2WW symptom spotting pals needed!!

It means 2 week wait. The wait between ovulation and pregnancy testing.
Hmm, not sure whats going on with me now. OH said i have been right grumpy the last few days and that i am either pregnant or i need to snap out of it, oopsy.
I felt a bit sick last night and still got my odd little cramps going on and the odd pain in my boobs but it could just be af on its way now. Just took a superdrug own test and it was a :bfn: think i am only 11/12DPO's so not sure if it was to early for that brand or if i am just out this out month. Just a waiting game now i suppose.
know how you feel puzzle!! I've been having symptoms but got a :bfn:...haven't had the heart to do another.

When are you testing again?

Don't think i will be testing again, looks like the :witch: has got me, early again too. Don't know what's going on with my body anymore and starting to worry something is wrong wiv one us.
Just some brown when i wipe at the mo. Not due on until friday at the earliest or sunday so definately early.
Hang in there Puzzle, as it's early could be IB (without trying to get your hopes up)
Got everything crossed for you X
So am I!!! 6 months of trying and another :bfn: and af. What are we doing wrong??

We're not doing anything wrong - but our bodies are wanting to test how much we really want this!

My mum scared me at the weekend by telling me it was my turn to have twins - my Aunt was a twin but the twin didn't survive - so she said none of her brothers and sisters had twins (and there are 7 of them) so it must be my turn! I don't know how she figured that one out though!!!

I just think that my body is getting itself ready properly to have twins!! haha!! could you imagine that! It would be the best thing ever!
So sorry for you flopsy bunny :-( I have that 'what am I doing wrong' feeling everytime. Let's hope you hosting the June thread brings you good luck :-)
Thanks Bonney, Thanks Binzy. It's good to know that there is support and other people who know what I'm talking about!

Your theory about our bodies testing us is good Bonny. Hopefully you are just getting all geared up for twins, or maybe take it up a notch for triplets? :wink:

Oh, well, show must go on. OH gets the results from his fertility test in 12 days (yes I am sad enough to count the days). I'm a bit worried about what they will say tbh...

Thanks again girlies!

I'll be thinking of you hunni for the next 12 days,
It must be awful to know that you are going to find out if there is something potentially stopping you from getting PG

Fingers crossed that his results are good x x x
Flopsybunny, your doctors must be really good to get tests already after 6 months. Good luck with it all hope that everything goes ok. x

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