~*~* September Mummies 2017 - The Final Hurdle! *~*~

Hi Blueberry! :)

Does having an anterior placenta mean you carry differently / feels different then? My placenta is anterior and although I'm now feeling movement like crazy, my bump is all in the front too and feels super heavy sometimes. Sometimes while walking it feels like it's gonna fall off... :P
My bump is so low this little monkey is diving in and out of my pelvis! My little man started walking on Saturday and turned one on Monday I can't believe my baby will soon be a big brother. He's going through a sleep regression at the moment so it's very hard. Mw wants to see me next week but I don't really want to see her as I'm quite happy not ! Will reply more later but I've been found hiding !!
Awh well done big brother! Hopefully he gets through the sleep regression soon.

The kiddo is already head down and has been since about 25 weeks! I can feel him hiccup in my cervix and back passage it's so bizarre! Sometimes he does twist so he's more sideways which is incredibly painful but thankfully it's not often.
Glad you ladies are doing well :)

Honestly don't know how you ladies are dealing with being pregnant and having a baby/toddler to look after. I'm on the sofa most days not being able to move.. although I've been told I'm anemic which could be contributing to it but still :oooo:

Mines only had the hiccups twice! Is that normal lol? She loves to be in my hip, hurts to walk sometimes lol. I have around 8 weeks to go :shock: I don't think they'll let me go past my due date now! The end is in sight!! X
PB - so close for you! Baby gets the hiccups maybe once or twice a day - usually first thing in the morning and in the evening. Usually go away after a drink and a quick jiggle or change of position. I dunno if that's normal but feels like a lot!

I couldn't imagine having a toddler as well right now you guys are superheroes. I've even started taking it personally when the kitty knocks things on the floor because I just can't pick them up anymore hah.

We also can't agree on names right now. Why are boys names so damn hard!!
Eek pb better get that hospital bag sorted !!
I'm finding it easier than any of my two previous pregnancies so far I don't really have time to think about being pregnant. I've found having the routine with the baby really useful. I need to start thinking hospital bag but will probably start at 34 weeks we have a few bits that are new for baby but will pull out my lb tiny baby stuff just in case this baby is little. A year ago today I bought my tiny little boy home he weighed 6lbs 10pz on discharge he now weighs 23lbs !! Can't believe I'm doing it again already x
Awh Elfs - Happy birthday to the little one!

I've started making a list of what to put in the hospital bag for myself and baby. I'll probably pack it towards the end of July.

I've gone through all the baby stuff today and pretty much sorted up until 3 months but by then it'll be Christmas time and I'm hoping the grandparents will spoil the little one with clothes! Just gotta paint the whole apartment and organise the nursery now, and pick up last minute bits like creams and toiletries etc.

It's getting so close I'm 31 weeks on Saturday whattttttt
Had reduced movements yesterday so they're sending me for a scan I'm not worried as baby can be quiet I went to get checked as I got told of for leaving it before c
Hope baby is ok Elfs and belated happy birthday to your LO

Baby's wriggling so all fine :)
Today's my I'm actually heavily pregnant and it hurts day. Went to good wood festival of speed only lasted four hours as my hip gave up on me and my feet swelled up.
Anyway here's an omg I'm pregnant bump picture


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Feeling that too! Lovely bump Elfs.

Can you believe our babies will be here in less than three months?!

Hey all :wave:

We're in Tri3 already!! I can't really believe we're on the home stretch its going so quickly.

Lovely bump pic Elfs, FFO your scan pics are super cute :)

I am so excited it's just ridiculous.. you all sound so organised, I still have quite a bit to do but I've decided to finish work at 37 weeks. How long do you all have left? Hopefully I'll have time to fill up the freezer, clean the house, shop for final bits and get some sleep in before the arrival, if baby arrives when due that is. My hips are so painful I can't get comfy or get much sleep, is anyone having the same problem? x
We're getting so close! Can you check your due date on the main page please chicken, and let me know what team you are please so I can update?

Are you looking forward to starting mat leave? I'm a SAHM so there's no difference for me, will still be doing nursery runs right up to due date. Need to get the car into the garage to turn off the airbag soon.

Yes, sore hips here with SPD. Have you tried sleeping with a pillow between your legs?

Hi all,

I am due 4th october (but secretly hoping for Sept as I have a clear calendar in Sept with no birthdays :)) so I thought I woul have a nosey and say hello! Scary to think I enter Tri 3 this week, we lost our last baby at 12 weeks so this is our rainbow baby and I think every day has brought a worry, can't help but feel paranoid but reading everyone in here and the Oct mummys thread helps as the little fears I have others do too so it isn't me just 'being me'

Good luck to you all with your pregnancies and impending births :) lots of lovely little ones coming along :) xx
Everyone seems to have disappeared from September mummies!

I think I'm definitely gonna be an August mum, don't think they'll let me go past my due date now and hoping I'll be induced early still :)
Still be in here though xx
I'm really looking forward to it, counting the days :dance: I wish I could be a SAHM, my dream job.. i'm going to treasure every day I have on maternity :) I didn't know anything about SPD until you mentioned it and had a quick google so thank you! i'm so glad it's an actual thing and not just me moaning ;) Pillows don't seem to work at all, I've resorted to sleeping sitting up last night but its still painful, I bet it's worse if you already have lil babes to look after as well as the bump! Going to see the midwife tomorrow so i'll feedback any tips! xx

Due on the 2nd and we're team :pink:
Hi CGI & Flick!

My annual leave officially started on Friday (mat leave starts 31st July) but I've been off since 24th May with back pain, so I know how you feel with the sleeping issue.

I'm trying to be super organised with getting things done - next big thing is painting the nursery and the flat, which is now the bf's responsibility to get done in the next few weeks.

31 week appointment with the GP tomorrow morning and currently melting in the flat because even though it's only about 23 degrees, our flat makes it about 28 degrees!
Welcome Flick, I'll add you to our list. What team is your bump lovely? Totally feel you with the worries, this is #3 for me so I've been able to force myself to relax. Every niggle and pain still makes me panic though!

Yes PB, stick with us. I had to give up with August mummies as I just couldn't keep up, I was reading but no time to reply. I'd love to go early with this baby, would much prefer an August baby with how school entries would fall.

CG1, thanks chuck. I'll update you on the list now. If not SPD it may possibly be sciatica? Let us know what mw says anyhow. I'm super lucky to be a SAHM, it's hard work but very rewarding.

FFO, get yourself some fans and sit in your undies!!


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