The cool, calm, chilled 2ww thread

Not so cool calm or relaxed today- in a foul mood, just want the next week to fly by and feel sick (from eating 4 sausage rolls when I got home not pg symptom!!!!) and wisdom tooth giving me hassle too!!!

Poo poo poo poo poo.

Please may I have some lovely happy vibes to get me out of my shitty Thursday wish it was Friday mood?!
V nearly Friday now Hun so hope you get that Friday feeling! I've had a super busy day do not had a chance to think about 2ww really. Off to sleep now as I've got an early start x

Hey gilrls! Well iv been really cool and calm.....until now!

I thought i OV CD12/13 but on CD22 I got lots and lots of EWCM so done a OPK and it was a good line, thought "Thats weird" and put it down to getting my days wrong and that im OV late?! Well for 4 days now iv had good lines on my OPK tests and had more EWC today??

So i am now lost and far away from Calm Street!

What do you all think, i know i should just test but to scared...if i did OV on cd12/13 then AF is due Friday/Saturday? HELP! LOL x
Do an HPT - perhaps you are already pregnant??? You can get positive OPKs when you are pregnant remember!
Or perhaps you ovulated twice this month.... or you geared up to ovulate on CD12/13 but for whatever reason it was delayed and you surged again later?

Sorry, what I've actually done there is given you a whole heap of posibilities rather than narrowed it down lol sorry!

I think if it were me I would do an HPT just to see. did you get a positive OPK on CD12? And how have your temps been? x
wow this thread's still going - I'll have to rejoin it! 2dpo and starting ICSI on day 2 of my next cycle so half excited about new steps and half hoping sod's law means we've actually caught this month...don't think I'll be chilled and cool next month!!!
I'm 3 dpo today, feeling pretty chilled. Af is due nxt Sunday & already thinking about her showing up!

Bit bummed- every month, around cd 28 (8dpo) I get a bit of pinky/browny cm and every month I kid myself it's implantation and it's not. Well I just got my little bit of pinky cm and this month instead of being excited I'm the opposite!! Now I know AF must surely be here on time in exactly one week. Just like every other month!!!

Booooooo to pinky cm!!!!
here i am again for the second time this month im going to try and stay as cool as i possibly can,bit gutted my c+ didnt arrive on time for this month tho :-( but im hoping i wont need it next month :-), so the 2 ww starts again xxx
I am now 2dpo and have decided to stay chilled out with my 2ww. No point getting myself worked up as this is my 1st proper cycle since coming off Cerazette and I'm not really sure when my next AF is due. It would be amazing if I've caught so soon, but secretly I am more than a little bit excited and apprehensive. I didn't ovulate till 19 days into my cycle so it was quite late, I really hope that doesn't mean I have a short luteal phase........
im hheerrrreee and i am chillaxed to the max! for now lol

6dpo and a little bit of sore booblies and thats it ladies, and a mad dream about zombies last night if that counts!
im hheerrrreee and i am chillaxed to the max! for now lol

6dpo and a little bit of sore booblies and thats it ladies, and a mad dream about zombies last night if that counts!

According to your ticker it does!!

:yay: i am fungry ( fucking hungry ) what can i eat hmmmmm
:yay: i am fungry ( fucking hungry ) what can i eat hmmmmm

I am starved too!

Had my granary toast for breakkie but debating what to eat.

I may have a jacket potato with cheese and beans? Or else a portion of lasagne

I work about 2 minutes away from Whitecross Street which is a just a street full of vans selling food (so you have Thai, Turkish, Italian, Brazalian, Indian, Salad bars, jacket spud vans, German, Spanish, South African etc...)

I only allow myself to go down there once a week!

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awww i would be down there all the time lol!!! i fancy stew and dumps
good to hear hun, your only a day behind me. how do you feel about this cycle
lol does ur oh play that mad zombie game on xbox/playstation hehe last month i didnt have any symptoms af r prego ones was a bit weired cos my boobs usualy hurt like mad from about dpo 5 ish, i think my body is just playing with me every month it drives me nuts but i swear this month i am gonna be chilled i mean it lol x
lol no he doesnt i did watch the walking dead on friday tho?? maybe it was that
haha yes that could be it i often have naughty dreams about twilight edward cos i am a avid twilight fan and he is just so god dam sexy hehe

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