X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Excellent Michelle. So we have Jess scheduled for Tuesday, Wednesday at latest. I'll take over next weekend. Kumber is lurking on the horizon, no definite date but an appointment this week is ideal. We have JJ mum toward the end of August. MT is another hopeful applicant for this week.
We still require applications for the week beginning August 3rd... We have ljd in the 3rd. Perhaps sugar would like this week also? X

I'm booked in on 4th for planned section. Hoping baby wants to come itself before hand but that is very doubtful ! X
Jess - really glad shes grown a bit, every little helps and you might get another 2 oz by wed at that sane rate so you could just hit 5 lb which would be fab ( depending on how accurate they got it). How many weeks and days will you and baby be at birth?

Tmum - sudocream is amazing healing stuff ( try on the piles) you might have got a mini one in the bounty 20 week pack? If it helps you ive either got a bit of piles or dark varicose veins x 2 at top inner thighs and bottom, really hoping they go after, i was mortified whe i notticed, like really on last pregnancy!!

Wouldn't it be funny if I popped early like last tine at 36 plus weeks! Ha that would be a naughty queue jumper! Last time due 11th nov and had baby 20th oct!!
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Jj mum that would be a naughty queue jumper!! :) but still very possible! The rate our August babies have started who knows! Don't know what it is but I really can't sleep tonight, can't switch off at all. I even watched a film until 1 to save me fidgeting around in bed! Just come to bed now .. Maybe I'll sleep soon. X x
Jj yes they've booked her a transitional care cot incase but have said as scans can be inaccurate she could well into the 5lbs! So I hope so!

I will be 37+1 weds, if the cot is at a different hops which they are asking as it's a joint ward for me too then maybe Tuesday. But weds this far.

I've had 5hrs worth of 10 minute contractions last night, gone now except my bum cheek and leg keep cramping up! Hoping just Braxton ones. Have my ctg today anyway so will show if anything but front tightenings have def gone!!!! It started at about 9, fell asleep n gone by 2/3. Stinging cervix too xx
Oh Jess maybee she wants to come now too !! 37 plus 1 so will be term just, fab and youve had both steroid jabs too already x not long at all as it's now sunday morning eeek ! Actually maybee your uterus is more irritable now as no water left?

Sugar - was the film called "the torrist"? I was stuck waiting up for my teen daughter to piece our room back together from rare late night tidying of her room!! ( she doesn't think it througth!)

Well today is continuing to clear out and nest/ washing for me of a baby cosytoes I brought on ebay and newborn liner and wedge which just about works with my double to make it from newborn. Sewing buttons onto my homemade boob pillow cover and carrying on knitting my red square blanket for the pushchair ( which looks like ive messed up size wise with 377 stitches in a row! And might drown my baby!! ) What's everyone else doing?

Hope your feeling a little more human Sezzy by now and finding it easier /comfier to spend time in scbu with Rosie ( im just assuming shes still there) hope you get her with you soon x

Anyone else feel like theyve dropped a bit, bump doesn't feel /look lower but it feels like im going to poo out a baby when I walk now ha
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Morning everyone. Well babys not moving for me today.... Been up since 5.30 and only felt one kick. Been laying on my left with a drink and got nothing. Just had something to eat and having another lie down... Why do they stress us like this?! X
Ml600 ring maternity assessment , just because of what happened with me I can't stress enough how u should just be safe! Obv a cold drink and food but I would ring!

Girls I need advise, I'm on my way to hops anyway for my daily ctg scan, last night kept loosing bits of plug, cramping every ten mins ( not painful!!) lasting seconds, for about 5 hrs. This morning during my hair, water gushed out! Now how possible is this my actual waters can midwives tell? As I felt a tightening down below and embarrassingly baby could have pushed some wee out ha! Never hoped id wee myself so much! X
Ml600, i agree with jess- ring triage and go and get checked out just incase xx

Jess do tell them, they get asked about waters /wee all the time so no embarrassment needed esp as yours have been found to be leeky anyway - take all your bags incase you stay in xx

Let us know how you get on ladies xx
ML definitely call your hospital. I've been down for reduced movement and of course he went wild when I got there but glad I went down to be checked. Its too risky at this stage. Xx

Jess, I think your little lady wants to come before weds! I would mention all of this when tou get there, your tightenings and then the leakage. It could have been wee, but then it could have been whatever water was left! They can do a simple swab to find out if it was waters leaking, or maybe they'd scan you to check with your fluod levels being so low anyway. Either way, definitely tell them.

Jj mum I actually recorded the tourist! But watched the proposal, and then managed a couple hours sleep then woke at 4am in agony and haven't really settled since. I feel like my body is definitely preparing for something, hopefully soon! . X x
Sorry but im excited to wear my first maternity clothing, even if I feel a little silly as I can see my feet fine ha ha it's long tho so no cold draught at top of my jeans today :) (charity shop bargain months ago after 12 week scan) as im only 4 -5 weeks to go and last pregnancy im wearing it!!


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Sugar - eeeek I really do think yourll pop early and you know your body x
And jj I don't think my bump could possibly drop any lower or baby would fall out! I have a constant feeling of needing a poo! And my lower back just aches! Please don't leave me another 4 weeks baby!! :( I was absolutely shattered the other week and this past week and a half I have been extreme nesting! This big burst of energy, I've heard comes before labour starts! So I am hoping i am close. As much as my due date is few weeks away, I've had niggles for a while so I know he is keen! :) wishful thinking!! X x
Oh yes jj your bump definitly looks rounder and lower? Maybe you will be the dark horse haha!
I keep thinking I'll pop early but at the same time I know I could feel this way for weeks. My labour niggled away for ages with my second. I had to beg them in the end to break my waters when I'd gone past my due date! That's all it needed! Im hoping I just start with real contractions soon enough... X x
Ml I went to hospital yesterday for slowed movement, he had barely moved all night then only moved if I pressed hard on my tummy or had a freezing drink and even then the movements were small.
Hooked me up to monitor and he barely moved in 15 mins then decided to have a party! Lady me on for another 15 to be safe and they were happy to let me go.
As it was my second bout of reduced movement they will scan me tomorrow to double check all is ok with placenta and fluid but I feel reassured having gone in.
I have to say that I'm beyond impressed with the nhs, both times I've gone in I've been seen within 10 mins and the staff have been excellent. The mw there stressed to me to always call no matter how silly it feels to ask
I agree, give them a call ml!

Jj, I love your bump! Can we swap?! I've not seen my toes in weeks and I'm rather fond of them :lol:

Haven't read all posts but loving your tshirt JJ!!! I've the sudocream on now!
Haven't felt baby move this morning! Hubby and lb away to swimming lesson so trying to get the little one to shift so I can get on with stuff round the house eeekkkk!!!
Sorry to thread hop from September but Jen you look great! Wish my bump looked like that - I haven't seen my feet in weeks now :( haha. All sounds very promising on here for some of you ladies popping early - so excited for you all!

Ml600 - I have been to hospital twice for reduced movement and they always say you did the right thing when you go in. Better to be safe and get checked x
Thank you everyone! After hours of drinking, eating, laying on my left, poking him and playing music, my lazy little sausage decided to wake up at 10!! I was literally getting my phone to call the hospital! Turns out he likes a lie in on a Sunday!! He's back to his usual active self so I'm feeling better - just exhausted now!!

JJ I want your bump! I feel like a waddling whale in comparison! And I love that top!!

Sugar, should I be on alert for a text message?! Exciting!

Good luck Jess! Definitely mention the water. They'll need to know if it is water, and if it's just pee, at least it's something to laugh about!! Happens to the best of us!! Xxx
Hope baby moves soon tmum. Jj mum you do have a fab little bump! :) x
Jj u are so tiny!!

Glad everyone's ok.

Just finishing up at hospital, all ok, she was partying loads . Tightenings def woke her up. First ctg where they have seen her really moving ��.

Waters didn't go so more than likely bit of wee ooops. Cervix is slightly open but not concerning, back tomoz for my pre op x

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