~*~* September Mummies 2017 - The Final Hurdle! *~*~

We have been afflicted with a 24 bug! I've been in so much pain today and tummy has been gurgling all over the show, this evening I just went boom. Poor baby must be horribly uncomfortable in there with all the cramping but he's been quite gentle on me, bless him

Thanks ffo. Not doing too great, am gutted as it's my eldest's birthday and I'm fit for nothing. I've had to ask my mom to take him into nursery for me :(

:( hopefully you'll feel better by the weekend when you can do something special (and it's gonna be cooler too!)
Afternoon ladies, I'm slowly on the mend. Had to bath one of the cats this morning and it's done me in, probably should have waited until tomorrow but hey ho. Cancelled mw appt yesterday as couldn't physically move so today is a huge improvement.

How are you all ladies?

We had our random private reassurance/gender scan today and kiddo is definitely a boy!

He was very stubborn and had his arm over his face and refused to move it. When I coughed to encourage him to move he pulled a crying face but then eventually gave what looked like a smile!

He is one very cute squishy kiddo and I'm so excited to meet him


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Ohh he's adorable, what a little pickle! Eeeeeep we're so close to meeting our babies ladies!!!

Yay welcome over misskth! How are you keeping?

30 weeks today!
Only 70 days to go now :O

How's everyone doing now the weather had cooled down?
Eeeeeep your single figure countdown begins!

Loving that the weather is colder, still needing to use the fan periodically but at least it's not constant! How are you faring up ffo?

Our flat is still super humid so I'm still best friends with the fan. The kitty and I just pretty much lie around on the bed all day in front of it!
Feeling more back pain the last few days so sleeping hasn't been easy, but I think it's because I've been on my feet a bit. Also my toes are starting to swell at the end of the day :(

Super nervous about labour and breastfeeding because I have no idea!
I know it's easier said than done but try not to panic, instinct takes over for labour and you'll have support for breastfeeding afterwards. Bfing can take some time to grasp, so don't worry over it - if it happens, it happens, if it doesn't, it doesn't.

You're right about the instinct thing, from everything I've heard. I'm not panicked about it so much as unsure. Unsure about what's going to happen. When I don't understand something I get a little anxious about it lol

I've watched birthing videos on Youtube etc and they've helped :)
Ahh I'm with you, sorry I misunderstood. Is there anyway those of us who have been through it before can help or reassure?

I'm not sure honestly lol
I have a birthing class booked for July 29th and I'm gonna go to a hospital kind of open evening thing on Wednesday so maybe that'll help clear things up a little!
Oh my goodness, realised as I logged on this morning that I hadn't yet written in the third trimester thread.
I think...my baby brain is seriously struggling recently. I had an appointment at the hospital for my antenatal and she told me I was 29 weeks. I was like...no I'm not. She was like...yep you are!
Felt shocked that I'd lost a week and slightly embarrased at how rubbish I must have seemed.
But when I left, the more I thought about it...I did know. I'd even written how many weeks I had left on our little chalkboard photo frame. Duhh.

So apologies if I have in fact already written and introduced myself on here. Hi again!
30 weeks on Saturday (pretty sure haha)
I feel big now and heavy. I think the anterior placenta is making things feel different to last time.
Very heavy frontally and hard. Still not sure if I'm carrying differently either. I'm mostly bump apart from the
Weight I've put on around my hips.

Still team yellow. Proud of myself!

Feeling mega exhausted though as my 1 year old still doesn't sleep well at night...or at all.
But plodding along. slowly.
How are you all? how. Any weeks is everyone now? Xx
Time is flying in, isn't it! Can't believe how quick the weeks are going. Welcome back to tri 3 anyway chuck! Well done with team yellow, good for you, I feel for you with anterior placenta - I found it really hard with DS2.

30 weeks for me tomorrow, only just had 28 week mw appt today as I was poorly last week. Massive bruise from bloods, yuck yuck yuck. Hubby starts a new job in a couple of weeks which will change our entire routine which I don't relish being so close to popping. Bye bye cheeky lie ins! It's a far better job and more sociable hours for family time together, plus they've let him have 2 weeks paternity (unpaid) which I'm not complaining about. It'll just be interesting shifting into a whole new routine and then 6 weeks later going into another new routine once baby is here!

Little monkey is breech like DS2 so I hope to flip he wriggles around soon, I do not want to get to 40 weeks and have him turn! That was bloody awful.


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