X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Congratulations ljd and Natalie!! I hope the snuggles make up for the delivery?!! Kumber I'm with you on the food thing... Didn't eat dinner last night as felt really sick but could murder some ready Brek (yes, I'm a child) and banana right now!! Mmmmm x
I've been awake since 3:30.. Seems to be a regular occurrence! Actually seems to be a few of us awake most nights at the moment! My feet are always on fire, and my hips and body just ache!! Bleurgh hate the end of pregnancy , come on babies help us mummies out!!
Yea go for the sarny kumber! I could just have an ice cold strawberry milkshake! :) :)

Hope the midwife goes well, and that it is your last one! Eeeek. X x
Snap with the bad sleep Kumber. OH is snoring like a train, and I only managed to get to sleep at like 1am, so not happy :/
How are you today?
MT how's your gorgeous little one? Xx
Oh sugar... Now I want strawberry milkshake!!! Damn you!! X
Sugar I'm getting really bad achy hips when I sleep too! What IS that?! So annoying!
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About the achey hips... I asked my MW as was really hurting every night. I always thought it was best to keep knees apart to alleviate the pain... But he says you also need to keep your ankles in line with your hips and knees. If you put both ankles on the mattress, the top one is going to be putting a lot of strain on your hip and pelvis as everything else is spread out.... Am I even making any sense?!?
So basically... Keep on ankle above the other... I find a cushion helps x
Sounds like we're all suffering with sleep and hips. No practical advice beyond keeping your hips, knees and ankles apart and in a straight line. We need to get these babies out!

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Yes lots of cushions around my knees hips and legs, seems to help but nothing helps my burning hot feet! :/
Ooo some of us that are still waiting could just be days or even hours away from meeting our babies :) it's the unknown!
The end is tough, and I always feel bad when I'm so envious of anyone who gets to skip these last weeks and have cuddles sooner!! But babies will Only come when they want I guess!

Planning on doing something today, and just forget about any symptoms until im sure it's the day. I just think it's cruel when your body plays all these tricks!

Huh, I had no idea- never had this hip issue with the other two! I just thought it was coz I'm older this time lol. Thankyou!

Oh sugar, the hot feet thing- I soak them in cold water before bed, seems to help? X
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Something hit me yesterday. Postpartum sweats in August. I'm already struggling with the heat, is anyone else worried or am I a weirdo??

Congratulations JD, Natalie and LJD401 on the births of your babies. Sorry to hear it was traumatic for some of you.

Good luck to Colleen today on her induction and Bubbles or her sweep.

anyone else got any appointments today?

Michelle x
Oh no what are postpartum sweats? I was hoping once the baby was out I would cool down :S

Well I'm starting to get worried / disappointed about labour / induction and need to get my head back in a positive place. I thought I had it all figured out, I would have a water birth and it would be sooo easy (lol). Now the chances of that are diminishing only to be told that induction makes everything even more painful. Also my OH can only have next week off work, baby might not arrive until Tues/Weds so I'll only have a few days with him and baby. It's all just going to shit :( how can I get my positivity and relaxed approach back??? Agghh sorry for moan.

Got 3rd sweep today, hopefully I will show a bit of progress.
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Oh goodness, I hadn't even thought of that Kumber! Luckily I've not struggled too badly with the heat, but its going to get hotter soon :/ I'm more worried about sleeping when baby is here- OH and I sleep with the window wide open all night and sometimes the fan on too, but we are going to have to stop that when baby is next to us in the Moses basket. Not looking forward to that!
Good luck today WTT with your 3rd sweep. Let us know how you get on.

Kumber i have never heard of post partum sweats, something else to look forward too!!!.

Bexybun maybe you could buy one of those gro egg thermometers so you can keep an eye on the temp in your bedroom so you know if it's too hot or too cold for baby with the window/fan on.

Michelle X
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Kumber - those sweats are horrific, I wake up soaking, it's disgusting. No one warns you about the glamour after having baby xx
Just catching up so sorry if I miss anything! Congratulations Natalie and LJD! I love the name Toby ^_^
I'm sorry to hear the births were horrid :( I'm extremely frightened of having my own horrid experience. I guess that's because I built up a sort of resolve, and each day that passes with no baby, I'm starting to loose my nerve! But you guys have all got through yours which gives me hope! :D
Kumber, what a mare of a woman you had to put up with. Asides all the rudeness, she will have had training on how to help ladies up without back injury. I would complain. If not for your own vindication, but so that other ladies don't suffer the hag either. Good luck with your appointment earlier.
It has been horribly hot on the continent. And if not searing heat it's been muggy and energy draining. My advice is to keep hydrated. Sounds lame but it has helped me. I also fill up a bottle of squash and keep it in the freezer. That way I can take it out and in a couple minutes pour out nice ice cold drink. My partner is half Caribbean so I'm hoping baby doesn't get my pasty Englishness! :D I'm not sure back home but the evenings are also uncomfortable here. If you can, invest in a fan that you can prop up nearby.
Bexy I know how that feels. We have a converted attic which, despite being very spacious and having three windows, does not adjust to the temperature. At all. We're having to relocate to the spare room for when baby arrives :s
Good luck today Colleen!! Hope all goes well for you :)
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WTT, I'm sorry you're feeling so pants. Totally get where you're coming from with a water birth, I really hope your bubs gets a wriggle on soon.

Postpartum sweats are just really, really bad sweats. Dunno why they happen but ooft they're not fun in warm weather.

Good luck today colleen, today IS the day!!!! :)

Ohh wtt, hooe this sweep helps things along and you get going before induction. But there are lovely induction stories that will hopefully put your mind at rest, and help get some positivity back. Baby will be here soon, that's all I think we all think about!

Kumber, postpartum sweats!!!? Maybe ive never noticed these before?! It may not be so bad for everyone then. I don't recall sweating anymore than usual in the heat? I was thinking soon as baby is here I may still be tired but least I'll be comfier!

Bubbles did you have a sweep/appt today too?

I have consultant tomorrow, hopefully the last one ! :/ haha.

I have a terrible feeling ill be pregnant for weeks yet and be a September mummy !!! :/ x
My sweats were just in hospital last time, and a couple of nights at home. I think it varies mummy to mummy


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