~*~* September Mummies 2017 - The Final Hurdle! *~*~

Thanks for the reassurance :) x

Elfs, have a lazy day tomorrow, well as much as you can! We have a recliner sofa which is great for swelling, put your feet up and try and relax abit lol.

Lol I actually shaved everything today Ffo, it was difficult but I did it!
You could try and epilator? I didn't have to shave for a few weeks when I did it first time, I just cant face doing it on my vajayjay :shock: barely have to shave ,you legs after using it only twice!
Hope your cat is ok, what's wrong with him/her? X

I can manage my legs but the bikini line is getting dicey! I use a mirror at the moment and go by feel, but I'm struggling to reach..

Kitty threw up a few days ago but it wasn't a fur ball. She was then sneezing lots of goop, not eating and not wanting attention or purring which is unsual because she's pretty affectionate. Took her to the vet and she gave some anti biotics and took a full blood panel to rule out any infections or pancreatitis. She's a little better bit still behaving a little out of sorts. Hoping it's just a bug and she'll be better soon :( It's actually her birthday today - she's 9 :O
Get your OH to help you next time lol. I also buy sensitive razors with 3 or more blades, they are amazing!

Is your cat an outdoors cat? There's a disease going around at the moment apparently which is caught through sex... hope she's ok and it's just a cold or something. X
Get your OH to help you next time lol. I also buy sensitive razors with 3 or more blades, they are amazing!

Is your cat an outdoors cat? There's a disease going around at the moment apparently which is caught through sex... hope she's ok and it's just a cold or something. X

I use venus spa breeze as they're the only ones I've ever tried that haven't ruined my skin, but OH won't go near me with them because he's afraid of hurting me. He uses an electric one for his face because he's scared of blades, the ninny :P

She's an indoor cat, always has been. No interaction with other animals either. Thanks :) x
Shaving, what is that? :lol: I gave up with it, I'll do a trim of me bits just before due date, and I do a leg shave every fortnight but beyond that I'm not arsed. Obviously do my pits though, would be unpleasant otherwise :shock:

Keep us updated on your kitty ffo, sounds like herpes virus or calcivirus, quite common for them to get it even when they're vaccinated against it.

The intercourse disease is feline leukemia and is always present in the cat population which is why it's super important to neuter cats and vaccinate outdoor babies. Despite the name, it's not the same as cancerous leukemia but it is very serious. Sorry, bit of a cat freak here :blush:

Lmao. I need to shave! I feel nasty otherwise and I pee myself when I laugh or cough sometimes heh so need nothing there otherwise I'll smell of pee until I can shower lol.

Yeah my male cat got that disease... :( he was vaccinated and had the snip as soon as he was old enough. We didn't let him out for the first year but he really wanted to, so we let him and he always came back by 9 and then came to bed with us. We saw him one day out the bedroom window sneak up on another cat and try to have hanky panky!! aha. Anyways one day he came back and could barely breathe so we took him in and the did all the tests and they said he needs to be put down cos he has this disease. Was so heart breaking.
We have a female cat now, shes not been done yet but I don't wanna let her out ever now. My husband says we should because she sits and meows at the door for hours... she's not a smart cat either and she likes to hunt so will have lots of dead things in the garden lol x
Sorry to hear about your cat PB :( she's meowing to go out cus she hasn't been done, so do get her done before letting her roam. Mine are all innies, they're all too stupid to go out! I show them too, so can't risk them disappearing for days on end right before show day. Can imagine me roaming the neighbourhood, me arse sticking out a bush trying to find them :lol:

All my cats have been indoor cats and my partners cats are indoor cats
But with a pen outside.
The heat can do one ! I'm swollen hot and sore with a grumpy 12 month old who's hot and teething. Mw appointment tomorrow and I cba xx
I just like to moan :) I'm trying not to moan to anyone as all I get is you chose to have number three.
Oh well. My partner is in my good books as he's just booked us tickets to see the girls in it's closing week so I'm thrilled as I love it !
The heat is proper pants. Got back from the nursery run this evening and we all got in the nud and lay in front of the fans. It was amazing! Home stretch now ladies, we can do this!

The heat didn't bother me the other week, but I am struggling today. Need to keep a towel near to wipe my face :( it's nasty lol.
I cba with anything either...
I keep getting period pains from this morning... had a really painful one I had to sit down for and let it pass, BH? It was in my lower back this morning to.
It could be braxton hicks, as I was told by some other ladies on here when I was getting period like aches in my pelvis and upper thighs.
It only last a few hours though and wasn't all day every day, so if it's still there tomorrow could you ask the midwife?

I've been getting sharp twinges in my vagina that go up into the pelvis, and make me stop and go OW or take a big breath. They're happening more often now and tonight I'm super uncomfortable in my lower pelvis. The doctor said it could be because baby is head down quite low in the pelvis and may be nudging...?
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Sounds like BH, they can get very intense as you go along for some women. Mine get really bad and have sent me into false labour a few times, but my cousin didn't have them at all. Very jealous of all these head down babies :(

I'm really chuffed though, hubby has 3 more evening shifts at work and then no more! He starts his new job on the 17th, so we're using next week to sort the flat out properly and then he'll be home every evening! Can flipping wait

Yay for hubby! I'm so jealous... my OH works shift work which includes a evenings and night shifts. Boo!

Anyone else been having some seriously graphic and upsetting dreams lately?!

I know it's probably a mixture of the heat plus being in pain with my back and unable to get comfortable throughout the night and needing to pee every 2 hours, but jeez.
Oo how exciting Kumber :) be a great help aswell once you have 3!!

Mine has been head down since about 25 weeks, I feel like she's trying to escape today, fanny daggers!! Lol been very active the last 2 days, it's a nice change aha.
Yes about the dreams, I dreamt I gave birth last night and everyone was looking at my minge :blush: but hubby wasn't there but there was no pain and I just pushed and she was here lol.

My hubby has been away for 2 weeks :( he came back last Saturday but had to go again. He's finally back tonight! Xx
I was having dreams previously but now sleep is just a black hole of nothing, it's amazing. Had some awful dreams previously that have left me in tears. I reckon it is hormones.

PB your dream has me chuckling :lol:

I'm getting a new sofa tomorrooooooow, no more of hubby's large arse taking up room on my sofa :dance:

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I keep having really violent or graphic dreams, usually involving dying or people trying to get me. I usually get these when I'm stressed out for too long etc, but I'm starting to dream of me being pregnant while these things are happening so it's even harder to shake in the morning.

Not gonna go into detail because it's quite upsetting, but this morning for example I dreamt a nuke got dropped on London and I was trying to out run the radiation... O.o

Also, whenever I move for too long or carry anything more than a couple of items when going shopping my bump hurts?
Those dreams sound really distressing, I get the same sort of type when anxiety or stress flairs and it's awful. I really feel for you lovely :hugs: do you ever find it helpful to write them down and put them in the bin to kind of get rid of them? It helps me but it's not for everyone.

I'm getting bump hurt too, it's unpleasant. We almost need modified wheely zimmer frames to rest the bump on!


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