X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Awwww Kumber so sorry you've been put back - you'll have your baby soon enough babe. Lots of love cxxxx
Hey ladies. Welcome to all the new babies, they are all so very special.

I just wanted to take a little time to remember all the August babies we have lost along the way and to send warm thoughts to the mummies who started in tri 1 with us but who had to let their babies go.

I've enjoyed getting to know you all, see you in the August baby/toddler thread!

What a beautiful post huni x

Michelle x
So sorry to hear you have to wait a bit longer Kumber. Hopefully once they get the process started baby will be here in no time.

Michelle x
Lollie, lovely post and I do often think of those we've lost along the way! Big hugs to the mummies!!!

Kumber, I'm so sorry you're having to wait!!! Get a good nights sleep tonight bird! It'll all be very exciting for you tomorrow!!! God love those ladies having to give birth in the maternity assessment unit eekkkkk xx
Aw kumber that is rubbish, I really hope baby spontaneously comes for you tonight x
Really sorry Kumber but not long to go now so still very exciting :D

Lollie that is a really lovely thoughtful post Hun and I am sure it would of been appreciated by all those affected :) xx
Hope you're doing okay kumber and on your way to baby cuddles xx
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Lovely post, Lollie.

Congratulations again Michelle. She is super cute! Our third August baby girl haha :)

I can't believe how quickly these entire past 9 months have gone! It's def been lovely sharing it with you all. I almost want to go back and do it all again!

Good luck kumber. Hope they have a space for you soon x
Whilst I am glad everyone is off busy with their new little babies I have considerably less to read during the day's whilst I'm waiting for mine to rock up. Today as part of operation baby evacuation I have had a second sweep, been for a walk, bounced on ball, eaten a whole pineapple, drank raspberry leaf tea and purchased ingredients for a super spicy curry for dinner.....aaaaaaand....nothing :) ahhhh well. I've had to resign myself to thinking that the longest it can be now is next Saturday (if they induce at 40+12) and that's helping keep me sane although I do obviously hope it's before then.

Any other news from anyone still awaiting baby appearance?
Hello Becky... My overdue friend. I also have zero signs. I'll be induced a week today if my sweep on Tuesday doesn't work!! I've decided to stop trying to induce anything, I found it too stressful. I'm keeping active and bouncing on my ball but that's it. I don't think anything will work unless baby is ready anyway! I hope you're ok x
I'm not bad thank you :) Yea I think I'll be induced a week tomorrow - I did try a bunch of stuff today but I think I knew that it was unlikely to do anything. Same as you i think it won't do anything unless baby is ready - and I guess in the grand scheme of things and how long we've been waiting we now are down to at most one week!!! Which really isn't much. Going to go to the cinema and pizza express tomorrow as won't be able to do that for a bit once baby arrives (you'd think we'd want to watch an adult film but going to see that Pixar one inside out ha ha) and just keep walking and bouncing and walking and bouncing :) x
I'm still waiting too but not yet overdue. Still no signs at all, will get a sweep on Thu at 40+1 but fully expecting to end up getting induced at 40+12 and I'll be the only one left here! Think she's just too comfy in there x
Hope your babies come soon ladies!!! I'm stalking and thinking of u!!

Have untried raspberry tea? I never had chance as early c section but my friends all swear by it xx
Aw ladies I feel your pain. Waiting is horrible. It nearly drove me bananas. The two week wait was easy in comparison.

I have no advice for you both as nothing I did worked for me. I also gave up trying baby evacuation apart from walking 2/3 miles a day and bouncing on the ball. I would suggest to rest as much as possible and try to plan something nice to do every day. Hope you's are ok. I know you are all going through physical and mental hell until baby appears x
Thanks bubbles - yep I'm walking between 3-5 miles a day and bouncing for at least an hour, often a couple of hours depending how much TV I resort to :) It's pretty unlikely we'll all go to 40+12 but you can't help but think it. Midwife told me yesterday that most ftms are late but not many need to be induced - not sure if I found that reassuring or not :) also I read somewhere that actually 41 weeks is a much more realistic estimate for ftms - they shouldn't really give you a date because even though you shouldn't you can't help but get hung up on it can you.

Jess I've been drinking raspberry leaf tea since about 34 weeks - I think it's supposed to help once labour starts but doesn't bring it on any earlier. I'll let you know if it has any impact if/when the labour bit starts. Hope you're getting on ok with your little one and enjoying being a mummy :)

Yea. My doc told me when I was 6 weeks pregnant that it's 38-42 weeks due to cycle length. So we all focus on the magic 40 as we are so fed up but realistically it's different for everyone. Try to keep the head up, I know it's disheartening but it is only a matter of hours before your little one is in your arms xxx
Due date arrives tomorrow...I don't think he's going anywhere :(
I think I can deal with waiting, that's not a problem, but the pain around my public bone is now very painful. My next midwife appointment is Tuesday so I'll see what this country does for overdue ladies. Oh well, consolation is that it can't be much longer now and at least my mum is flying over Thursday so if I'm still baby less by that point at least I have my mummy :p
Hang in there girls. It's almost over. X x
How many of you fab ladies are left? I've lost track with all the quick baby arrivals etc.... I just can't believe how quick the month has gone!!!! Xx
Hello ladies. Just trying to have a little catch up - been a hectic day!! I hope all the ladies still waiting will meet their little beauties soon!! I went overdue so I feel your pain!
Go give you all done hope I had no signs baby was coming except regular BH, which is had on and off throughout. I did have a 'clear out' the evening before but again that's not too uncommon. So it really can be anytime!! X

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