X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Morning ladies :) another crappy sleep here. Was in the bath at 3am and I dropped the iPad in it... Raging!!! It's currently sittin in the hot press in a bowl of rice.

Congratulations ldj, jd and Natalie on your new arrivals. I hope you all recover quickly :)

Hot feet... I find that a hot bath just before you are ready to doze off and elevate your feet with 3 or 4 pillows really help.

Hot sweats... Is it bad that in my head yes these will be crap but at least there's a reason behind them. Pregnancy has had so many pointless aches and pains like hot feet and restless legs but at least the sweats will be helping us lose all the extra fluid :)

Wtt good luck with your sweep, let's hope there is progress and no induction is needed. I also think that if they only have to use gel and not drip that it's not induction shouldn't be any worse (she says ha ha).

So sweep today. Please please God let there have been some progress.

Hope everyone is doing ok xx
Haha bubbles, I read that first bit as YOU were in the hot press eating a bowl of rice! I was like erm...are you trying to toast baby out? :lol:

Morning ladies..... Today is the day :) bricking it is an understatement!!
Hope all you lovely ladies who "queue jumped" lol are recovering well and hope your enjoying lovely baby cuddles!
Natalie if you want to upload a pic you can send it to my email if you want and I'll upload for you, just let me know :)
Good luck to anyone having sweeps today.
Can't believe I'm 11 days over, I must have a comfy little womb lol!
I'm so frightened but so excited! can't wait to update you all, hopefully will have a nice story for you if not I'll put a warning on the thread for those that don't want to read.
Thanks for all the labor luck xxxxxxx
[email protected] (don't laugh, had it since school lol)
So they've moved my induction forward... I'm going in as soon as the oh gets home from work at 12 eeeeeek xxx
Soz coleen it wont let me attach the photos cause im on my phone. Do you have facebook?x
Ha ha kumber. I have tried everything else, might as well join the iPad in the hot press lol!
Bubbles, it's worth a try!

Coleen best of luck today, so excited for you!

Well I had my sweep and there was a little bit of progress but not much. Last time she couldn't get right to the top of my cervix, but this time she could. But she still couldn't get round to sweep the membranes. She thinks by the sweep booked for Friday they will be able to get in to do it properly.
Great news wtt :)

Well I had my 3rd sweep there and no change since the last one :-( induction booked for Monday. I'm going to phone the community midwife to see if she will try another sweep on Friday. I'm willing to try anything lol!

Hope Colleen is progressing nicely :)
Hope everyone is ok today, sorry to hear about the scary labours ladies, I hope those beautiful babies are making it up to you :)

I'm due Sunday and still nothing at all, not the slightest niggle, plug loss or anything- feels like he is happy as Larry in there and intends to stay! Very envious of all the ladies that have had their babies but I'm grateful to be sleeping better and generally feeling well. Hope everyone else still waiting is ok! Xx
Well my due date today went to the midwife who attempted a sweep but my cervix is still tightly closed I have 1 week to get this baby out or I am booked for induction on 19th so fingers tightly crossed that I can do this but if not at least I know only 1 week till baby will be on its way I am 4/5ths engaged.

hope sugar is getting on ok
congratulations to everyone who has had a baby in the last few days.
hope coleen is making some progrese with induction today
And fingers crossed for bubbles and WTT that your babies won't keep you waiting to much longer! Xx
showing promise in in same boat as you - due date is Monday and no signs - I have friends who have had no signs before going into labour so hopefully we'll be one of those rather than this meaning we'll be going overdue.

Good luck to everyone being induced and in labour and things over the next day or so and congrats to all
The new mummies - hope everyone is doing well x
Hi August mummies. Just wanted to give a little reassurance that I had no signs until it all started with my lg either ~ don't loose faith! Xx
Kimmy, happy due date!

I'm all over the place today, ds has been a bit of a whinge (for bit read lot) due to being up at silly am with me. Totally my fault as he must have heard me and assumed it was get up time. Hubby has been great with him this afternoon, I got some sleep but still exhausted.

Last mw appt in this pg today - as I'm booked in at the hospital next week they now take over my care. Won't see her again now til he's here! He's fine, still very little movement so might end up going back in tomorrow as I'm not happy but he's 1/5th engaged so heading in the right direction!


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