X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Well we had 2 baby arrivals last night with Dolly and JJMum I wonder would will arrive today??

Michelle X
Lovely labour lollie, id love mine to be like that!

Anyone else almost due (I'm a week away!!) and no symptoms at all? I've not even had the slightest twinge :( Been walking everyday, bouncing on ball, anything else I can do? Not a fan of spicy food but might even give that a go!

Lovely news from yesterday and last night, it was about time we had some more August arrivals!
Morning ladies! :wave:

Probably jinxing myself but had really strong bh yesterday afternoon which turned into contractions every 3 minutes. Went to bed and woke up quite a few times for a wee but pains had stopped. Woke up again at 5:15am in so much pain, went to the loo and was greeting with a big blob of goo! Had huge, really painful contractions every 10 minutes for about 2 hours and it's all stopped again! Wondering what's going on, could it be a start-stop labour do you think?

My induction date has been moved to Wednesday evening... Was examined today and I'm now 3cm dilated so they think I'll go natural before weds :) xxx
Oh kumber hope something happens for you! Wtt how are you?

Yesterday was so exciting with surprise babies! Wonder who will be next.. Colleen that sounds promising! I'd say with you already 3cm , do NOT sit down at all day! Walk walk walk! If you can get to 4cm they will admit you and at least try and help things, can't believe how lazy some of our babies are! And then how eager some are! It's getting abit exciting now!

We today, I've decided to chill and enjoy the weather, I've been out for a walk and back and just on a lounger enjoying the sun! Today I am NOT looking for signs, or panicking all my house work isn't done, and frantically making sure all is in place - just incase. I was awake at 3am and too tired to care!! I've decided I'll be going over due date anyway.

Hope everyone is enjoying the sunshine :) and relaxing as best possible! Hope jj mum and dolly are recovering and enjoying newborn cuddles!

Any news with jd? X
Well done to getting to 3cm Colleen, as Sugar has said keep on moving today and hopefully things progress even more so the hospital will admit you. Keep us updated huni x

Just having a relaxing day today then me and hubby are having a date night tonight. Not had one in ages so thought we would squeeze one in before the new bundle arrives. My parents are coming over to look after our little boy to let us go out for something to eat then we are off to a comedy show afterwards.
I am a little nervous about going out just I case something exciting baby wise happens, no real reason to think that it should but it's just at the back of my head. Is anyone else like this?? I would just prefer to stay close to home for the 10 days until our section is booked just in case something does happen. Am I been silly??

Michelle x
Well done on getting to 3cm Colleen, it's all those tightenings yesterday!

Not silly at all Michelle! I'm exactly the same, becoming a complete recluse. Do go for your date night though, it might be just what you need.

Thanks Kumber, I know I will enjoy myself once I am out, I just get nervous leaving the house these days.
Was going to jump my hubby once we got home since its been ages since we DTD but he has already said its not going to happen as he wants baby to stay put until our section date, he doesn't want to do anything that could encourage her to come along sooner!!!

Michelle x
Michelle I'm similar... I won't go anywhere too far away from home or hospital! But enjoy your date night, will be the last for a while! X
Well done on the progress Colleen, fingers crossed things move quickly for you.

Michelle have a great date night. I totally understand you not wanting to be far from home and I don't think it's silly at all, I'm the same. I haven't wanted to stay out overnight for the last couple of months and tonight we're going to the in-laws for my OH's cousins birthday party. It's a 45min drive and usually we'd go spend all day there and go out in the evening, but I just don't want to be so far away from home for so long. So I've sent my OH on the train to spend the day with them and I'm driving over this evening just for a couple of hours at the party.

The period type pains I was having last night have stopped, been for a long walk today and all that amounted to was getting a stitch lol
Enjoy yourselves Michelle and WTT, hopefully nothing too dramatic will happen!

^^ sounds like me on my walk this morning! Pushing a buggy up a hill, I give it every effort too. And no signs of labour at all!! So I've rested this afternoon just watching the kids play and hanging washing out. Going to do some house work tonight.

It's mad to think I started with my last son at 38+6, I had just come home from a transfusion so didn't even consider it to be start of labour, I was just all achy and crampy no tightenings until the following morning. I was still unsure when I went to the hospital and was 5cm! So I keep thinking oooooo im almost 38+6 - MAYBE!! Haha! Wishful thinking! But we know it's over soon regardless. X x
Thanks ladies, I feel better knowing I am not the only one who feels like this.

How is everyone else getting on? What's everyone else up to tonight?

Michelle x
Tonight im cleaning. Having spicy thai curry and pineapple for dessert and dtd if that doesnt work I give up lol x
Does anyone have any tips on getting rid of the crusty bits on your nipples it is seriously giving me the boak?x
Natalie I'm with you on the plan for tonight!! Except the cleaning... I didn't that earlier! As for crusty nipples (I love how close we all are!) I don't get it that badly and find that warm showers get rid of anything... Or soak in the tub and gently rub a flannel over them? X
Give them a clean with baby wipes, you have to get right into the cracks. It's a bit gross but it works!

Ohh girls, cross everything. I've been having bh all day, a contraction every hour or so, and looooooads of plug. Please, please, PLEASE ramp up :pray: :pray: :pray:

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