~*~* September Mummies 2017 - The Final Hurdle! *~*~

I think the protein and ketones need to be very high, as in ++++, and need to be over a significant period, for them to be worried. It sounds like she's just being cautious more than anything, so fingers crossed your next wee is clear.

DREADING the 28 week bloods, my veins are nightmares so it's always painful and I always bruise.

I think the protein and ketones need to be very high, as in ++++, and need to be over a significant period, for them to be worried. It sounds like she's just being cautious more than anything, so fingers crossed your next wee is clear.

DREADING the 28 week bloods, my veins are nightmares so it's always painful and I always bruise.

Yeah, I think my glucose was ++ but the ketones and protein were only +.

Bloods suuuuuck. I'm hoping 28 weeks was the last one?!
He won't get any so will take 10 days holiday instead.
Just make sure to up your fluid and hopefully all will be fine. Coco pops will give a high glucose reading my friend had one high reading and it was on the day she had coco pops for breakfast.
In other news I'm officially in tri 3 !!!
Ah good to know, Elfs! I usually try to drink lots of water because even before pregnancy I get very easily and very badly dehydrated if I don't, but I think last night I only had maybe 250ml throughout the night which is nothing! I usually have 2 bottles during the night..

Congrats on Tri 3!
I'm 28 weeks on Saturday and I'm counting that as the start of Tri 3 officially :)
27 weeks today and officially in tri 3, woohoo!! The countdown begins :dance:

Going to pick up all the baby stuff from the attic today, need to arrange for the garage to switch off my passenger airbag at some point, probably once baby is here. Can't wait to get the teeny newborn bits out, get them washed and hospital bag packed!

Yay Kumber!

What is everyone's opinion on washing new baby clothes before wearing? I don't want to open them all beforehand in case they're not used...
Yay on tri 3 ladies :)

I'm also gonna pack my bag soon kumber, idk what the he'll goes in. I have slippers and wipes in there atm aha! Back in hospital for reduced movement again :/ so wanna have it ready. Do you think I'll need a dressing gown in August/early September?

Ffo - I've washed all mine just because I'm weird with germs and stuff dunno who's been touching it. But I think it's up to you. X
You'll definitely use it, don't worry!! You'll change their clothes a couple of times a day in the first 3-4 months between sick and poonamis.

I always forget something from my bag, I'm flipping get useless :wall2: I wouldn't have thought you'd need a dressing gown, but I guess it depends on how much you like to be covered up? I get so hot and just whip everything else, I'm beyond caring after giving birth :lol:

Hoping your movement is all ok, it's such an enormous worry when it happens a lot. Keep on top of them, they should be inducing or c-sectioning you well before 40 weeks if you're having lots of episodes of reduced movement. I'm keeping everything crossed baby is ok in there :hugs:

My cord tie arrived today :) starting to feel so real x
For some reason I can't upload the picture. Basically it's a tie used instead if a plastic clip I've got a beautiful one with an elephant and a heart xx
Ohh that's really different and it sounds really lovely to have a memento like that

Is it normal for the slight nausea I had in the first trimester to be back?

Every now and again I get like really hot and breathless and feel like I'm going to be sick and have to lie down. It's been happening more frequently in the last week or so, along with random bouts of upset tummy :(
I belong in here now! Trimester 3...wow. can't believe it Xx

Yay! Welcome to tri 3 lovely, can you check your due date on the front page please, and let me know what team you are :)

Is it normal for the slight nausea I had in the first trimester to be back?

Every now and again I get like really hot and breathless and feel like I'm going to be sick and have to lie down. It's been happening more frequently in the last week or so, along with random bouts of upset tummy :(

Could it be Braxton Hicks?

Is it normal for the slight nausea I had in the first trimester to be back?

Every now and again I get like really hot and breathless and feel like I'm going to be sick and have to lie down. It's been happening more frequently in the last week or so, along with random bouts of upset tummy :(

Could it be Braxton Hicks?


It's not accompanied by any pain at the time though, or cramps etc. Feels similar to being hungover, similar to how I felt in the first tri (I never threw up in first tri just had slight evening nausea). The only difference is random bouts of diarrhoea for the last week or so, once or twice a day.
Ohh gosh, I have no idea then. Could it be due to the weather? Or BP? I didn't feel sick in any of my trip 3s so I don't know if it comes back or not

I have been having some cramps on and off, that feel like period aches more than anything and the midwife looked confused when I told her on Wednesday. This evening though I've been having cramps and feel sick, but they don't feel like period cramps ...
I'm trying to ignore them and hope they go away to be honest, as I can feel baby still moving and kicking and trying to ascertain if they are braxton hicks :/

I'm also getting this feeling like I'm gonna pee myself hah
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