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X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

I hope not hun! I went up to get my whooping cough vaccine earlier and my GP couldn't believe how calm and relaxed I am. I don't want to feed little man any negative energy xx
Aw lulu you are doing so well. Don't know how you are doing it x
Don't get me wrong I was losing my mind when I found out I had it, I burst into tears. Having him checked so often puts my mind at ease though, so at least I know he's ok xx
Hope everyone's doing good!

Can't believe we've got an August mummy into single figures, this is soooo exciting!!!

Horrendous day yesterday for me!!!! I think my upgrade in work is getting me a whooping £33.12 extra a month, want to tell them to shove it! That and then mum telling me My lb (almost 5) not only cut his own hair but also A boy in his class's hair and he bit The same wee boy!!!! I think I spent most of last night crying! Arghhhh! To top it all hubby can't handle my emotional breakdowns so it ends up in an argument grrrr!

28 week appointment today but after yesterday I'm feeling really drained today and not as excited as I was or as I would like to be! Grrrr xx

Yes where all heading to the finish line!

I know how work fells Tmum, our works getting shut down, so where moving or being made redundant. It annoys me with what I've done for work. But I suppose things happen for a reason. I was meant to be leaving work in June, I had put all all my holidays together to go early but now I want to leave when it shuts because we all opened it together. So it's put a bit of a downer on things.

Hope your 28 week appointment goes well. I'm having a doctor ring about my blood tests this morning, no idea why.

Have a good day ladies xxx
Sorry to hear you had a crappy day yesterday Tmum. Surely things can only get better. I hope your appointment goes well today.

I was supposed to get up at 7 so I could eat before my liver scan. I'm not allowed to eat 4 hours before and of course, I slept straight through my alarm. I wonder if a slice of toast will do any harm. Grrr I'm starving and appointment isn't until 12 xx
Hope the scan goes ok lulu! Well I had my 4d growth scan yesterday! Was amazing! Although he is in exactly the same position as my other little boy was, face against the placenta!! Couldn't believe it! And he is also the double of him with chubbier cheeks! And weighs more then he did at this stage. So I'm expecting a chubbier version of my last son! Haha. I'll upload a photo soon! I was disappointed that a couldn't get great photos as I was so excited and confident it'd be different than my last pregnancy, turns out my placenta is just a comfy cushion!! Was great to see him though and he did look amazing on the screen. I have my consultant appointment today. Hope everyone is ok xxx
Scan went well.

Glad your scan went well sugar! Can't wait to see pics. I'm currently sat in the maternity day unti waiting to be strapped up so baby can be monitored. Being dragged to the cinema with my nana after this, I'm mortified. Thank god she's going back to Ireland on Saturday xx
Hi ladies. Ended up going over to hospital this morning. Pain was getting worse with reduced movements. All is fine though. Baby has moved and is now breech hence the pain and lack of movement. Scared the crap out of me as they could find its heartbeat fine but trace was not picking up much movement. It wasn't until they scanned me did they realise what happened.

Feel like a hypochondriac going over but glad I did as it really put our minds at easy. Hope everyone's ok and scans / appointments go well x
I am so angry, I left my carseat at my mom's when we went camping as I didn't want to leave it in the car. I left my car at mom's as it's due it's MOT and I haven't the money for it. After a massive argument last night about the MOT, I booked it in for today and went to pick up my car this morning. The carseat was left outside her front door in a black bag, it was gone when I got there. So someone has stolen my carseat and mirror, £120 worth of gear we were going to use for #2, so now I have to buy teo new car seats. I am absolutely furious and I've missed my bloody MOT!!!

Never feel like a hypochondriac hun. It's their job at the end of the day. Glad baby is ok xx
So glad your baby is okay. hope it turns head down soon. My sister in law is currently 39 weeks and has a breech baby and she is in so much pain its so sad to see. x
Thanks ladies. So relieved. Currently treating myself to a cuppa and doughnut :)

Mystic teen that's reassuring to know (in a way) that pain is normal and that I'm not a complete wuss! Although I really hope your sis in law is ok xx
Kumber that's rubbish. There are some scumbags out there. Make sure you report it. You will not get it back but people might be more alert for future thefts x
Sugar glad you had a good scan :) and bubbles glad everything is ok with baby!

I had my 28 week appt today. Got measured and everything is great, heartbeat is fine and has bloods taken.
Baby's head is now down so I assume this is now normal for this stage? Might explain why his movements were different last week if he's moved position! Xxxx
Lulu glad scan went ok... Are they still inducing u early? Hope itching settles down soon, you are doing amazing with it!!!

Bubbles glad all was ok!! Bet it scared u, naughty babies...

Kumber how horrible , some nasty people about , can't believe it was stolen!!!!!

Sugar glad went well, how funny in the same position!!!

I had my consultant and been signed off for my cervix!!!! So so pleased!!!! Eeek. Baby still breach ( which I knew from rib issues!!) and measuring 25 weeks so booked for growth scan next week to see if she's growing okay .

Hope everyone has a nice weekend coming up , I'm working!!!!!
Yeah they're still inducing me. Midwife just called with my blood results and said that my bile acids are still the same, haven't risen which is so good! Praying they don't increase xx
Kumber oh no that's awful :( horrible people around! Oh bubbles that sounds painful! Up until recently I could feel when baby was breech and it was agony! I'm hoping he's settled into head down to stay now! Jess breech definitely is painful but yay to being signed off due to cervix! Hope the growth scan shows baby is doing fine. Lulu good news about the blood results. And about the induction too, you still get to meet baby early :) well my consultant app went well, measured 28 exactly right, he could feel his head and put my hands where his were for me to feel! I just agreed I didn't actually know what I was feeling haha. He's such a nice guy my consultant. Had bloods taken and see him again at 34 weeks. I see midwife inbetween at 31 weeks. He seems confident that baby shouldn't be coming earlier and all looks good. And said I was doing great! So that makes me feel much better about things. I actually am Feeling good, (apart from a cold!) hope it stays this way! I am going to show you my beautiful baby boy soon, you'll see just how close his face is to the placenta! Ha x x x
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Glad you're all having a better day than me girls! Managed to get some good news re the MOT so a big positive there.

How squished up must our babbas be in there now! Sugar, are you posting your 4D scan pics?


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