X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

I am like you Bubbles and TMum, feel the need to clean and gut everything out. I am so fed up living in a mess and picking up after everyone. Between my husband who holds onto everything just in case we might need it one day and my frail invilid of a Father in law who constantly leaves a mess behind him and 2 dogs who leave fur everywhere I feel like I live in a pig sty!!!!

Michelle x
They sent me home. Have to go back Monday....then Tuesday....THEN THURSDAY. I'm losing the will to live. All the doctor said is if my bile acids have increased we will discuss induction but she didn't elaborate. Ughhhh I'm so fed up of that place xx
Hi ladies!

Just catching up on your posts, lulu sorry to hear you're having a rubbish time, hope things settle for you soon!

Kumber I estimated that baby will go thru 2/3 vest + baby grows per day, so as long as you've got a few days worth before you have to wash them you'll be fine. Unless you have a newborn with a regular poonamis, they stay pretty clean!
I'm actually a bit gutted I have all the clothes we need, I have no reason to go shopping ha ha!

Jess great to hear baby is growing and doing well, hope she turns for you! I think you can google Excersices you can try and get her to move, worth a try!

I'm swollen now and feeling very slow and frumpy, and uncomfortable, these next 10 ish weeks are going to drag I think!

The weather has been lovely so its nice being able to live in maxi dresses and flip flops, it was a nightmare trying to get boots on on the winter when I was preggers with ds!

Hope you are all having lovely weekends.

Oh and all this talk about wedding planning makes me jealous! Me and oh have been together 6 years and I'm still waiting for my proposal :(
What you say is true babybushie, I think I will get a couple more packs of vests and more pack of sleep suits and I think that will do us. I miscounted and will def need more vests, but 15 sleep suits was enough for Riley so should be enough for this one!

Come on Mr Bushie! Booooo for waiting for your proposal!

Literally just sat down! Kitchen, living room and bathroom all spotless! Car is ready for a trip to the charity shop and black bin is full of rubbish!
Hubby cleared the landing of all his bits and pieces he'd use to build all the kids bedroom furniture and then hoovered the hall stairs and landing...without me asking! Couldn't believe it!
I don't know where the energy came from! I the house had barely been touched all week because I was so so tired and last night my ribs really played up again so we literally came home and the 3 of us got into bed and watched a film, I think I was probably asleep before Tyler haha!! So glad to get stuff done today because I was getting really irritated with how the house was looking! Hubby is out at his football dinner and wee man in bed! Total bliss but very strange sitting by myself!!
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We have had a fab day, hubby took me for dinner at the restaurant used on 'first dates' on channel 4 - lovely surprise. Shattered now though so off home to bed!
Lulu you poor thing! Must be so frustrating for you., big hugs.
Feeling like maybe tomorrow will need to be a housework day, we've been a bit lax lately.. But if it's nice I know we will just sit in the garden all day!
Aww lulu sounds like your having such a terrible time.... Hope u are ok.

Thanks babybushie lovely to hear from u! Saved lots of google exercises!!

Can I just ask everyone something that has been playing on my mind? When I saw my consultant after my growth scan , he said baby is small etc but in normal ranges and all healthy, he made a really quick comment and said from your scan your Afi ( fluid around baby ) is very high, unusual when your bump is so small but it's fine, some people just have a lot of fluid. And he just left it at that.

Now I've just looked at my notes as only just had chance and my result is 39.3!!

Does anyone have any knowledge of fluid because having looked on nhs that's seriously high , but not sure if just pickling ??? I'm really stressing out about it xxx
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And wondering if that's why baby can't turn or is so stuck under my rib, or if it's the fluid causing me the pain etc?? Xxx
Thanks for the support and virtual hugs girls, means a lot. Feeling really emotional and alone but I'm a big girl, tomorrow's a new day xxx
Hi Jess, where on your notes does it record the fluid measurements? I had a growth scan last week due to having two fibroids so they need to ensure baby still has room. I was told fluid was fine but just curious now as to how they record it and can let you know mine.
Hi Lollie, mine is written in the middle and says AFI.... It's measured in cm? X yes let me know what yours says x
Jess, I can't find anything about AFI all mine says is Liq Vol: Normal

Scrap that... Just found it, mine says 178mm (17.8cm) then says normal range. Hope that helps?
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Hi all just wanted to check in to say hope everyone is doing ok.
Sorry lulu you're having such a bad time! Really hope things improve soon for you! Xxxx
Sorry guys been so Tired this weekend and busy getting some final things sorted. I've properly packed my hospital bag now! LOVED packing baby's little vests and baby grows , even though I'm aware im carrying a little person, it just makes it more real that oh my gosh there is a little person coming soon!! Eeeeek! :). Only need some toiletries for myself then all done. Feeling much better now. Lulu really hope they can reassure you and be abit more consistent in what they are saying to you. Sounds like everyone is having a lovely weekend, weather isn't too bad here but will be glad when it's abit nicer ( I know I'll regret saying that!). Can't believe were all in and going into single figures now, home straight! X x x
Guys I had lovely dreams of my baba last night... I woke up all excited :) I can't wait to meet him/her :)

I'll prob wake up tomorrow with the fear and I'm fu*ked feeling again tomorrow, so I'm going to make the most of this lovely feeling today :)

Happy Sunday, hope you are all having a nice relaxing day x
9 weeks today and 6 weeks till I go on my maternity. Can not wait!!! Exciting times xxx
I have had abdominal tightness and lower abdomen pain along with a back ache coming and going for two hours now.. tmi, but started after sex. She hasn't moved and I just want to cry I am getting worried. I am in bed trying to relax for the next hour or so and if the pains dont start going away then I am going in. Not sure what's happening as this is my first and I am feeling very worried :( just want to cry
I've been out all day walking along the beach climbing over rocks and such things a heavily pregnant lady probably shouldn't be doing! :/ but the kids have had a great time and hoping there worn out now! But this is the first time I physically cannot move!!! :/ totally exhausted even to walk around the house is killing my back and I've had loads of braxton hicks since coming home. Also, I've got my big ball up, and was sat on it last night - anyone else? - I've found it to be the only thing that's comfortable! Really takes the pressure off. Was a god send in previous pregnancies. Got 6 weeks left at work, can't wait. X x

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