~*~* September Mummies 2017 - The Final Hurdle! *~*~

I'm ok still so itchy. Have a 4d scan today never had one before but I'm really looking forward to it.
Have you been check for OC with your itch Elfs Mummy? Is it just in your bump and legs or is it your hands and feet too?

Ah good luck at your 4D scan :)

I've booked a gender/wellbeing scan for Thursday as we never got to see it on the screen and I feel that 20 weeks is a long wait between a scan and the birth! I'm hoping this will help motivate me in the last 10 weeks, because I'm really really struggling with depression right now :(
Post a pic elfs! I really want one but hubby won't let me :( doesn't wanna ruin the surprise of what she looks like. Suppose its fair cos I got to chose finding out the gender :p hope all goes well. Anyone else.having one?

Awh ffo I hope a scan will make you feel better! Have you spoken with your midwife about feeling depressed? X
So worth it. Still team yellow and baby is the spitting image of his/her brother and sister


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Awh elfs - all cute and smooshy!

PB - not yet. At my 28 week appointment it felt a little rushed and my 31 week is with a Gp I've ever met so I'll see how that goes. I'm struggling with everything. i feel so alone and so guilty that I'm not enjoying being pregnant. And absolutely terrified for post natal depression and feeling like a bad mother.
Love the pic Elfs Mummy, glad all is well

Ohh ffo, please don't best yourself up. I had antenatal depression with ds2, and am now getting psychotherapy for anxiety, stress and borderline depression, and I constantly worry about being a bad mum but I have to remind myself that they are safe, loved, fed, clothed, and cared for so that makes me a good mum. Some days I get frustrated and lose my temper, and that's ok. We're only human and we're going through a lot. You will be a brilliant mum, I'm sure of it. You always come across as so gentle and kind

Love the pic Elfs Mummy, glad all is well

Ohh ffo, please don't best yourself up. I had antenatal depression with ds2, and am now getting psychotherapy for anxiety, stress and borderline depression, and I constantly worry about being a bad mum but I have to remind myself that they are safe, loved, fed, clothed, and cared for so that makes me a good mum. Some days I get frustrated and lose my temper, and that's ok. We're only human and we're going through a lot. You will be a brilliant mum, I'm sure of it. You always come across as so gentle and kind

This was really sweet, thank you.
And you're totally right of course :hugs:
I had a proper baby cry last night about it being so hot, I'm so fed up of being sweaty, uncomfortable, exhausted, beached whale :cry: What sort of moron gets pregnant 3 summers out of 4?! Me! Never again. Never, ever, ever again. Ever. :wall2:

And to add insult to injury, both boys are obsessed with climbing on me and giving me lots of cuddles. Lovely, but not in this weather!!!

Awh Kumber!
I had a whole day the other day just sitting on my own sobbing - not just about being hot but everything imaginable. I feel for you x

My feet, toes and fingers have started to swell a little last night, assuming because of the heat?
Yep, that's the heat. It's beautiful isn't it :fib:

I think sometimes we just need a bloody good cry and then all is better. These pesky bloody hormones cause chaos

I'm hoping it cools down soon it's currently 31 in the shade here hate to think what direct sun is like. Oh wait I'm about to do the school run :(
Oh elfs :( I'm sat in my mums garden in the shade (because believe it or not it's cooler than my flat!) as the bf has gone to the beach with his buddies for the day and they have an enormous paddling pool that I can't go in because I don't have any swim wear :(
Feeling for both of you ladies. I've collapsed into bed after being up most of the night with a poorly toddler and poorly hubby. Soooooo much sick :cry: hoping tonight is better and cooler!

Just hold out for it being about 10 degrees cooler (in London) on Friday!
Awh kumber! Doesn't sound nice. Hopefully they're feeling better and can have some sleep x

I'm doing OK with the heat tbh, I feel sick now and then but otherwise I'm fine. I did notice I'm burning more easily which I read is caused by pregnancy. My legs are sore never had burnt legs before in my life and wasn't even sat out to long. Hope it cools down for you ladies struggling! X

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