X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Ah lots of exciting things going on here - defo a few more babies by end of the weekend. Michelle I'm in the same boat as you - absolutely no signs of anything happening at all! Am 38+4 now so still a bit of time til due date but was expecting to have some signs by then - the good thing is that I am able to enjoy my maternity leave sort of and get out an about but I have an irrational fear that they've got my due date wrong and I'm not as far on as they've told me :) I don't know how common it is for people to go into labour without any of the early signs - does anyone have any experience of this? Currently I'm convinced Iv got weeks left but feel I should get ready incase I don't x
Morning everyone!! My tightenings have continued to this morning, but luckily weren't enough to keep me awake too much. They cause a bit of pain but nothing to write home about. Either turn into labour or sod off lol.

I'm hoping for a baby photo from someone today... No pressure ladies!! Dolly will hopefully have amy by tonight! So happy for her... And amazingly jealous x
That's exactly the same as me bubbles, mine was still long after my second but nice and soft and 2cm dilated! I think it depends on the midwife because my first one was quote uncomfotable but the second didn't hurt at all and she pulled out a big chunk of mucus so it can't be because she didn't do it right xxx

Thanks Colleen, with your first sweep what way was your cervix? I really want this over with :-(

What do you mean what way was it? All she told me was it was quite far back at the first one, long but favourable and about 1cm dilated! Hope that helps :) 3rd one today and I'm praying it works lol xxx
Hi Colleen. Yea she told me that it was 1cm, very soft, at the front but still long. Yea that helps. I wanted to see how much progress you made between the first and second sweeps. Massive good luck today, hope everything is favourable and she is able to give you a good hoke lol! I'm hopping that for my next one lol!

Ml let's hope those tightenings turn into something today :)

Becky lots of people have not a sign or notion of labour then all of a sudden it happens. Don't be disheartened, baby has to come out eventually :)

Sugar this symptom spotting is driving me nuts too. Google is not my friend right now. Hope your pains ramp up :)

Aw loulabelle that's a brilliant photo :)

Going for lunch today with my friend but so, so tired. Trying to do housework but seem to be sitting more than cleaning :-(
Morning girls! I've woken up in an absolutely foul mood. Barely slept thanks to more painful, regular BH. Pubic bone is in so much pain thanks to him dropping, feels like all of his weight is resting on there. 39 weeks today and stupidly disappointed because after that false labour a few weeks ago, I genuinely thought he'd be here by now. The longer he's in there, the closer he gets to 9lb and the more I'm freaking myself out. Terrified he'll come this weekend while my mom's down in London, so she'll either have to hoof it up the motorway which I will worry about or hubby will miss the birth. Really not having a good day and I'm annoyed because this is my last totally child-free day for a long time. I should be enjoying it!!!!! Eurgh. Hormones. Moan moan moan, sorry girls.

Loulabelle, I think those pics are brilliant! This one likes to stick his bum out, it's makes the bump go the weirdest shapes doesn't it?

Awww, kumber :( sorry to hear you're having a bad start. I think we all know what it's like to crack out a good moan so you go for it. Isn't that what we're all here for? :) You should push on through and have a totally 'you' day.
The bump wiggles and shapes are the only thing that stops me going insane over being prodded and poked non stop :p my personal favourite is when he moves like a Mexican wave, and trying to type on my phone is like trying to type in choppy seas :D
I hope you feel better soon, hun x
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Love the pic Loulabelle, don't have a pic myself but know how you feel- for weeks she's had a foot jabbing me in the same place in my side, its so strange!

Aw Kumber, you really sound like me yesterday! Because of my theory I had about my girls following a pattern (first baby was 3 days early, second was 4 days early) I was CONVINCED she was coming yesterday, 5 days early. I was then ridiculously disappointed about something I had absolutely no evidence would actually happen lol! What a plum!
Aww kumber sorry your feeling crap... It's so rubbish :( but we're all so close to the end now! Chin up!!

Ahh I see what you mean bubbles... Well my first she said 1cm dilated, soft and favourable but still high at the back, second one she said its come forward, still long and about 2cm dilated! I'll let you know what they say at this one today! ive been losing a lot of watery White doscharge through the night, kept thinking pee was coming out but it was just cm, not sure if that's plug or what???? xxx
Oh and I had a scan yesterday, I forgot to post this.... My baby is between 9 and 10lbs (OUCH) little fatty xxx
What is up with all the August babies, they really are messing with us and keeping us waiting aren't they.

I am just waiting at the hospital to get put back on the monitor then get a scan. Really hoping my little one has dropped down further. It certainly feels like she has.

Michelle x
Colleen that's been happening to me this morning was sitting eating my cereal and a load came out! Thought it was pee too lol! Good luck today. I'm pining my hopes on you going before induction as it gives me hope :)

Aw kumber try to enjoy your last baby free day. Hormones are rubbish. I had such a shit week because of them so try not to let them ruin your day x
Wow Colleen that's a good weight. I bet your hoping baby hurry up and arrives! !!

Michelle X
Well after promising myself I wouldn't symptom spot, here I am googling the crap out of everything!! Can I get some opinions...
Whilst I was having the regular BH last night, I started to feel sick. Since then I've had 2 'easy' bowel movements and still feel nauseous. This morning every time I've been for a wee, as soon as I sit down fluid starts coming out. I can't hold it in like I can with pee, but only happens on the loo... Not when walking or anything. Wtf is my body doing to me?!? X
Hiya ladies,
Seems like we are all just waiting now. I'm just cleaning, went out and got the rest of the kids uniform, then realised I've forgotten PE pumps. Fml!

Honestly if one more person texts me asking if the baby's here, I just don't think I will hold back on what I will say!

Let's have some babies this weekend xx
Let's have some babies this weekend xx

I would if I could, haha. Baby says, 'no'.

I wish I could help, ml but since this is my first and I have no labour symptoms I'm not much use. Have you tried discussing these symptoms with the midwife?
Hope you get some resolution soon x

I've decided to watch as many movie series' as poss to keep me occupied and decided to start with Harry Potter because, well, why not ;) on the second one now. Can't believe it is half the age I am! Can't wait to induct my kid into the ways of the nerd :D
Loulabelle, I'm with you! Riley isbeing raiased on Marvel and Cartoon Networkmas we speak! Mornings are lovely cus we all sit and watch cartoons (usually some Disney derivative) and he loves it. Can't wait to get this baby into it too!

I have been so brave and finally dtd and y'know, it wasn't all that bad! God I'm such a wimp :lol:

Michelle hope everything was ok at the scan. I know you've said why you're having them but I can't remember? Was it something to do with growth?

ml, it could be a psychological thing in that when you sit on the loo your pelvic floor instinctively relaxes allowing you to pee more easily, which is why it's coming out only on the loo? Might be worth calling your mw to make sure it's not your waters.

Update from me...
Our gorgeous daughter arrived yesterday, 3 weeks early and totally unexpected! A very quick labour too! We are so in love!!
Wahey! Congratulations Lolie! Another August baby, yay! :D


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