X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Defo not Kumber lol since we are confessing I done a poo at daycare today I couldn't help it or id habe poo'd maself lol the iron tablets im taking seem to have laxative affect on me lol and plus I had just been told im going to be induced so think my bowel had some sort of seizure. I quickly left hoping nobody had to go in for a bit. Nothing what so ever glamorous about it haha xx
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Aaaahh sometimes it's good to get it all out in the open, in every sense! :lol:

Ha ha this latest conversation has lightened my mood tonight! :) I find my wind quite out of control at the moment!! Haha. The glamour!

Yea I was thinking about us August mummies all having planned labours, our naughty babies! I think baby Reem is the only one that was spontaneous..

Come on ladies! Myself included in this! We need some stories of random contracrions starting at 3am , or waters breaking in public etc etc ! Ha ha x
I've started a thread. But I've been so uncomfortable all day. So much pressure and feeling of constipation, I keep trying the loo. No luck so far! Daren't 'push' !! Scared he'll just fly out!! Haha. Lots of intense low back pain and cramps.
I hate my body right now, it seems to be dragging this out! :/ x
Oh sugar... Please tell your baby to just come out now!! I don't know how you've put up with all these pains and things!! X
Im hoping I go before monday lol yeah it has helped the mood alittle since we are all getting to the serious stuff haha x
Hey everyone I had my sweep today, was very uncomfortable, but nothing compared to labour I suppose. She said she could only get into bottom half of cervix to sweep, not up to the top, which apparently is the most important bit to get to as that's where all the hormones are that the sweep releases. So doesn't look like I'll be going into labour any time soon. Got another sweep booked for Monday, so will be good to see if there had been any progress. I really don't want to get induced, as even if they just give me the pessary, it means I can't have a water birth and I really want one.
Oh sugar... Please tell your baby to just come out now!! I don't know how you've put up with all these pains and things!! X

Im telling him but he isnt listening!! Im not even due yet, so shouldn't moan really, but feel like he should've been here now by all the signs! I've not felt too bad today, just constipated really!

Least he will be worth all this hassle in the end!

Ooo hope you're sweep helps things along and you don't need your induction. X
Hey everyone I had my sweep today, was very uncomfortable, but nothing compared to labour I suppose. She said she could only get into bottom half of cervix to sweep, not up to the top, which apparently is the most important bit to get to as that's where all the hormones are that the sweep releases. So doesn't look like I'll be going into labour any time soon. Got another sweep booked for Monday, so will be good to see if there had been any progress. I really don't want to get induced, as even if they just give me the pessary, it means I can't have a water birth and I really want one.

Wtt we are in exactly the same boat :) I had my sweep today and another booked for Monday.

Are you feeling a lot of pressure tonight?
I'm the same! It looks like the next week will be extremely busy! Have we had any August babies that have come completely natural, on time or overdue???

MT's little Reem I think?

I think Browneyed girl was too? I may be wrong, seems ages ago!
But so many inductions since
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I'm off to soft play with my boys and a freind in the morning, its a big one and my 21 mth old is a bit of a wobbler/late walker so ill be in there chasing him round helping him. I have visions of me popping waters by trying to bend througth holes fat ladies shouldn't!

Kumber you made me giggle re the farting in front of the little old lady !

Ml600 sorry your having painful bh again, hope it leads somewhere in the night other than the loo !
Sugar- fingers crossed yours do something useful too - just saw your ticker - happy 38 weeks!
Both your two babies are hell bent on driving you nuts !!

Good luck for sweep today colleen - third time lucky for our most pregnant August mummy!

Payday today - ill be taking out my taxi and train money just incase I need it to get home or there in emergency :) all starting to feel very real now , can't believe im just a few weeks away - getting excited :)
I'm the same! It looks like the next week will be extremely busy! Have we had any August babies that have come completely natural, on time or overdue???

MT's little Reem I think?

I think Browneyed girl was too? I may be wrong, seems ages ago!
But so many inductions since

I was induced as well, it does seem ages ago but my little boy is only 2 1/2 weeks old lol!

I'm still keeping an eye on you ladies. It looks like we'll be having lots of August babies in the next few days - hoping for lots of nice quick labours for you all and looking forward to lots of gorgeous newborn photos :) xx
Cor these August babies really aren't playing ball, are they?! I wonder how many of us might end up having them on the same day??

I'm a little less moody today, yesterday I was an absolute moody cow bag. God knows how I'm going to be if I go overdue! I'm just so damn tired of being pregnant now! Come on August babies!!!

How are we all feeling today? X
Hey everyone I had my sweep today, was very uncomfortable, but nothing compared to labour I suppose. She said she could only get into bottom half of cervix to sweep, not up to the top, which apparently is the most important bit to get to as that's where all the hormones are that the sweep releases. So doesn't look like I'll be going into labour any time soon. Got another sweep booked for Monday, so will be good to see if there had been any progress. I really don't want to get induced, as even if they just give me the pessary, it means I can't have a water birth and I really want one.

Wtt we are in exactly the same boat :) I had my sweep today and another booked for Monday.

Are you feeling a lot of pressure tonight?

Fingers crossed we have both progressed by Monday! Have you had an induction booked, just in case? She's booking mine on Monday :(

No not really felt any pressure, felt a little bit period painish, but I think that's just from the procedure, not the baby.

Going into town today, so hopefully the walk will help!
As uncomfortable as their mummies are, yaaaay! We'll have babies by the end of the weekend/Monday! So exciting :D
I'm sorry some are feeling uncomfortable. I think I'm a little like Michelle. Jealous. I have nothing but a super wriggly baby.
Bexy, I know precisely what you mean. I'm so over pregnancy, haha. What an awful mother I am.
I had a bit of a fart issue yesterday, also. Disappeared into a corner of Ikea for what I thought was a quiet one. Came out like a bullet shot! So, so, so glad no one was around :eek:
My midwife appointment was incredibly routine. Baby is still head down in the pelvis. BP still excellent, growth also. Rented a TENS machine from them to fill the gap between the beginning of contractions and the end when I can have the drip. I'm a massive, squeamish pussy, so I took one look at where the epidural goes and thought 'f* that'.
Have fun today JJ, don't push yourself! Hope you don't end up in an awkward situation.
My main goal is to survive not going nutty. Baby is really stretching his legs, like he's trying to break out of my side. Bad news for for the kid is there's only one way out and it isn't that way :s
It's not very visible but I tried to get a picture of it.
Anybody else have any pictures of sticky-outy baby limbs? :D


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Hey everyone I had my sweep today, was very uncomfortable, but nothing compared to labour I suppose. She said she could only get into bottom half of cervix to sweep, not up to the top, which apparently is the most important bit to get to as that's where all the hormones are that the sweep releases. So doesn't look like I'll be going into labour any time soon. Got another sweep booked for Monday, so will be good to see if there had been any progress. I really don't want to get induced, as even if they just give me the pessary, it means I can't have a water birth and I really want one.

Wtt we are in exactly the same boat :) I had my sweep today and another booked for Monday.

Are you feeling a lot of pressure tonight?

Fingers crossed we have both progressed by Monday! Have you had an induction booked, just in case? She's booking mine on Monday :(

No not really felt any pressure, felt a little bit period painish, but I think that's just from the procedure, not the baby.

Going into town today, so hopefully the walk will help!

Morning :) yes booked for another on Monday, then Thursday and if nothing happens induction on Sunday. Let's hope there is movement before then. I felt lots of pressure last night but have woke up this morning feeling grand. I have been walking flat out too wtt so hopefully that will help. She did tell me my cervix was soft, 1cm but still too long :-(
Ohh wtt and bubbles hope some progress is made soon! And colleen and jd hope you two are getting on ok! We have very stubborn babies! you're all team yellow too aren't you?! That's exciting!

Can't believe a lot of us are still hanging on to ours! Surely we are all going to pop at the same time! He he.

Ah jj that sounds fun - although no popping of waters or going down slides not for pregnant ladies :) ha ha. I'm also at a soft play area later today too, for a party, so that will be fun. Think ill get running around it to start things off!

--Yay 38 weeks !!-- Genuinely believed he'd have been here by now, but now I think I'm going over. If I need an induction it would be 10 days over which is the 31st , so I could end up a September mummy! That makes me feel quite anxious, hope im not waiting that long!

Another awful night for me. Managed a number 2 last night before bed, which is a relief, but still feeling lots of pressure.
Woke up at 3am with a pain all over my stomach I literally crawled to the bathroom! Was awful. Had some quite painful tightenings this morning by ignoring them because they never lead to anything! Ml it's so frustrating isn't ir, we have very naughty stubborn boys!!!

Hope everyone is ok. Apart from symptom watching / googling / and just being fed up now!

Babies soon :) :) :) x
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