~*~* September Mummies 2017 - The Final Hurdle! *~*~

Yes! bump zimmer frames! I find I walk and hold it up, but that a support belt doesn't help more than it just presses into my stomach and baby gets annoyed with it!

I can usually shake off the bad dreams as I've always suffered with them whenever I get stressed or upset for a long period of time (for example as a kid dealing with family issues I always had recurring dreams where I'd get shot. Bizarre). I find I wake up and go yeah okay and it's out of my head by the time I've had breakfast. But I guess because I've now started dreaming that I have a bump during these horrible situations it's a lot more impactful.. that and hormones lol

I bet a shrink would have a field day with me at the moment :D
There are these physio tape things you can get, might be worth a google?

Totally hearing you there with all of that. I've just had my last therapy appointment and I could see that she was going noooooo don't leave! The mind is an odd place isn't it.

Bah sorry everyone, I must have missed the notification that there had been a post so I hadn't logged on thinking no one was chatting! Off to catch up :)
What team are you misskth, I realised I hadn't updated the page with your colour

Such awful weather it's way to hot I feel constantly sick and we can't get our room any cooler than 38 ! I'm going to sleep on the floor in Charlie's room to be tonight as I've not slept for two days now xx
Such awful weather it's way to hot I feel constantly sick and we can't get our room any cooler than 38 ! I'm going to sleep on the floor in Charlie's room to be tonight as I've not slept for two days now xx

It's horrible. I may go live in the bath filled with ice water.
I also bought stuff to make smoothies.
You'll be pleased to hear it's supposed to be getting cooler! Although I'm not sure how long for.. Haha.

Ffo - what have you got for your smoothies? I make banana, strawberry and raspberry ones with goats milk (when I can be bothered) not very healthy I don't think but they taste gorgeous.

Also i know it might sound crazy but my fella always used to get nightmares and I put up a dream catcher and it actually works, he has bad dreams when we sleep elsewhere, I don't know if it's like a placebo thing but might be worth a go if they upset you.

We haven't got long now ladies... I think I'm reminding myself here! :) xx
How have I got another tummy bug??? This will be my second one in 5 weeks, and I'm doing horrid sulphur burps. Had to call hubby back from work 3 hours after he went in, nearly chucked up outside of nursery. Really fed up of being unwell now :(

Kumber you're really not having much luck! Damn those nurseries - I bet it's something the little ones are bringing home. I was always getting tummy bugs when working with children!

I find that lavender and chamomile sachets under the pillow work for relaxing / sleeping, CGI. It's probably more the heat and feeling a little fed up with being pregnant and not being able to get comfortable though!
I also just used frozen fruit and fresh apple juice tbh. I could try and make them healthier with almond/hazelnut milk but it takes forever for me to get the right consistency/sweetness and I'm too hot!

I also bought some fresh squeezed lemonade that I can imagine has lots of sugar in it. Oops
I don't even know where it's come from as boys seem fine atm. Hoping it's just me affected as will make life easier.

Great idea with the lavender and camomile, do you use dried sachets? I might try this myself

Kumber I also seemed to pick up everything in my last pregnancy yet everyone else was fine xx
Yeah I'm big into witchcraft and herbs ha. I used dried herbs for sachets under the pillow and also put them in the bath for a herbal bath. I find lavender and chamomile in the bath actually works as well as a Valium at relaxing :P
Also an amethyst crystal or any stone associated with absorbing negativity works too.
I'm not big on dream catchers as I'm not Native American and kinda don't agree with the appropriation of some of its practices in the western world, but I know a lot of people swear by them.
I have an amethyst cluster and put it under my pillow, I have never had a worse sleep in my life :lol: I was so paranoid about it being broken that I couldn't lie down properly! I've got some tumble stones to use now which might help, might chuck in some rose quartz too.

I'm on a bed rest day today, 13 hours of sleep and still feel like I could sleep all day. I could really use some Netflix recommendations please

lol Kumber! Clusters aren't comfortable to sleep on! Tumble stones are so much better. Could even put them inside your pillow case (under the pillow part) to stop them falling and getting lost, or under the mattress if they're small :)

Yay bed day. Anything Marvel on Netflix is really good, if you're into superheroes. Orange is the New Black! Gilmore Girls. American Horror Story.

I've just seen that they've added The Breakfast Club on Netflix omg

What kind of things are you in to?
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I'm often like that - I have what I think are great ideas until I follow them through and it all goes wrong :lol:

I've found a Korean programme I watched ages ago so am binge watching it again.

Netflix wise, I like a mixture of things. Loved The Crown, loved Making a Murderer and that one about the dead nun. Not mad keen on the Marvel series but that's cus I don't like the characters themselves. I'm an X-men girl through and through, have been since childhood, so the spin offs don't tend to engage me. I'm so fussy, I've tried all of your suggestions and I can't take to them at all :wall2: I think I need my head checked :lol:

Nah you just like different kinds of things.
Have you watched Luthor? or Sherlock? How to Get Away with Murder? They might be more your thing?
Nope, none of those interest me I'm afraid. We're watching Rise of the Planet of the Apes for like the 50 millionth time :dance:

Haha sometimes it's the way to go; rewatching a favourite for the millionth time.
I'm wondering if me being poorly yesterday was because baby was flipping to head down. I didn't have any sickness, just a bit of a bad tummy, horrendous wind and those horrid eggy burps. I've kept 3 meals and snacks down today and the burps and wind have completely stopped. Worried now that I've jinxed myself and I'll be horribly unwell tonight now.

I remember with DS2 I was in agony for 3 hours, had horrendous runs and then was fine. I expected it to be the same this time but maybe getting 13 hours sleep last night staved it off?


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