small bits and pieces every weekend, I'm still waiting on my nursery furniture to be put up so can't do much baby wise until that is done.
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Well I have just had the hv on the phone wanting to call out to see me before baby to which. I refused cause I don't have time nor patience for her questions at the mo xx
Ha Dolly! I've got mine coming out in a couple of weeks. Been told they introduce themselves and speak about a safe sleeping environment for baby... Can anyone give a heads up to what else they'll be talking about?
As far as I know that's it - it's a very new thing they've introduced. When my hv came to do Riley's 9 month development check, she said she'd be coming to say hello, talk about safe sleeping, answer any questions on bfing and bottle feeding, that's about it - just a quick hello more than anything.

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Aye, my HV is coming early July, again I think it is a new thing. Will let you all know when I find out
The only time I have seen a health visitor is when I have taken my little bit to the GP surgery to get his vaccinations. Didnt realise they came and introduced themselves before baby came.

Michelle x
If I have any questions I can ask my sisters sister in law as she is a hv but I feel pretty ok about things and with my sisters youngest being 6 weeks old she will be who I turn to for advise xx
Tomorrow I haven't got any major plans. I'm going to wash all Henry's bits and pop to Primark to get some bits for my hospital bag. Sunday I'm going swimming in the morning as my local leisure centre has just reopened and apparently it's amazing so I can't wait to go.

What are your plans Michelle? xx
Oh dear it's started already, my friend put pics of me holding her baby on Facebook and both me and my husband have had people messaging us saying have we had the baby. Like we wouldn't tell them and if I had it this early I'm sure we would be in a hospital for a while. Hope this isn't the start of people bugging us about baby being here or its going to be a long 9 weeks!

I haven't got much planned this weekend, I look after my niece and nephew on a Saturday but don't know what to do with them tomorrow, in the evening me and hubby are going to brave ikea and then I'm working all day Sunday! Xx
Hubby and I are off for a day in London today (we live nearby) so will have a mooch about Hyde park, do some shopping and grab something to eat :) trying to do as much as we can together before our lives change forever! :)
Sunday no plans at all, bliss!
Hope you all have lovely weekends with your bumps!
It's a lovely day for Hyde park SP! Hope you have a good day.

I have to call triage this morning. The itching has got worse and my feet have started to swell. I hope the swelling is just normal and not OC related. I'd absolutely love it if they tell me I don't have to go in but I doubt that's going to happen xx
I'm at work all weekend :( three week left until the shop shuts. I was meant to start my holidays next week that took me until my due date. But hey ho, I'm getting major bargains from work so I can't complain. Shame I didn't find out the gender of the baby because I would be in my element with all the colour specific clothes.

I've ordered things from boots and super drug this morning for my hospital bag. I really need to do it.

Hope you all have a good weekend xx
I've gutted and cleaned my living room from within an inch of its life this morning! Now moving onto the kitchen! Hubby and lb went swimming so I got stuck in! The house is really irritating me!
We're on the Stena tomorrow for a pirates and princesses day! Should be fun! Hubby has his football dinner tonight so I dread to see the shape of him on a boat tomorrow hahaha!!
Lulu hope you're ok! The OC really isn't giving you a break at all!! Xx
Sat in triage, just been taken off the monitor after an hour, he was sleeping. He seems fine. Just have to wait for the doctor and my blood results so then I'll find out if I'm being admitted xx
Aww Lulu, hope everything is ok. You've certainly had a tough time of it lately.

XJDX: sucks that your working all weekend, you will have to post picks of all the bargains you've got from work though.

Kimmy: as if you would of secretly had the baby and not told anyone especially this early. Some people can be really silly.

Showing promise: enjoy your day out in London sounds fun, yes definitely enjoy some time with your OH before baby comes. Wish we had done more together before our little boy came along but work always got in the way.

Michelle x
Kimmy, people are so silly! If people start asking you silly questions, always respond with a silly answer and they soon shut up!

SP, hope you're having a lovely day with hubby!

xjdx, boooooo for workig all weekend but yay for bargains! Let us know what you get so we can all swoon wih envy!

Tmum, pass that energy over to me please! Feeling so overwhelmed with everything that needs doing!

Lulu, hugs, hugs and more hugs :hugs:

This weekend isn't turning out as hoped! Only just making a start on housework after being in Asda two and a half hours trying to find suitable clothes for a photo shoot next weekend! Argh! On the plus side, we are baking tonight so will have lots of yummy pudding for after dinner. Washed all our newborn and 0-3 month bits, there wasn't as much as I thought. A lot of it was clothes and I'm not comfortable wih putting a newborn in clothes (just personal opinion) so thinking I should maybe get a bit more. We have maybe 10 or so sleepsuits, 15-odd vests, what do you reckon ladies? It was enough for Riley but only having one it was easier to keep on top of washing and I remember thinking even then we could do with more. Got the rest of my bits for the hospital bag though so I'll pack that tonight or tomorrow. It's all go really!

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I'm like you tmum, just gutted half the kitchen cupboards. Cleared one clompltely for baby things like steriliser, bottles etc...

Lulu, I hope you are ok, you are having such a hard time, sending hugs!

Off to the shops to but some tuberware... I think I have a slight obsession with storage boxes for everything haha!

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