~*~* September Mummies 2017 - The Final Hurdle! *~*~

Anyone else still here? My due date today had slight period pains nothing major. Reckon she'll be about 5 days late.
Happy due date lovely, hope baby doesn't keep you hanging around long. Have you had any other signs?

Hope baby makes an appearance soon. Lots of September babies kept us waiting xx
Hi All

Well I survived! Lol, a bit of a traumatic experience tbh and one I wasn't expecting but we're both home safe now and she is absolutely amazing, I'm so in love!

I will definitely update you all with my story once I've had plenty of cuddles with my girl and I've recovered!

Congratulations CGI. I had quite a traumatic time both during the first stage of labour and the two weeks following too which is why I haven't been very active here :(

Good luck B8, hope it's not too much more of a wait for you!
Hello to all the September mummies, i have been a lurker since i found out i was due September 8th with a baby boy, ive thoroughly enjoyed reading how all the pregnancies have progressed and at last meeting your little miracles, i ended up developing pre eclampsia and HELLPS blood pressure 235/140 so he was delivered within hours on July 12th at 31wks 5days weighing 2lbs 12oz , he spent 45 days in SCBU but he's home now and doing very well at 8lbs 2oz at 11wks old
I do wished i had introduced myself earlier but i really did think i had plenty time x
Gosh what a worry, thank goodness you're both ok!

Congratulations CGI. I had quite a traumatic time both during the first stage of labour and the two weeks following too which is why I haven't been very active here :(

Good luck B8, hope it's not too much more of a wait for you!

I hope you are getting on all right now! I've had a traumatic time too being readmitted to hospital with urinary sepsis and 40C fever :( I had nasty thoughts while being treated but okey now. The whole stay ruined my breastfeeding routine cause I was toping up with formula while at the hospital unable to breastfeed and now feels like I dont have enough and have to use formula for a few feeds a day :(
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Sorry to hear you were so poorly Agnessa, I'm glad you're ok now. To increase your supply, put baby on at the start of each feed and then top up with a bottle of necessary. The more you put baby on the breast, the more your supply will increase. Before 8-12 weeks the body automatically makes extra milk as the hormones don't know if mumma has multiples to feed, so now is the best time to take advantage of the body making extra before your supply regulates

Congratulations on the baby news :)
Agnessa 24 hours in bed with baby skin to skin lots of yummy snacks and decent dvds to watch let baby feed as often at the breast and your supply will soon be back xx
Hi mummies! Long time no speak, I hope you're all doing great with your babies, have just caught up. I disappeared off the face of the earth long before I was due as my hyperemesis was completely out of control and I spent the majority of my pregnancy in hospital on a drip/drugs to stay alive and had no access to phone/internet.

Aurora arrived on her due date, 10th September, safe and well. She's doing great, me not so much. I had such a horrendous pregnancy that I don't think I prepared myself enough at all for birth and my experience with the hospital was terrible, have since been diagnosed with PTSD due to the miscarriages, HG and traumatic birth experience combined which has left me a total mess and unable to control anything down below as well.
Congratulations on your baby Claire. Sorry to hear how horrible your pregnancy was and after! But glad baby is here safe and sound :) x

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