IF.....wait until she shows hunny. A positive attitude is only ever good sweetheart and you WILL get your bfp before Christmasxxxxxxxxx
Yes you never know until AF but I agree with you, you got have creative fun when making your special bun. Hahaha I'm laughing at the awful rhyme, in a funny mood which beats the hellish mood I've been in last week. xx
Hi hun. I had the urge today & used a 10ml & it was bfn. I have no hope whats so ever for a bfp this month
Rooting for you hunni ( hugs ) xx
lol thanks lisey, me and stairs dont mix im always falling down the last couple, but when i did it properly last year it was top to bottom, worst thing was i was 2 days before my engagement party and DH had to take me to A & E...they said i had broken some ribs but i wasnt convinced it wasnt my back as thats where it felt more like.
so when are you testing mext as i see from ur ticker its tomorrow? xxxx
At least she had the good grace not to keep you waiting....although a bigto the