My goodness Kat, how are you still going??? Well done you!
Loulabelle, in some ways that's much better for you to go naturally. I honestly do not recommend inductions, I was incredibly lucky but ooft it is so much more intense! That is a randomly late appt, how weird. Still, at least you're being seen to even if it is a peculiar time. Certainly sounds like plug, plug is definitely not lumpy!
it's more the consistency of stringy or gloopy snot.
Things are going well thanks, he is finding being put down tricky which is to be expected - I am trying to feed him into a milk coma but my milk has come in which is making it difficult for him to latch which in turn makes him pop on and off boob and a milk coma a little bit of a dream than a reality. It'll all come together by the end of the week though, so nothing I should really moan about