~*~* September Mummies 2017 - The Final Hurdle! *~*~

31 weeks yesterday...it's flying! getting excited now although we have lots and lots of things to still get for them! please tell me I'm not that only one so unprepared?! Xx
Completely unprepared here, still need to get all the baby clothes out of my mom's attic and get them washed and my hospital bag packed

32 weeks yesterday! Although all the furniture is built and 99% of the clothes etc are bought, I've still got to paint the nursery (and flat!) arrange everything, wash everything, and pack hospital bags.
I've been super organised but I've hit a wall until the nursery is painted as I can't go through everything and sort it out!
Another unprepared one here! Today we started getting our bathroom done as it was terrible so we are without a shower for about two weeks. I am dreading it but I keep telling myself it will be worth it when we have a nice bathroom for Junior rather than the mess it is that we moved into. Also I have two weeks left and then finish school so my maternity leave will start (although officially starts 1st September!) Cannot wait and hope then to be able to get the house and nursery in order. Junior's kicks and kicks have been a bit more ferocious today and one even made my lanyard bounce! Love it!
That's so cute misskth, I bet it was funny to see! I miss having a shower, we only have a bath and I hate it. Hope the two weeks goes super quick for you!

Quick questioooon -

When packing the hospital bag for baby, do I need to pack a bottle and/or formula incase of can't/don't want to breastfeed, or does the hospital always provide this?

Also, for those second+ time mums, I've seen a lot about using aloe vera/witch hazel on maternity pads post vaginal delivery - is this just pure aloe gel and pure witch hazel, or is there a specific type of product to use?
Check with your hospital, some will provide it and some won't. They may recommend you bring your own even if they have theirs.

I can't help with the second as I've used neither, I've been lucky so far and only had 1 tear so will be looking out for tips too

I love the kicks I'm getting full body parts sticking out this time !
Hospital bags ladies when are you packing yours ? I'm 32 weeks tomorrow my son was 37 weeks and daughter 38 so probably should start now xx
I can't really figure out what body parts are what, apart from when he sticks what I believe to be his bum out! But I'm getting lots of mini raves where everything is just going crazy - arms, feet, elbows!

I'm just over 32 weeks and starting to get things for the bags ready. Want them packed by the end of the month!
Ffo, if you can't/decide not to I think the hosp gives you a few bottles but you need to get your own after that.

My hospital bag is packed lol, didn't know what size baby clothes so got 4 lots of newborn and 4 lots of 0-3. Probably forgot some stuff buy a have a few weeks to remember aha.

Mine also goes crazy sometimes, feels like she's grew wings and flapping them around lol. She's starting to hurt now when she pokes out. My 34 week scan and appointments are next week, cant wait I wanna know how big she is now. 5lbs at 30/31 weeks lol. X
Wow PB! She could be a big baby!

I haven't felt baby move much since about 10pm last night... I felt one kick this morning but not the usual movement I get when I sit still/sit back for a while and he starts wiggling around. Tried a soda, tried lunch, tried jiggling my tummy but not really getting anything.

How long typically do we wait until we contact the midwife?
(He'll probably start moving in about 3 minutes after I type this!)
You're meant to go in if he's 'out of pattern' straight away. I'd give your MW a call now, they'll probably tell you to come in and be monitored x
I spoke to the midwife triage unit and she said come in. As soon as she said that I felt a kick. I told her that and she said to monitor how he goes for the next hour or two to see if there are more kicks but if it still doesn't feel right to go in.
I went for a short walk and had a sugary lucozade sport drink and I've felt him move now. They're not as strong as he sometimes does but I think he might be lying in a different position.

I think I'll give it a little while longer as he is moving now and tends to get more active in the evening anyway, to see if he follows that routine tonight.
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I spoke to the midwife triage unit and she said come in. As soon as she said that I felt a kick. I told her that and she said to monitor how he goes for the next hour or two to see if there are more kicks but if it still doesn't feel right to go in.
I went for a short walk and had a sugary lucozade sport drink and I've felt him move now. They're not as strong as he sometimes does but I think he might be lying in a different position.

I think I'll give it a little while longer as he is moving now and tends to get more active in the evening anyway, to see if he follows that routine tonight.

So I caved and went in to triage anyway. I tried everything to get him to move with no results, so I went in. All I was getting were very faint rolling movements, but no wriggling or kicking.

Needless to say as soon as the monitor was attached to my stomach he was kicking away! The print out of the machine was described as "textbook" perfect and I was released after being there for only 45 minutes or so.

At least I can go to bed and have that be one less thing I have to worry about :)
Glad everything is ok. It's better to put your mind at rest than keep worrying :) x
Idk lol. BP is above normal, baby not been that active today... don't want to be kept in, so leaving it a little while.
Having trouble moving around just feel weak and can't breathe :/

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