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X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

I'm team yellow too but not by choice haha. This baby definitely wants to surprise me! I'm having my liver scan on Thursday and I'm wondering if she'll scan baby for me quickly xx
Oooo more of us August mummies, jj will be over soon! :) ah lulu that's a funny story about the spider! - not about falling on your bum though! :( I remember slipping on ice when I was pregnant few years ago and ended up with a massive bruise on my bum! Couldn't sit properly! Haha. (Baby was obviously fine!) ah yes hope the liver scan goes well, definitely hint about scanning baby! But I've just thought if you're being induced at 37 weeks, this means you only have 7 weeks left???omg!!!scary!! :) xxx
Best of luck with the scan today Lulu, crossing everything that you get to see bubs!

Team yellow here too ladies, and I'm just realising when I moved over I never gave my date. I'm due 14th August :)! Hubby did pass comment yesterday about when we're having our 28 weeks scan on Thurs about finding out. He's not giving up as easily as what I though he would :lol:
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Hey hope u all had a lovely bank holiday. Well I have my 28 week appt today with the consultant to which I can't be assed with sitting on hard chairs with a sore back. And getting my whooping cough, anti d and bloods done I hate needles xx
Need a bit of a non-pg related grumble. There's a load of work going on on the gas lines on our street and in our block of flats. The Housing Association seems to know nothing about it and a representative from the people doing the work popped his head in last week to say we would get a phone call about when the work would start.

No phone call whatsoever, they just turned up this morning, pulled everything out of my airing cupboard so my kitchen is unusable and told me they'd be there all day. Just stuck my head in to the kitchen to ask a man I'd never seen before if him or his colleagues could move everything out the kitchen for me, he informed me that he was finished in the next 15 mins and they would put everything back in the cupboard because that's all they could do today!

I'm getting so utterly fed up of people turning up to my home unannounced, doing half jobs and then frigging off for a few days to weeks, then coming back and messing up my home again!

I'll be glad when this is all done, putting my foot down after this. No more work being done on my flat unless I arrange it!!!

Rant over, phew. Thanks girls

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God Dolly you're in for a day of it! Good luck! Hope you don't have to wait to long while you're there!!! Have you got any further with the Housing Executive?

Aww Kumber that sounds so frustrating!!! Will they let you know when they are coming back to finish the job off? xx
They're back tomorrow to install some sort of tap? And then they're back later in the week to move the actual meter. Bit annoying but I'd prefer that to them being here all day and my kitchen be unusable all day.

Sorry dolly, didn't see your post. Hope your appt went well!

Sounds like a nightmare kumber! Hope they tidy up at least...

Had my 28 wk appt today for bloods and anti d, all went well, baby is growing spot on and heartbeat all fine so I'm very happy! He has been moving a bit more recently too which is great, still the odd quiet day but I think that's just his pattern. All in all very happy with how he is doing :)
What a nightmare Kumber, not what a pregnant ladies needs at the movement, how frustrating.

Dolly hope your appointment went well today.

Showing promise, so glad all is well with you and baby, when is your next appointment?

I had my 28 week midwife appointment this afternoon too, blood pressure and urine all fine, got bloods taken. Baby heartbeat is perfect although she kept kicked and jumping about every time the midwife put the probe on my belly. She is also lying straight across and very low down which explains all the pressure in my lady bits.
I am not due to see anyone else now until our Consultant appointment at 34 weeks is this the same for everyone else. It seems like such a long time to go in between appointments?

Michelle x
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I hope I have added everyone that has given me their details so far, I have put you down as team blue lulu after seeing your other thread - congrats on team blue!!

Lovely news from everyone that has had positive appointments today!

Michelle I have an appointment at 31 weeks but I think this is another extra one for first time mums.

Oh Kumber that would have really wound me up!! Last thing you need! Xx
God Dolly you're in for a day of it! Good luck! Hope you don't have to wait to long while you're there!!! Have you got any further with the Housing Executive?

Aww Kumber that sounds so frustrating!!! Will they let you know when they are coming back to finish the job off? xx

Thanks tmum they will of received my application for a move today so I would say someone will be out in the next few days.

Oh kumber I would be going crazy to there is nothing worse than workmen showing up unexpected and doing a half job so I do feel for u.

Congrats lulu on team blue

The appt went well except the junior doc that stabbed me twice trying to do my bloods. I am also now booked in for a GTT cause miss Amy is coming in above the 90th centile so will have that at 30+2 xx
Aww Dolly sorry your being sent for a GTT, I dont know that much about the test but I am sure everything will be fine with you and naughty miss Amy

Michelle x
I took a book to my GTT as you have to sit and wait for two hours, I had such a numb bottom! Good luck Dolly.

I was a little worried due to lack of movement yesterday, did all the midwife suggested but nothing happened... Hubby blow a lot of raspberries on my tummy and baby instantly started kicking. I know what to do now if it happens again haha!
Here's hoping Michelle that she is just going to be a wee chunk lol it's just the blood tests for the GTT that I hate the thought of xx
Sorry to hear you are having to have more blood tests dolly :( my mw seems to struggle getting my veins to cooperate and never gets it first time, gets a bit sore!

Next appt in 3 weeks!
Hello, so excited to finally be in tri 3. Can you please add me on? Due date 26th August and I'm having a girl xx
Just catching up! Dolly hope the Gtt test goes well, amy may just be going to be a chunk!:) Kumber id be so Annoyed at all that work and mess at this stage of pregnancy, hope they get it all sorted soon! :/ I have my 28 weeks consultant appt tomorrow, bloods done and urine and bump measurement can't think what else, and the midwife in 3 weeks at 31weeks. Then I'm not sure on consultant/midwife appt after that. Think it's 34,36,38,40.. Depending on area. I'll be into single figures then so its exciting! :)
Another exciting event is I have a last minute 4d scan TODAY! Can't wait to see him again. So an exciting week, which helps as its school holidays and very busy and chaotic! Just hope the weeks following this dont drag until my midwife appt.
lulu still can't believe you're having a boy! :)
Oh and I'm still frustrated over names, he won't agree to anything. I really like Blake at the moment and I wish we could just agree on one I know we have plenty of time but it's
Frustrating! Having a baby shower too in few weeks. Feeling much better too so that's fab.. Xx

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