The cool, calm, chilled 2ww thread

hahaha if i have sex dreams they are always with migers like sheldon cooper out of The Big Bang Theory :sick:
Ahhhhh Lynette you're heeeere to cheer me up!!! Some willy talk please if you will!!!!

I'm 10dpo and freaking!!! Not even going into it, but led to me doing a hpt at LUNCHTIME today!!! Am I mental? !!!! (of course bfn!!)

how can you girls be so relaxed? will you all wait with testing until 15dpo? I don't know when i've ovulated (and if I have) which makes me unsure if I am in the 2ww already.
Ahhhhh Lynette you're heeeere to cheer me up!!! Some willy talk please if you will!!!!

I'm 10dpo and freaking!!! Not even going into it, but led to me doing a hpt at LUNCHTIME today!!! Am I mental? !!!! (of course bfn!!)


NAUGHTY FACE! testing at 10dpo tut tut

willy talk you say hmmm, well i have a sore ninny today from too much good cocking last night! why do we seems to have better sex when i am in my 2ww :-( twice in a row!

all of you should make a pact not to test until at LEAST 14 dpo!

less stress
less HPTs wasted
less times weeing in things and overyour hand

come on girls, you can hang in there feed off my chilledness.

I WILL just fill this thread with smut to take your minds off it
how can you girls be so relaxed? will you all wait with testing until 15dpo? I don't know when i've ovulated (and if I have) which makes me unsure if I am in the 2ww already.

i am relaxed coz i have done all i can, i test with opks ( not testing makes me a fucking loon i need control lol ) and bedded at the right time so what will be will be

you cant force the bean in there, but if i could i would climb into my womb and all of your wombs and bury the damned egg myself
I tested 15 dpo ladies, I did freak out the last few days I msut admit....BUT other than that I want cool and calm and chilled!

:blush: i seen you posted nat and thought you had come in to tell me off for being dirty HA

:bum: you did well to hold out frosted shreddy face xx
I think once I'd started this thread and made a promise to myself it was easy !!

I've been there and pee'd on sticks at 11dpo - I just could not face that disappointment anymore!

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I'm gonna be well chilled this month, BUT can't quite join in yet cos not even ovulated yet lol. My LP is only 12-13 days though so I will probably test on day that AF is due, that would be fine wouldn't it? Or still a wee bit early you think? I know the minute I think AF is not going to come i am going to have to test, so don't think I could wait 2-3 days later than AF due date! I'd be well freaking out by that time!
Day AF is due will be fine hun!

Fingers crossed

to be honest, I've not even though that far ahead, like Lynette, I'm just gonna do what I can and see what happens! Probably if I get to like 7, 8, 9...cycles down the line and still nothing then I will probably start going all out and putting everything into it (literally!)
I think being chilled out has so many benefits - but mainly to our own mental health LOL

Also I think you're more likely to conceive if you are stress free and relaxed.

Cycle before last I went OPK mad and we dtd 7 nights in a row (chaffing galore!!)

It wasn't nice, or fun, or loving and when I think back it's not how I wanted to get my BFP !

i only have 3 hpts so im gonna try hold out till at least 13dpo lol i bet i cave at 10dpo i just cant help it arrggggggg maybe if i have none then i cant test lol might try that next month just not buy any if i am not lucky this month that is lol x
I've just checked "my stash" and I only have one FR (not FRER), one asda (same day as AF one) and 30 IC's. I only have one opk left from last cycle also. i might just pee on that on Wednesday evening to get it out the way but not fussed what it says to be honest!

I will only test with ONE IC the day AF is due (unless she is there already) and if nothing will just continue each day with FMU until I either get a faint or I get AF. Either way!
i have only got ics that i got with my opks free i wont use aan expensive one unless i get summet on the cheapie one seems pointless to waste money like that and im such a tight arse when it comes to wasting money lol x
no, that makes sense! I only have the FR and the asda one cos they were left over from last cycle. If this was a couple of cycles ago, they would be well used by now!
good to hear hun, your only a day behind me. how do you feel about this cycle

I'm nervous. I'm excited about getting started next cycle but scared silly

Also as this cycle's going to be about 28 days and they're normally 35-40 I don't really feel like I'm in my 2ww!
i feel EXACTLY the same, excited as hell this cycle BUT i wont be devastated if its another bfn, just gotta keep trying eh

i do have butterflies this whole cycle though i see it like a game, i will win in the end
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Well, we are officially trying, I've bought the opk's just need to get to ov days. Feeling pretty relaxed aobut it too as what will be, will be. As this will be our third, I want to try and keep postive attitude as got gorgeous two already!

If it happens it happens so hopefully when I reach the 2ww I'll keep the same thoughts!:dance:

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