The cool, calm, chilled 2ww thread

Not at all calm!!! Af was due today & she's not here yet but giving me lots of pain! Testing in the morning if she hasn't arrived!


gd luck!! hope its gd news for you this month x
today I am 9dpo amd I wanted to test at 10dpo with an early test but since my tests haven't arrived yet (will be two weeks on wednesday since it was posted) ugh I am incredibly annoyed and angry. I wanted to test from day ten and onwards as I feel pregnant but now I can't. I think I will pee in a cup tomorrow morning and safe it and hope the mail gets in (it usually arrives arund 11).
Liz on the 'cool and calm' thread LMAO!!!

Only kidding hun

Liz on the 'cool and calm' thread LMAO!!!

Only kidding hun


Lol just offering up some stalking vibes lol. Not cool or calm in the slightest lol

That did make me smile though lol
13dpo, tummy cramps, massive temp drop, just waiting for her to arrive now...
Im jel, I wish I was in the 2ww..

Well seen that this is only cycle two "I wish I was in the 2ww" we'll see how long this lasts.

I am waiting to OV and if its anything like last month I will be waiting till 31st. I dont have my head screwed on today, I went and had a wash this morning, done a wee in my wee shot glass and forgot to dip my stick in it and ran out the door.. David will be welcomed this morning with a nice shot of morning pee, gross.

So I dont even know if my lines have potentially got darker as I will need to hold my waters till I get in tonight and test. I am itching to use my C+ :D xxxxx
Im jel, I wish I was in the 2ww..

Well seen that this is only cycle two "I wish I was in the 2ww" we'll see how long this lasts.

I am waiting to OV and if its anything like last month I will be waiting till 31st. I dont have my head screwed on today, I went and had a wash this morning, done a wee in my wee shot glass and forgot to dip my stick in it and ran out the door.. David will be welcomed this morning with a nice shot of morning pee, gross.

So I dont even know if my lines have potentially got darker as I will need to hold my waters till I get in tonight and test. I am itching to use my C+ :D xxxxx

lol lol lol i have done that loads of times but after i have tested just forgot to shot it down the loo wen i was done ,fx u get ur + real soon and u can get on it :)

i am so n ot on it at all i did a ic at 9dpo and i swear i can see a line altho the camera wont pick it up so cant show u girls to have a look and i have sickness last few days and lots of wind urrgghhh stomach is bloated i look 6 months pregnant lol i have 1 more test and i want to do it tomoro morning but its calling me from upstairs haha im going to go on a cleaning mission to take my mind off it , this 2ww actualy drives me insane :shock:
Im jel, I wish I was in the 2ww..

Well seen that this is only cycle two "I wish I was in the 2ww" we'll see how long this lasts.

I am waiting to OV and if its anything like last month I will be waiting till 31st. I dont have my head screwed on today, I went and had a wash this morning, done a wee in my wee shot glass and forgot to dip my stick in it and ran out the door.. David will be welcomed this morning with a nice shot of morning pee, gross.

So I dont even know if my lines have potentially got darker as I will need to hold my waters till I get in tonight and test. I am itching to use my C+ :D xxxxx

lol lol lol i have done that loads of times but after i have tested just forgot to shot it down the loo wen i was done ,fx u get ur + real soon and u can get on it :)

i am so n ot on it at all i did a ic at 9dpo and i swear i can see a line altho the camera wont pick it up so cant show u girls to have a look and i have sickness last few days and lots of wind urrgghhh stomach is bloated i look 6 months pregnant lol i have 1 more test and i want to do it tomoro morning but its calling me from upstairs haha im going to go on a cleaning mission to take my mind off it , this 2ww actualy drives me insane :shock:

I hope hes kept it out and not flushed it, he better have thought "hm, there must be a reason that is sitting there" cause if hes left it out I can still dip in that one and check, although I have been testing since CD 10 and they dont seem to be getting any darker but I am due to OV on 31st I think... So Im thinking that maybe today it will have went a bit darker? sorry I hope! cause if the line goes darker I can start using my C+ I dont want to open it and use it willy nilly you see :)
how many times a day do u opk i tend to do it 2 times cos i almost mist my surge a few times if i hadnt have done it later on in the day so now i do it between 10 and 12 and between 6 and 8 usualy or there abouts,99.9 % of the time i ov on day 14 but the odd time its been day 15 gd luck hope its soon for you x and btw mine only start to get dark 2 days b4 my surge is coming and then its only a very faint line x
Well the first time round I peed once a day. Cause I didnt really know any better but this time round I do one in the morning as this is the longest I dont pee for and its convenient for me, then I do a test around 7pm when I get in from work. Some people pee way more often than me but I think I must be the first person to say that I dont get overly excited about catching my pee in a shot glass and dipping sticks into it, but hey each to their own.. I may get worse as the cycles go on who knows or perhaps I will start a bit more when I am not super busy, last cycle was my 21st birthday bash so i done loads for that and that kept me busy so I just peed once a day then this time round I just moved into a new flat for when jellybaby does decide to make an appearance and this cycle round I am having to remind myself to pee twice so maybe its just cause Im really busy...

Just hope Im not waiting toooo long before my BFP, 1-6 months I can handle!
Russell, don't use FMU for opks, unless its a clear blue monitor thing. Always try to use 2nd urine then a night time one, the FMU will give wrong results (as far as I am aware?). Sorry for butting in just wanted to say lol
Oh okay dokey! I found last 2 cycles when I got my "clearly" positive opk was somewhere about 11pm. Was getting darks before it but these were proper positives.

Oh I'm getting on just hunky dory! I pretty much know I'm out this month but keep poas anyway just to pass the time! gives me something to look forward to in the morning! Have posted my 7dpo image in my journal......still nothing to see ha ha.

Just wish Monday would get here, really missing oh so much now, and cant believe it's only Tuesday! Jeez he's only been away since Sunday evening! I'm terrible!

Little one due in from school in about 10 minutes so no doubt she'll keep me on my feet!

So you hopig to get a positive soon and get using that C+? It's really nice, honestly! Do you normally get alot of EWCM? I didn't use any this month cos I had loads of EWCM, so didn't feel the need (well, even though we only DTD once before ovulation grrrr)
one is all it takes, Im living proof of that one!

Yeahhh, my last ones though I took I think one in the morning but then that wasnt right as I didnt OV then the one on CD18 was about... 8pm ish so I thought if I do one in the morning and one at night Im kinda covered? BUTTTT I only took the one on CD18 cause I was having bad OV pains so I thought Ill check, so Im thinking tonight the lines may start to get darker cause theyr not remotely dark! and Im only 5 days away from CD18.

I am itching to use it!! I get EWCM but not as much as I read every one else getting on here.. Like I can feel it if I put my finger in or wipe but I never gets loads on my underwear or anything so I wanted to give myself a boost and you know that way when you have something there you want to use it.. kind of like you with the pregnancy strips - I think if it keeps you busy or keeps you from stressing out then go for it, Im sure your not the first and wont be the last to do it :)

How old is your wee girl again? yeah she'll keep you busy either by being a mad little one like her mum or getting you to do her homework lolol jk xxxx
Hmmm, about 10 dpo and think I might be out this month - just been to the toilet and noticed slight pinky dc, so think AF is on it's way :-(
Thanks jojo, hope it is implantation bleeding but not holding my breath. Guess I will know tomorrow if AF comes, trying not to get my hopes up though as this will be my 1st proper cycle since coming off Cerazette.
aww coming off the pill can realy mess ya cycle up cant it but on the other hand some ladies r right bk to ovulating right away and as they say ur not out till the witch gets ya xx

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