The cool, calm, chilled 2ww thread

Rag you've got to test!!!!!

I'm 5dpo, having af type cramps all day today, had a temp dip this morning (I know it's early for implantation but not impossible). I'm as gassy as anything, probably nothing to do with 2ww it's just me! I've had creamy cm for a few days & I've just felt my boobs & I think their starting to hurt? All signs of af & I am not holding out alot of hope.

Rag.....:test: you are allowed at 5 days late lady!

Im getting low pressure in my belly....could be a trump tho

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hey where are all my chilled bitches today? anyone seen kezzipea?
Negative test this morning - but no AF and feel sick!
6dpo and still chilled

Did dream about needles last night though and woke up in a cold sweat!
Ooo rag what test did you use hun? i hope you just have a shy beanm
Hi ladies,

Can I join you too please? All that lasagne talk has made me rush into kitchen and put one into the oven - I am starving for some!

So according to the fertility calculator calendar I am OD7 so I have ordered some tests today which will hopefully arrive by the weekend... AF is due Tuesday so might try and test on Sunday, with my last baby I managed to get a BFP quite early so you never know :)

I am very very excited and not so calm to be honest - I keep symptom spotting and OH said I snapped at him so much over the last 2 days I was only ever like that with our second pregnancy haha. It is probably just him wishing as well :)

Good luck to everyone! xx
I'm starting to not feel chilled, feel a little impatient! Tempted to POAS early! Please feel free to cyber slap me, I don't want to test before af is due on Monday.

Changes today @ 6dpo, felt nauseas wen chopping raw meat, boobs are defo hurting more now but no different to other cycles. Cervix has been soft & open today.

:slap: hey 2ww buddy dont do it! if you test then i will test and we will both be sad :-(

:sick: at toucing your cervix
:whistle:i am also starting to be unchilled:whistle::oooo: seems like eevryone around me is anouncing they are prego :wall2: i dont know how long i can hold out b4 i test lol i also need a gd slap lol
:slap: dont doooo it! Xxx

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i'm less calm too - the more i wait to start the injections, the less calm I get about it all
i was so chilled last cycle aswel fgs i think maybe its cos its my second go this month to test and i would realy like a xmas baba crazy i know as already have one lol its gonna kill me this month :-/ x

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