~*~* September Mummies 2017 - The Final Hurdle! *~*~

Guys I'm a whale :)
31+2 today


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Nice bump ffo :)
Every one keeps saying I'm huge to ... but my bump is measuring 1 week smaller lol x
Thought I'd add to the bump pics. I'm measuring 4 weeks ahead but mw isn't concerned.

I have three more weeks till the Summer break then back for one more after the holidays (hopefully).

I cannot wait for the break. I swell up so much after work.

I'm having my shower this weekend because everyone is away over summer. So exited to get everything we need after the shower.

Has anyone else got a shower planned? x


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Nice bump pemsy:) very cute and neat

I don't know what I'm measuring at to be honest. I have an appointment tomorrow so I may find out then I guess?

Bump is so big it makes my boobs look so small! I'm a 36c-38d usually lol
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My boobs are huge. I lost 4 stone about 3 years ago and lost a lot of my boobs too which didn't bother me as I was always chesty. They seem to have come back since I got pregnant (luckily I kept some old bras) x
My boobs fluctuate with my weight too.. I always wished for big boobs when I was younger, as a teen I was an A/B cup, but now I wish I was back to a B!
Lol I was a size A cup before I got fat, then was an average B... I wear c cups now im.preg but there a little to big but B is too tight lol. I wish I had bigger boobs! Lmao x
Beautiful bumps ladies.
I'm a sahm need this baby to be a September baby so I can have two school years between the youngest two. It also means an older baby. Had a growth scan today baby is already weighing 3lbs 14oz but has very long legs so that upped the weight guess I was told not to worry and baby will just be long.
My bf wants this to be a September baby too because of the school cut off point - but I'm not really bothered having taught children and seen a wide range of birthdays and they're all been amazing :)

Awh a leggy baby! Maybe they'll grow up to rule the basketball world with their tallness :O
How exciting will it be when people start to announce their babies x
Had my 31 week appointment with the GP today. Uterus is measuring at 32, baby is head down but not engaged and everything else was perfect.
Been having to take some co codamol though every now and again (half a dose with normal paracetamol) because of my back taking a toll...

There's an information evening tomorrow at my hospital that I have no idea what information but I'll be going to tomorrow. Has anyone had tours of the labour ward or anything yet? I'm starting to realise that I'm so unprepared when it comes to labour!
Beautiful bumps ladies.

My boobs are bordering on a D/E and I'm only 5ft! They're horribly saggy too, ohh the joys! I'll be glad when they go back to a C!

Pemsy, can you give me your due date and your team colour please so I can update the front page?

Ffo, glad all went well! I didn't do a tour of my hospital but I know lots of mums do.

I'm feeling so pissed off and fed up. Baby is breech like DS2, except he didn't turn until 40 weeks despite me trying everything to get him turning. I've now convinced myself that this baby will be the same and the pain of it is vile. Coupled with rhetoric weather and SPD pain, and friends problems, and cat issues, I'm feeling really, really shit. Blehh. Is it September yet??

Hey Kumber

I'm team yellow and due 13th september x
Beautiful bumps ladies.

My boobs are bordering on a D/E and I'm only 5ft! They're horribly saggy too, ohh the joys! I'll be glad when they go back to a C!

Pemsy, can you give me your due date and your team colour please so I can update the front page?

Ffo, glad all went well! I didn't do a tour of my hospital but I know lots of mums do.

I'm feeling so pissed off and fed up. Baby is breech like DS2, except he didn't turn until 40 weeks despite me trying everything to get him turning. I've now convinced myself that this baby will be the same and the pain of it is vile. Coupled with rhetoric weather and SPD pain, and friends problems, and cat issues, I'm feeling really, really shit. Blehh. Is it September yet??

Oh Kumber :( I can sympathise with being in pain and wanting it to be september.. on top of it, bf is away tonight on training and the kitty is poorly for which I'm awaiting blood test results.
As the GP said to me today - we're pretty much in the home stretch and we can get through it x
Sorry your having a hard time ladies :(
I'm actually finding pregnancy pretty easy atm, my skin is even glowing! Hasn't looked this great in years heh. I.just hate getting comfy at night and then waking up feeling groggy lol.
8 weeks until my due date and 5 weeks if they're still considering inducing me. Getting so excited!
I had tea at 6 but considering ordering a Chinese :oooo: feel like I've not ate! Anyone else getting very hungry?! It says on my preg app I should be gaining 1lbs a week... I haven't gained in 2 months, and only gained 14 lbs all together, I'm loosing weight from everywhere but my belly! Should I bring this up at my appointment? X
I wouldn't worry pb I lost weight in my last pregnancy but I've more than made up for it this time ! As long as baby is happy and healthy i wouldn't be concerned.
My ankles and legs are so swollen tonight it's so painful I'm struggling to bend my legs. It's my own fault though as oh got pissed of that in not on top of the housework so I've vacuumed the stairs, tidied the lounge, cleaned the bathroom and cleaned out the hamster. So I've probably over done it but I still want to sort some more of our room out as we'll need to get the crib out the loft beginning of August so our room needs to be sorted xx
Pemsy, thanks, updated for you chick :)

FFO, I hope your cat's bloods come back ok. That's such a worry for you, when will you know results? You're right, we can do this!

PB, weight loss is fine as long as baby is well :)

Elfs, you poor love. I really feel for you, swollen ankles are just horrid :( I would have told oh he knows where the hoover is and bloody do it himself! No wonder I drive him bonkers :lol: I hope those feet are up now, lady!

If it wasn't for the back pain I'd be breezing through the pregnancy I think, PB!
You're so close!

Kumber, I should get the results by lunchtime tomorrow. She's better than she was, but still out of sorts. Bf thinks it's some kind of infection, but she's an indoor cat so no idea where she's picked anything up!

Elfs, I just soaked my feet in ice water because they swell and burn after a hot/long day. Feels amazing until I take them out.

Anyone else miss their vagina?! I managed up until this week to shave my legs and bikini line efficiently but now I think I'm screwed :( I hate having stubbly legs etc. Don't want to go in to labour looking like a wookie either!
Thanks for the reassurance :) x

Elfs, have a lazy day tomorrow, well as much as you can! We have a recliner sofa which is great for swelling, put your feet up and try and relax abit lol.

Lol I actually shaved everything today Ffo, it was difficult but I did it!
You could try and epilator? I didn't have to shave for a few weeks when I did it first time, I just cant face doing it on my vajayjay :shock: barely have to shave ,you legs after using it only twice!
Hope your cat is ok, what's wrong with him/her? X

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